The point about Trump's absurd statements.
They pour out of him like he was a fire hose of idiotic lies.
I heard some fact checking on his remarks continually made about Ukraine. He has claimed that the USA has given both $500Bn and $350Bn. Leaving aside the massive difference between these announced figures, the actual fact is that the USA has so far given $120Bn - nothing like what the Orange Buffoon claims.
He has suggested that Europe has given little. In FACT, Europe has given more than the USA. It has given $142Bn in aid. Yes some of it is in very long term loans 30% of it, but so has the USA given part of its $120Bn in loans (18%). None of this though gets away from Trumps preposterous lies. The USA has given neither $500Bn nor $350Bn.
The man is a sociopath. Every time he open his mouth he spouts lies - an avalanche of them.
The first two months of his tenure have led to world wide instability and chaos.
I'd say - 'we ain't seen nothin yet'. He still has about 45 months more to create chaos and ruination.