The article says in pub gardens. I am for it.Ministers plan to introduce ban on outdoor smoking.
Is there any limit to the desire of politicians to turn everyone into a zombie slave who behaves exactly as they would like?
Let me be clear - i HATE smoking. I think it is a horrible habit that killed a lot of my older relatives, and blighted their lives with terrible health. I HATE it.
But - how far will governments go in restricting our freedom to do what we like? Whether I hate outdoor smoking or any smoking is not the point. If people are free beings, they should be able to do what they like as long as it does not harm other people. There are good arguments to ban indoor smoking in public places. It effects other people. No one should be forced to sit in a pub, restaurant, or railway carriage, breathing stinking tobacco smoke. That situation does not apply outdoors.
It is my view that many politicians will stop at nothing to impose their own views and morals on everyone else. In Scotland, you can end up in court for using the wrong pronoun in describing a man who wants to be a woman.
This tendency should be resisted by every means possible, before we all become slaves to their intrusive 'do-gooder-ism' and prissy moral codes.
Outdoor smoking ban at pubs being considered, says PM
Health experts welcome plans but some pub owners and hospitality bosses warn of economic
:56 seconds to 1minute 40 of the video.
If you were the mayor of London, what would you do to reduce the pollution?:56 seconds to 1minute 40 of the video.
5 micro grams of micro particulates per cubic meter is the max safe level
Street pollution level is 6ug (six micro grams).
Tube level as high as 176 ug!!!
Oh dear - big fail for Mr Khan. Take the tube rather than drive for clean air -
No Thanks. You are exposed to 35 times the safe level of micro air pollutant particulate dust. It must be like an old fashioned coal mine down there. Pneumoconiosis clinic here we come.
I think that had Khan been a Conservative mayor, you might have been jumping up and down that he was encouraging more people to abandon the clean air they breath when using surface transport 6ug per Metr cubed, and plunging them into the grimy depths of a very polluted and probably dangerous environment where the air contains 176 ug per cubic metre - up to 35 times the small particulate pollution levels that are said to be maximum safe levels.If you were the mayor of London, what would you do to reduce the pollution?
Get rid of the tube?
The TFL spokeswoman said the levels were within safety limits. What rot! One scene in that video showed a train advancing through a cloud of dust that looked like a Saharan dust storm. Go and look at the video - 1 minute forty. Clouds of dust shown in the headlights of the train.One comment was "they scrapped the tunnel cleaning train a decade ago"