Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
You and me were born not long after WW2.

Our father and uncles and mothers were in the forces or making armaments.

Nationalism was pretty much the same thing as patriotism.

Both are seen as highly suspect these days and not just by the very young.

These days we are supposed to be ashamed of our history. We bear a collective guilt in the eyes of many, over things that happened here hundreds of years ago. We should even, according to some, pay reparations to people who are descended from people who were enslaved, and who had their lands invaded. Where does this nonsense stop? I enslaved nobody, and will take a very dim view of any government paying out cash to compensate people who were neither enslaved themselves nor had their land expropriated.

The only slaves we have now are the poor women trafficked and abused and sold by Albanian villains. Paradoxically, this stuff is on the rise and big time, but the people most shouting about the evils of nationalism and how we must all feel shame, are the same ones who want nothing done to impede anyone who wants to come here to swim or paddle across the sea to get here. Worse still, they want the borders opened up completely so they can get on a ferry instead of using a tractor tyre or a canoe. Since in 2022 or was it 2023 a third of the irregular arrivals were Young Albanian men, many of whom are now happily integrated into brothel management and the slavery of women, I doubt this policy will contribute to the overall good.

I'd be better off spending my time talking to my grand daughter about fairies and unicorns than writing here. She is keen to understand the world as it really is, even though right now she hasn't quite got everything right.

Her brother and her go to a Catholic school and are having their heads filled with some funny ideas. The other day, I was talking to Paddy who is now eight and we were talking about how the solar system formed and all the stars in our galaxy. I told him how it all formed out of gas clouds and dust and he said, but how did God do that..... So I thought, don't lie to the lad, tell him what you think, and I said, well Paddy, not everyone believes in God, and I don't either. He looked at me sternly - really - sternly and he said, 'Grandpa - that kind of talk will land you up in Hell.'
Wrong answer. God created the gas clouds and the dust and provided the mechanism for them to come together. God also created the big bang. First, there was nothing and then there was light. Light is energy out of which all matter was created. E- MC squared.

Haven't you ever wondered what if it's true that God is watching you, and depending on your actions and beliefs, you either go up or down? I think about this a lot, then I make a decision tree. If I go in the direction of believing, what is the downside if I'm wrong, then I ask the question again if I go in the direction of not believing, then I think about how far I need to go to convice the possible God that I'm doning enough to satisfy the rules that would enable me to have a good life after death. It's very complicated, so, like all difficult situations, I like to keep all options open for the best results. Can you imagine it is as they suggest: You died and found yourself walking up to some steps to the pearly gates. When you get there, St Peter is waiting with his clipboard. "I've looked up and down the invitation list twice, but I can't see your name on it. I'm afraid you have to go back down the steps as far as they go." So you go down and all your friends are there drinking coffee while watching a really good rock band play, and beautiful women everywhere are seductively mingling as they serve the coffee. The only thing is that everybody is up to their waists in shite. You say to yourself that it's actually not that bad down here. The smell's bad, but the dancing girls are nice. Then the devil comes on stage and shouts, "Coffe break over, back on your heads".


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
He didn't know any. Judging by what he writes he is about twenty and has been propagandised by hard left teachers and lecturers.

When we were young we thought to be brainwashed you had to be captured by the Vietcong and kept in a stinking hole with bamboo bars over the top and needed to be starved and beaten and screamed at. Then, somehow you turned and hated your country and your countrymen. Now that isn't done any more. You go to school and then do humanities stuff at university and it all just happens.

Or watch the BBC!
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Jul 27, 2021
To fix the skills shortage in this country's workforce, the magic money tree should be shaken long and hard to make all training and education free of charge, instead of pushing house prices ever higher to such ridiculous levels and lining the pockets of the financial services industry. It's a better solution in the long run, but results won't be evident within the 5 year period in time for the next election.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
The shortage of housing is wilfully implemented by the tories to push up house price.
Incompetent dogmatism more like. Your remark deliberately ignores the fact that the problem predates the period of their time in government. I first started writing about this in the early 2000s when house prices began galloping away from the easy reach of ordinary people. When I bought my first house in 1975, I easily managed to get a mortgage on my own with the house costing almost exactly three times my annual, graduate starting salary. That same house would now cost 8 times the starting salary of someone in my profession. It was clear in the early years of this century that rapid population growth and a truly hopeless planning system was preventing large scale building that would be needed to house the population.

What I do blame the Tories for in this area of policy is their dogmatic refusal to consider a mass house building programme that we need to address the problem. They also presided over one of the very greatest intakes of foreign nationals for settlement last year that we have ever seen - 610,000. That is a growth the size of Birmingham every two years. Who can build the equivalent housing of our second largest city every two years?

Of course as long ago as 2009, the New Labour apparatchik Andrew Neather let slip that his movement had 'a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the UK Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural'.


Jul 27, 2021
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
"Those few who remember those dark times are rapidly passing into the annals of history. And today I hear people talk of “taking our country back”, of “putting ‘our country’ first”, of “immigrants coming over here and taking our jobs”, of “strong and stable leadership”, oblivious it seems, to the fact that it was these same slogans which led to rise of the tyrannies which plunged mankind into the abyss eighty years ago. "

That's true, but some people would argue that if the immigrants hadn't come and taken the jobs, then there wouldn't have been anything to fight over. It works both ways.

When I try to solve difficult problems, I look for the causal factors - in particular, I look for the root cause. The first and best chance of solving the problem is to eliminate the root cause. If you can't eliminate it or any other factors then mitigate them. As each cause gets mitigated or eliminated, the overall problem is reduced even if it can't be completely solved.

I don't see any of that happening with the unrest we have. Can anybody name a single action that anybody has done on any of the three sides to reduce the dissatisfaction of the agrieved. It seems to me that some people are stoking the fire by adding in new causes all the time until breaking point is reached. In my mind, whoever is controlling it has unrest and breaking point as their goal.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
the goal is ww3 or civil war :p


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
  • Patriotism is a love for one’s country and a willingness to defend it against enemies.
  • Nationalism is an extreme form of patriotism that emphasizes the superiority of one’s country over all others.
  • Nationalism can lead to aggressive foreign policies and conflict, whereas patriotism fosters unity and constructive criticism within a nation.
I copied that from google. We have probably all taught to be patriotic from school days but some of us choose nativism later in life.
Thata's just playing with words. The words and their meanings keep changing depending on who's using them and what they're trying to prove.

I don't know what communist handbook you've been reading, but this is the Oxford Dictionary definition:
identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.


Jul 27, 2021
It seems to me that some people are stoking the fire by adding in new causes all the time until breaking point is reached. In my mind, whoever is controlling it has unrest and breaking point as their goal.
If your mind breaks, who's fault is it?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Wrong answer. God created the gas clouds and the dust and provided the mechanism for them to come together. God also created the big bang. First, there was nothing and then there was light. Light is energy out of which all matter was created. E- MC squared.

Haven't you ever wondered what if it's true that God is watching you, and depending on your actions and beliefs, you either go up or down? I think about this a lot, then I make a decision tree. If I go in the direction of believing, what is the downside if I'm wrong, then I ask the question again if I go in the direction of not believing, then I think about how far I need to go to convice the possible God that I'm doning enough to satisfy the rules that would enable me to have a good life after death. It's very complicated, so, like all difficult situations, I like to keep all options open for the best results. Can you imagine it is as they suggest: You died and found yourself walking up to some steps to the pearly gates. When you get there, St Peter is waiting with his clipboard. "I've looked up and down the invitation list twice, but I can't see your name on it. I'm afraid you have to go back down the steps as far as they go." So you go down and all your friends are there drinking coffee while watching a really good rock band play, and beautiful women everywhere are seductively mingling as they serve the coffee. The only thing is that everybody is up to their waists in shite. You say to yourself that it's actually not that bad down here. The smell's bad, but the dancing girls are nice. Then the devil comes on stage and shouts, "Coffe break over, back on your heads".
That really made me laugh - especially the end bit - though I have heard that joke before - about fifty years ago. :) Still the old ones are often the best.

I was brought up as a Catholic, so I was well versed in all the arguments and ideas surrounding that culture. It was when I got into learning about galaxies and the universe - cosmology really that I stopped taking my upbringing belief system seriously. As I started to get a grasp on the truly awesome size and extent of the observable universe - which by the way seems to get larger by a factor of ten about every five years that I could no longer hold the idea of a creator as a serious position. I won't offend you by arguing about it with you. Of course you must think what you wish.

This photograph from the jams Webb Telescope shows thousands of very distant galaxies ina field of view about the width of a very small pea held at arms length. The area pointed at is almost empty of stars from our own galaxy so almost all of these smudges (except the ones with bright rays coming of them) are distant galaxies each one containing billions of individual stars. Imagine how many galaxies James Webb Telescope could see if it were to survey the whole sky.



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Incompetent dogmatism more like. Your remark deliberately ignores the fact that the problem predates the period of their time in government. I first started writing about this in the early 2000s when house prices began galloping away from the easy reach of ordinary people. When I bought my first house in 1975, I easily managed to get a mortgage on my own with the house costing almost exactly three times my annual, graduate starting salary. That same house would now cost 8 times the starting salary of someone in my profession. It was clear in the early years of this century that rapid population growth and a truly hopeless planning system was preventing large scale building that would be needed to house the population.

What I do blame the Tories for in this area of policy is their dogmatic refusal to consider a mass house building programme that we need to address the problem. They also presided over one of the very greatest intakes of foreign nationals for settlement last year that we have ever seen - 610,000. That is a growth the size of Birmingham every two years. Who can build the equivalent housing of our second largest city every two years?

Of course as long ago as 2009, the New Labour apparatchik Andrew Neather let slip that his movement had 'a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the UK Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural'.
The policy started with Thatcher in 1979. I did not know then that the tories identified home owners as most likely tory voters. It's only when I first heard the word jerrymandering in W1 that I understood MT's strategy.
As most home owners, I was pleased to see my house going up in value.
Later, I began to see that my house went up in price but not in value. Numerous undesirable consequences appeared: inflation, transport, pollution, wages, overwork, etc. Now it turns out that as a country, we are so broke that we can't afford to reverse what was done. What if house price crashes? All we can do is to build enough to stabilise the current situation.
Imagine if house price inflation were only half of what it has been. Trillions of pounds woud be spent investing elswhere instead of going into banks.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

it is a debt based money system /ponzi scheme just you are born in to it.

tho it is so far gone in debt it can never be paid back so its only a matter of time now and that will be the great reset with digital ids tracked 247 there new controllable cbdc climate lockdowns no cars everything running off electric :p
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
What if house price crashes? All we can do is to build enough to stabilise the current situation.
This is the greatest problem we have in the UK and it is one which causes huge amounts of concern and misery to many.I have often asked myself why no politician seems to notice that the problem is housing supply restriction and rapid population growth fed deliberately by political policy. The answer is that they do see the problem and that there are clear reasons why they all continue to lie to us and do nothing about the issue.

They do not build more houses (like Macmillan did after the war when 300,000 houses a year were completed for a period of years, because if they did, house prices and rents would fall rapidly and there would be a very strong voter backlash from home owners in particular. All governments know this, so they make sure they don't do it. A man who has paid £400,000 for a house will NEVER vote again for the party which reduces the resale value of his house to £200,000.

The reason they all continue desperately to drag in as many people as possible through migration, they also keep secret from us. It is that the whole of our social and health care system is a giant ponzi scheme and without a constant supply of new investors (tax payers) the government finance will collapse. Of course like all Ponzi schemes once the new investors start to expect their own pay out, it all falls apart.Just ask Berny Maddhoff the New York financier who stole billions and lost all of it in his giant ponzi scheme. There were no investments. He just took all the new money invested and paid it out to the earlier investors who were delighted and recruited more new investors. This is how many of our pension schemes work.

We have been paying out far far too many benefits to far far too many people. the only way this can be done is to keep packing the country until we are all like rats in a barrel - jammed in shoulder to shoulder. Then it will fall over, but of course the people who engineered all this will be gone by then.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
they built 2 2bed houses up the road and been empty for nearly 2 years now as no one wants the 14kw heat pump :eek:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Imagine if house price inflation were only half of what it has been. Trillions of pounds woud be spent investing elswhere instead of going into banks.
But you are the one who has been for days arguing that more migration is a good thing. Why do you think the ridiculous inflation in house prices and rents has been happening if not from adding about 11 million people to the UK population since 1995 when we did not build anything like enough dwellings.

That IS the official Data.

Read this post by Flecc from yesterday -

I don't know about elsewhere, but in London a sizeable proportion of the population are living illegally accommodated:

Houses illegally converted to overcrowded multi occupation.

Garages converted into disguised flats.

Sheds converted to disguised flats.

In old shipping containers.

In deserted old commercial premises with hidden entrances.

As multi occupation squatters in unoccupied investment properties.

In caravans and vans parked in drives, gardens and yards.

And in question is the size of the population. Officially it's 8.9 million, but the GLC say 9.1 million, a hopelessly low increase for the deliberate underdeclaring to receive a 25% discount off council tax for single occupants.

And of course London, like all major capital cities, suffers sprawl well beyond its boundaries, The GLC and the EU both regard the true London as a supercity of 13.1 millions, which is almost 20% of the population of the UK, and almost 25% of the official population of England.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
I am very much against fake news, but I am puzzled about how exactly a woman taken in by a posting online who shares it on her account (maybe twitter) and adds the comment: "If this is true, all hell is going to break loose". can be arrested.

No way can that be legal. IF and I stress IF the account given in the Metro is all the story, she has not advocated violence at all, She simply expressed an opinion and qualified it with "If this is true."

Free speech and discussion is not to be given up lightly.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Thata's just playing with words. The words and their meanings keep changing depending on who's using them and what they're trying to prove.

I don't know what communist handbook you've been reading, but this is the Oxford Dictionary definition:
identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
I was going to cite wikipedia but I just remember that you don't like them much. What I am saying is we are all patriotic to whether the country you are born in or have chosen to build your life in. In the latter case, you are patriotic to more than one country. Nationalism on the other hand is politically understood to be akin to nativism, the policy of protecting only the interests of native-born inhabitants.