Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Also, regarding the blocking of the immigration bill, six Democrats voted against it. If they had voted for it, the result would have been 49-44 in favour. Why did they vote against it? Anyway, they didn't need a bill, they could have appropriated the money from anywhere to finish the wall, like Trump had to, if they were serious.
I take it that you are talking about the $118 billion bill?
if it is, then the vote was 50 to 49 in the senate.
There were some complex reasoning why Schumer and Bernie Sanders voted with the Reps.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
On cue, an"enhanced" video, that claims to show a 2nd pew pew on a nearby water tower has surfaced.
RIP for man in crowd and 2 others hit.
That's all been debunked. They know where every bullet landed and you can trace their trajectory back to the same location where Crooks was. Also, there's video of the security services up on the roof afterwards discussing what happened. It's clear that there was no other shooter at Trump, but it's still to be determined who shot Crooks:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
"Signs of two gases in clouds of Venus could indicate life, scientists say

Separate teams find evidence of phosphine and ammonia, potential biomarkers on planet whose surface reaches 450C"
Apparently there is a little problem with the existence of venusians, called the Perfect Gas law. This law, not theory, shows the correlation between temperature, pressure and volume.

Earth-like pressure & temp only exist at great altitude and even though the gas of life, co2, is abundant. No-one knows how long this will last with no people, industry or cows to maintain it! :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
"Mangrove Trees Are on the Move, Taking the Tropics with Them

As the climate warms, mangroves are migrating farther poleward, transforming the coast as they go"

"Up to 35% of mangrove areas have been lost since the 1980s (Curnick et al. 2019), mainly owing to *overexploitation of their resources and land conversion for aquaculture, agriculture and urban coastal developments* (Valiela et al. 2001; Upadhyay et al. 2002; Ellison 2008).
Sounds like a man-made problem to me? :cool:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
I have a good imagination, and I'm pretty good at connecting information. I can see a narrative developing:

  • Israel seems to have it in for Iran
  • Trump is an Israel supporter, and so is/are whoever the puppeteer/s behind Biden.
  • Before the Trump rally, the intelligence services notified the security service that there was a credible threat to Trump. Iran was implicated.
  • Crooks had three encrypted bank accounts in foreign country/ies.
Here we go then. They find that one of the bank accounts is linked to Iran. They probably find some evidence that an Iranian guy was communicating with Crooks. QED. The bloody Iranians organised it all. Trump, his supporters, the Americans and everybody else wants revenge. As soon as Trump gets elected, they start a war with Iran.

The truth: Trump's USA enemies need a story to distract people from looking at them, so they put everything in place and people swallow it. Even the anti-Trump press and MSM run with the story because they're under the control of Trump's enemies. The reality is that Trump's USA enemies groomed Crooks and organised everything for him to facilitate his success, then they took him out to stop him from talking. They set up the bank accounts and used one of their Iranian guys to send him a few messages of encouragement. It's so simple.

Let's see if I'm right. We might not ever get the truth, but we'll know when we see the war with Iran. They should give me a job in intelligence, because I could come up with some much better cover stories than that.

This is similar to the successful but fake Covid 19 narrative, where they managed to shift the blame onto the Wuhan lab, when it was them (whoever they are) who made the virus and released it at the MIlitary Games in autumn 2019. They paid the Wuhan lab to do the research that they'd already done, probably in Ukraine, so that when the virus appeared in the wet market, even the Chinese probably believed that they'd leaked it, never mind everybody else in the world.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
"High-altitude floating PV has energy payback time of 2.8 years"

Do they not have stormy weather in alpine areas?
solar farm float fire.jpg
Japan solar farm catches fire


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
"Fats from thin air: Startup makes butter using CO2 and water"

not butter.jpg


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Crooks had three encrypted bank accounts in foreign country
these things can be fairly easily fabricated. The technique is widely known, it's called simulated mobile phone towers. A perpetrator doesn't even have to be in the room, only needs the phone to be switched on. He can then push a whole new content/history into the phone. The only reliable records are from the phone companies. Unfortunately, that does not cover web traffic.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
"Research by Friends of the Earth found 1.7 million children under five and 4.3 million older people are at high risk of developing heat-related illness as record extreme summer temperatures become more common across the UK."

"the conclusion of a 2015 epidemiological study of deaths in 13 countries in The Lancet, which found that cold-related deaths in the U.S. were about a factor of fifteen higher than heat-related deaths. "


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
cold-related deaths in the U.S. were about a factor of fifteen higher than heat-related deaths.
those numbers are from a country that has effective remedies against hot and cold weather.
If you look at where the majority of vulnerable people live (eg South Asia, Sub-Sahara), extreme hot weather represents a much stronger threat.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
those numbers are from a country that has effective remedies against hot and cold.
If you look at where the majority of vulnerable people live, extreme hot weather represents a much stronger threat.
Would those be the countries which are seeing their human population exploding out of control? Ethiopia maybe?

Almost forty years ago I remember Michael Buerk presenting a dreadful spectacle of horrible famine from there - a desert region on the edge of the Sahara. Back then the land could not support the population which had outgrown the productivity of the dry land and its periodic droughts which match up with El Ninio and La Ninia in the eastern Pacific. Then there were 39 million people in the country. Now, 39 years later the population there is 126.5 million, more than three times as great.

Pardon me for NOT shedding a tear for what happens there now. They have brought their own disaster down on their own heads.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
"the conclusion of a 2015 epidemiological study of deaths in 13 countries in The Lancet, which found that cold-related deaths in the U.S. were about a factor of fifteen higher than heat-related deaths. "
Yes I am sick to the back teeth of the hysteria linked to the rising temperature. The rise in absolute terms is tiny. I do NOT deny that co2 is the cause of warming and that it should be sensibly reduced. However, journalists hype the risks ridiculously by claiming that we have two years to 'save the planet' .

The FACT is that we are living in one of the coolest periods in the planet's history. It just happens that it was a wee bit cooler for the last few thousand years, but the planet has been MUCH MUCH hotter for aeons of time and life did just fine. There was never such a diversity of creatures and plants than in the Cretacious period when it was many degrees warmer than now. This does not mean that every species will do well with warmer climate, some won't, but the earth, and life on earth will be fine, even if we are not here in such numbers to see it.

Look at this graph, which was published by NOAA - America's premier climate and oceanographic research body.


This shows the earth's temperature over the last half billion years, and as you can see, it was mostly way hotter than it is now.

In the last hundred years, the mean global temperature has risen a little over one degree centigrade.

Source of graph:

The other thing to say about humans of course is that we have only existed as a species for about 100,000 years and we are I would say very unlikely to exist in any numbers for more than a few thousand years into the future. We will certainly destroy ourselves as a major force on the planet, though I see no reason why isolated groups might not continue to live as hunter gatherers, which is what we did for the vast majority of our time in the past. It was only farming which allowed us to start supporting big numbers of ourselves and this has taken over the planet's land areas, and farming only began around present day Iraq about ten thousand years ago.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
these things can be fairly easily fabricated. The technique is widely known, it's called simulated mobile phone towers. A perpetrator doesn't even have to be in the room, only needs the phone to be switched on. He can then push a whole new content/history into the phone. The only reliable records are from the phone companies. Unfortunately, that does not cover web traffic.
I'm not saying that he had foreign bank accounts. That's the story they're trying to sell you, and you can guarantee that at least one of them is going to be supposely linked to Iran.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Re heat death....

Meanwhile, we are having probably the coolest, wettest summer I can remember.

And my French niece phoned the other day to ask if she could come and visit and when I warned her of the horrible summer we are having, she said it was the same in Paris - weeks of cold and wet, though less cold and probably less wet than here.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Re heat death....

Meanwhile, we are having probably the coolest, wettest summer I can remember.

And my French niece phoned the other day to ask if she could come and visit and when I warned her of the horrible summer we are having, she said it was the same in Paris - weeks of cold and wet, though less cold and probably less wet than here.
UK Cold Weather & Global Warming Explained


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Re heat death....

Meanwhile, we are having probably the coolest, wettest summer I can remember.

And my French niece phoned the other day to ask if she could come and visit and when I warned her of the horrible summer we are having, she said it was the same in Paris - weeks of cold and wet, though less cold and probably less wet than here.
This summer wasn't great. Winter and especially spring were very wet but is pretty OK in the last 4-5 weeks. Your niece is right to want to run away from Paris. Deviations everywhere. Profit taking from the JO.