Here's a story that's going to worry a few EV owners. A guy ran over a bump in his nearly new Ioniq, which scratched the battery cover plate. It's unclear whether there was other damage, but the garage decided that for safety the battery should be replaced. The cost quoted was $61,000 for the car that only cost $55,000 new. It wasn't covered by warranty because it was damage. He therefore had to claim on his insurance. The Insurance wrote off the car and paid him their market price. he ended up with not enough money to buy a replacement and lost his NCB so that his future insurance was going to be sky high.
what you got a broken connection on the main board!! replace the hole logic board 96% off the price of a new one.
apple crap = unfixable expensive throw away crap and even if you can get oem parts it still wont work without pairing the parts with there software they give to no one.
why fix it when you can throw it away and buy a new one it is called renewable tech and unfixable junk. and made this way on purpose for total control.
if i had 30-50k id just build one my self remove all the control and can bus bs source and build my own batts i could keep it going forever bar motor bearings ect, bet you cant buy those either same as my bosch motor and min order of 1000 units each bearing gets expensive fast.
m8s canyon bike will go the the tip when the motor goes as no way to buy a new one as only option is from eu and no uk dealer will regen unlock it wtf.
cant buy a new motor in the uk either as warranty replacement only cant open the motor as will get software bricked 6 grand in the bin and peter wont touch them with a barge poll as shitmano tried to burn his company down and made them replace every motor they opened because they are anti repair

motor over 2 years old obsolete as crap in the first place so buy a new bike/car.
if every company uses there own encryption charging standard wont sell parts or give you the software to replace oem parts even if they will sell them to you there useless.
if you cant fix it you dont own it, id hire one and ramp the crap out of it tho
needs more power and a drum spinner for the trees 100,000.000amps