None of what I typed into my son's experimental LLM (gemma3:12b) was hypothetical. I typed in a list of what Trump has done and said over the last month or so. It only became hypothetical because the model won't accept as 'facts' things it did not learn about in its training. This isn't even a massive model like the big boy ones online. It has 12 Bn multi-dimensional vectored tokens it has learned are linked. It runs on a gaming computer in his home office, and has 64Gbyts of Ram and a half decent GPU. It gave me those answers from 300 miles away, one second after I pressed send on the list of crazy POTUS doings. The conclusions it came to are what any sane person who knew how to put his shoes on without help, would know would happen.It's no longer hypothetical, Putin may soon have to intervene in Bosnia to protect Milorad Dodik. Have you also seen the public protest in Hungary against Victor Orban? Putin may have to send in troops too.
Trump will go down in history and will be discussed in future times, but not for the reasons he thinks. He will be discussed more in the way we discuss the actions of people like Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong.

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