Smart meter surge pricing risks punishing the poorest households
A time-of-day tariff penalises those who don’t have the luxury of delaying their energy use
"Plans go against repeated assurances
The Government publishes guidance saying it is a “myth” that suppliers would charge higher prices through smart meters."
How Canada’s energy experiment backfired – and why smart meter Britain is next
Years after Ontario’s flawed reforms, the province has little to show for its efforts
"But just years after the move, energy prices in Ontario were far higher and consumers had hardly changed the way they consumed energy at all."
Closed call for evidence
Contact your MP
A time-of-day tariff penalises those who don’t have the luxury of delaying their energy use
"Plans go against repeated assurances
The Government publishes guidance saying it is a “myth” that suppliers would charge higher prices through smart meters."

Smart meter surge pricing risks punishing the poorest households
A time-of-day tariff penalises those who don’t have the luxury of delaying their energy use
How Canada’s energy experiment backfired – and why smart meter Britain is next
Years after Ontario’s flawed reforms, the province has little to show for its efforts
"But just years after the move, energy prices in Ontario were far higher and consumers had hardly changed the way they consumed energy at all."

How Canada’s energy experiment backfired – and why smart meter Britain is next
Years after Ontario’s flawed reforms, the province has little to show for its efforts
Closed call for evidence

Review of Ofgem: call for evidence
We're seeking evidence and views on the kind of regulator Ofgem needs to be to meet future challenges and protect consumers.
Contact your MP
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