Might be teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here, but this is what I've gleaned.
The solar panel inverter has to see a 50hz signal and voltage before allowing the P.V.'s to pass power to the grid. So if mains goes down, no solar generation to prevent back emf being fed onto the grid when blokes may be working on it.
There are battery systems that, during a mains outage, will generate a 50hz signal and feed it to the inverter so it allows the panels to generate and charge the battery or allow power usage. Part of the system is an isolator which disconnects the house from the grid during outages so that your micro-generator does not back feed into the grid. When mains is restored the system reverts to normal operation. This could all be achieved with manual changeover switches but, as we are no longer trusted to even fit a 13A plug to a new appliance anymore, it has to be automatic. Idiot proof so long as the idiots installing it know what they're doing.
My own south facing P.V.'s (installed in late 2011) are only 1.75Kwp, so not really worth the expense of a battery. However I do get the original feed in tarrif. For the last quarter this amounted to 540 quid or so. Thankyou very much.