I have to say it's VERY practical. I do most things on this bike. Shop, take my son to school. Even go to meetings on it. I've a bike back- pack that fits work clothes tools spares etc just fine. And I've always preferred the feel of a bike specific backpack (with water bladder) than loaded panniers.
I ride at the legal 200watts. And that's fast enough for me. I've good trail access so when I go on them I put back on the regular 26" MTB knobbies and fly around on the 850watts.. Bigger shopping trips and 4year old school transportation I do with a child-trailer that attaches in minutes.
So it VERY practical. A lack of paraphernalia doesn't equal a lack of practicality.
As to fenders. I've got a sett of aftermarket ones that attach in about 30 seconds for when it rains. But remember I ride in sydney not London weather.
I've used this bike so much I've also dropped 6kgs over Christmas.!
I have to say it's VERY practical. I do most things on this bike. Shop, take my son to school. Even go to meetings on it. I've a bike back- pack that fits work clothes tools spares etc just fine. And I've always preferred the feel of a bike specific backpack (with water bladder) than loaded panniers.
I ride at the legal 200watts. And that's fast enough for me. I've good trail access so when I go on them I put back on the regular 26" MTB knobbies and fly around on the 850watts.. Bigger shopping trips and 4year old school transportation I do with a child-trailer that attaches in minutes.
So it VERY practical. A lack of paraphernalia doesn't equal a lack of practicality.
As to fenders. I've got a sett of aftermarket ones that attach in about 30 seconds for when it rains. But remember I ride in sydney not London weather.
I've used this bike so much I've also dropped 6kgs over Christmas.!