Hi all,
Wai Won has asked me to post this reply in the forum:
I was just sharing my experience, nothing more.
a) I have no bias for any battery, whether it is NiMH or Li+ in any form. I did not stop the supply of NiMH, it was the customers who decided what they wanted to buy. eZee has been continuously evaluating new battery types and from many suppliers.
b) Obviously on such a trip I would take new battery packs and to gather data on it, and I have clearly stated it is so, why some people won't like to hear that, It beats me.
c) If a weak 57 yrs old man like me could climb over those mountains, at half throttle, it says all that need to be said.
There are obvious limits to a 250/350 watt motor and a pack of battery, and if powers get cutted off it is more a case of a weak battery.
On the bike there is 20 amps overload protection to reduce the power and a second 30 amps cut off at the battery BMS . What other pedelec could give more ? I was expecting overload cut-off but did not get any on this trip, that is all I am saying really.
d) The incident at the Ramada hotel is not bizarre in anyway, it reflected how bicycle or cyclist are being look down upon.
I pay the same price for the hotel room as the guy who drove his car in, what right does those security guard have over me
that I could not ride my bicycle to suitable parking space at the car park ?
I have to leave my bike there simply because there is no other possibility for me, there is more than enough room at the Ramada hotel
to keep 2 bicycles, and in the end it all went well, there is nothing unreasonable about it.
e) I prefer to use the EAF over such long rides to avoid the wrist fatigue, anything wrong with that ?
Thanks, and best regards