New to e-bikes-looking for advice


Finding my (electric) wheels
Sep 25, 2024

I am after a bit of advice on buying an electric bike and am also wondering if I am after the impossible!

To keep this brief, I am after a bike that will mainly be used to deliver/fetch my son from nursery (10 mile round trip done twice a day, twice a week 700ft gain each ‘round’). I pull him in a trailer on rainy days, otherwise he’s on a saddle in front of me (kids ride shotgun).

I’m after a bike that:

  • I can pull a trailer with (ie I can fit an attachment to the back wheel)
  • I can attached a shotgun seat in front of me ( not sure how possible this is as many electric bikes seem to have a huge down tube and the saddle fits onto the top tube and down tube)
  • I can choose to ride as a ‘normal’ bike should I wish. I.e. without power. So not a really heavy bike
  • I want it to look like a ‘normal’ bike rather than one of those tank type things (tern etc)

I’m 6ft and 89kg, while my son is ~19kg. I’m fit and healthy and the only reason I’m after an electric is to make our commute quicker as it’s eating into my work time and is getting to the point that physically it’s killing me! Not the distance but the hills…I’m in Sheffield.

I’m vaguely aware there are different types of motors (powered wheels vs powered front cog or something?! Is one or another better for my described situation?), batteries etc but I’m clueless. I read things about torque and I’ve no idea what it all means.

I’ve been looking but it’s all very confusing to my Luddite brain!

Any help or pointers gratefully received!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
i got my 27.5inc wheels in 2019 and are now obsolete and not made anymore and the axle sizes are now all boost so thats it rear wheel axle size for my frame :rolleyes:

have a look on facebook market place as sold a couple of bikes on there.