What's the score with insurance? Is it likely to rocket in the future etc? Has everyone got it and is it essential?
If you have home insurance then you may already have cover, or you may be able to add it relatively cheaply. Here's what mine says (Halifax):
Loss of or damage, including accidental damage, to pedal cycles (including electrically assisted pedal cycles that cannot be solely propelled by the electric motor more than 15.5mph) and their accessories belonging to you or your family or for which you or your family are legally responsible.
And the exclusions:
• Theft of a pedal cycle from an unlocked outbuilding, or in the open when it is not
securely locked to a permanently fixed structure.
• Theft of a pedal cycle left unattended in a public place or communal areas when it
is not securely locked to a permanently fixed structure.
• Damage caused by domestic pets.
Loss of or damage:
• To a pedal cycle when being used for racing, pace making or trials
The limit is £500 for an unnamed bike (i.e. you didn't supply details upfront), or up to £5k for a specified bike.