Genius tip !!
I'm going to have to give it a go.
It was indeed. I should have followed Dave's advice sooner.
Even my "spare" used PC PSUs were quite powerful and efficient switched mode. 22 amps at 12v with built in fans etc..
I've now tidied up the connections with single runs of pos and neg using 12 awg silicon wire. The Hobbyking Turnigy charger sits neatly on top, as though it was made for it.
I tested the outboard in the tank at full throttle and it ran for 1 hour 55 minutes to run down from full charge to 3.6v per cell.
Now that the "Chk time" parameter has been increased from 10 to 60 minutes, it's stopped cancelling with the error message. It did stop after 300 minutes though, another parameter, which I've now turned off. (it had put 16 amps in to the pack by then though).
The charger is now set to parallel charge my six pack of 4s 5amp batteries, but if I ever charge anything smaller, I'll switch the chk time back to 10 mins, and the max charge back to 300 mins.
By the way Dave, this is what the back of the Hobbyking parallel board looks like. The main power tracks look quite meaty, and easy to reinforce if necessary.
My waterproof lunch box has turned out quite neat now, I added a 4s extension lead to the balance lead breakout connector to reach the charger easily, and then plug the lipo alarm in when the battery is in use. The cover is then clipped on, making the box watertight, but the leds show through, as do the fuse leds, and the beeper sounds quite loudly through the box. I think I'll keep the individual pack fuses at 30 amps, they should give some protection against a melt down, and they won't blow unless really necessary, and they'll add the least shunt resistance, ( I think ).
I'll tie it in the canoe too, via the hand strap, and it even floats, displacing 4.5 litres of air. I'll give it another run test tomorrow, on normal speed, and I expect it will last for 4 hours or so.
I'm very pleased with the result now, thanks for all the guidance and patience with the numerous questions.