Pedal cycles providing electrical assistance without use of the pedals
[footnote 2], usually called ‘Twist and Go’.
‘Twist and Go’ cycles are classified as EAPCs provided they meet the EAPC regulations.
assimilated European law, ‘Twist and Go’ EAPCs placed on the market or entering into service after 1 January 2016 have to meet a range of technical requirements before they can be used on roads.
This is typically established by ‘
type approval’ at the manufacturing stage.
If a ‘Twist and Go’ EAPC has not been ‘type approved’, importers and individuals can apply for a
Motorcycle Single Vehicle Approval (MSVA). For MSVA purposes, ‘Twist and Go’ EAPCs fall into the 250W LPM (Low Powered Moped) category.
The requirement for approval is for manufacturers, importers or individuals bringing new vehicles to market or when creating a new ‘Twist and Go’ EAPC.