37.7 mph here. On 26" wheels I feel safe at 35-38 mph. Over that speed I am going to want bigger wheels and suspension up front.
Back on topic: use the assistance levels like you would your front derailler. On the flat and small hills I use level 2 of 5. 5 on steep climbs and 0 or 1 on downhill sections. 1 because sometimes you have a false flat section. Now that I am fit I guess I could limit myself to using 4 on climbs but 5 is more fun (lycra baiting for example .
Use your gears! Get to your comfortable cruising cadence and change as often as you need to maintain that. I am always clicking through the gears to maintain my preferred cadence. Even with a hub motor cadence is the key.
Back on topic: use the assistance levels like you would your front derailler. On the flat and small hills I use level 2 of 5. 5 on steep climbs and 0 or 1 on downhill sections. 1 because sometimes you have a false flat section. Now that I am fit I guess I could limit myself to using 4 on climbs but 5 is more fun (lycra baiting for example .
Use your gears! Get to your comfortable cruising cadence and change as often as you need to maintain that. I am always clicking through the gears to maintain my preferred cadence. Even with a hub motor cadence is the key.