As much as I would love to have the top one, I think it's just asking to be pulled over riding one like that. And don't think it would take long before I would. And by the sounds of earlier comments I'm not sure the different power modes would save me.
The second one looks better, as its more like a bike, worried it might state the power on it though, as the battery is a bit of a giveaway.
Still can't decide if I should take the risk. Anyone ride an s-class in Exeter?
As I've intimated I ride in and out of Exeter on my bikes, and they are not exactly legal. They are home-brew, but reasonably covert.
I've done around 3000 Miles in total around east Devon. I have not once been pulled over. The coppers are simply not interested/resourced around here.
I ride mostly for pleasure/utility, but not commuting.
An other example of the police's disinterest is my (fully road legal) Quad bike. I expected to be pulled a few times, as its unusual and worthy of investigation. I've done 2000 miles and I don't think I've even seen a police car in that time.
I would say you have a very low chance of detection, but the consequences (in your situation) could make it too much of a risk.
The other risk you should weigh up is that of an accident. The chances when commuting over 18,000m are reasonably high, especially at high speed.
I take all the risks above, but at lower speed, not during rush hour and at considerably lower distance/year.