Looking to buy an electric bike on a budget


Oct 25, 2006
P.S to my last post above.

I've ridden the notorious Titsey hill in the North Downs on the Quando. That starts with a stretch of 20%, then gradually easing bit by bit, but the overall length is exactly the same at 2 km.

The 20% through to 16% part was tough going for this 71 year old, but the rest was easy, and I'm betting you're a lot younger than me and fitter as well.

If that hill is 14% or less, you won't have any problems. I tow my big trailer up 14% with the Quando, at 10 mph. Did that again only this morning.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
Now you are worrying me. Luckily there is an adjacent hill named something like North Road which goes to the Uni too and that is less steep and less busy road.
Sorry, my last comment was a bit flippant: I didn't mean to cause alarm :eek: was referring back to Flecc's comment re quando drawing stares, rather than suggesting it might happen :)

It was years ago I was on that road, however I just remember it being rather narrow, bendy (in places), busy and very long & steep... I can handle traffic etc. but personally I prefer quieter roads if there is an alternative :)

Flecc: It was years ago, and the seemingly endless length could be deceptive in my memory re: actual gradient, but I haven't looked at the map. I do recall at least quite long sections with fairly consistent gradient though, if not most of the hill? That sound right at221?


Oct 25, 2006
I can see on Google Earth that it's a long hill, and looks fairly consistent, but since the actual road isn't shown, I can't be sure that's exactly right.

Does it look steeper than this at221? If so, how much steeper?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
P.S. I think you'd be much safer on an electric bike than an ordinary bike, at221 :)

P.P.S a belated welcome to the forum :);)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
If it helps (Flecc) to gauge the steepness, Bathwick Hill is shown here heading east from Bath towards Claverton Down. Zoom in to 1:25000 for the contours. Now I think of it, not sure whether it was Bathwick Hill or North Road (just to the north, oddly!) I went up... but both fairly long & steep & up same hill. Uni is near where the two meet on hilltop, just to north.:)

Looks to be about 1 in 10 average, North Road looks to have a steep middle section & possibly a similar/steeper average slope than Bathwick Hill?

The luxury of an electric bike I suppose is that distance is less of an obstacle - you can take whatever route you like, so long as you allow time & have the range/hill climbability: The Quando's range is shorter than some at around 15 miles, I think that's to do with the single gear.
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Oct 25, 2006
Difficult to tell because the contours are angled across the road and don't look consistent, but comparing it with the contour intervals on some known hills, it looks like parts could be about 14%. It's certainly looks steeper than the 8 to 10% originally thought.

The alternative road just to the south is easier though, so there shouldn't be any problem, even if the Bathwick Road is too steep. There's even a third road leading from a more southerly point and going through a cemetary on the way to the uni.

Anything 14% or less is dead easy with the Quando though, and fast.

Yes, the lack of pedalling need does mean the range is reduced in theory, but the Torq with the same motor gives me exactly the same 15 miles despite loads of hard pedalling. Working hard to get no gain, the cost of overgearing!
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Oct 25, 2006
It's ok and it's a quite powerful motor, but again an older design. I think slightly less powerful than the Liv and quite a lot less than the Quando. It's also a bit noisy, you can hear it on the video at the foot of it's 50cycles web page.

Since it has an all steel frame and has Sealed Lead Acid batteries, it will be very heavy compared to the others. The weight isn't given, but it's probably in the region of 35 to 38 kilos, which will obviously lessen it's hill climbing a bit. It will do the job, but with a bigger contribution from you. Against that is the fact that it's a "proper" bike with gears etc. The lead acid battery life will be shorter than the NiMh ones, probably about one to one and a half years, where the NiMh can go to three or four years before shortened range becomes a big problem.

It seems that the hill you need to climb won't be a problem. In the photo I showed you above, the hill where the bike is standing is a bit over 12%, and the pavement behind where it meets the wall is just over 16%.
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Mar 1, 2007
Just called 50cycles and confirmed the NiMH battery is 100pounds cheaper. Will be seriously considering this option :)


Oct 25, 2006
Thanks for that info at221. Certainly the Quando with NiMh will fit your need with ease and maximum simplicity.

I realised after another post in response above that I hadn't commented on the frame joint you mentioned in connection with wear and tear. No problems there, it's a very strong joint and performs as if it's a rigid tube from front to rear, none of the weakness common in many folders.


Mar 1, 2007
Come to think about it, how fast is 12-13 mph? I am trying to imagine how fast it is in real life.


Oct 31, 2006
I would see it as being about three times a fast walking pace. Some of the more experienced contributors may well correct me but I've always seen 12 miles as a respectable distance to cover in an hour in my hilly region.


Mar 1, 2007
I just checked out that Mic Johnson does 10m/s and comparing it with 15mph (6.7m/s). So it seems pretty fast I must say.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 11, 2006
Mere, Wilts
How Fast is 12 mph?

Come to think about it, how fast is 12-13 mph? I am trying to imagine how fast it is in real life.
Not fast for a bike:
It's the speed that they run the Marathon at (the winner that is).
It is the speed that the climbers travel at when climbing the Cols in the Tour de France.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 16, 2007
i think pete is about right i have allways understood normal walking is about 4mph, i normaly ride at 10mph and not many cyclists pass me only the dedicated, and the idiots who pedal heavy mountain bikes puffing and blowing just to prove they can get passed a relaxed and rested electric biker.
who i must say smiles to himself.


Oct 25, 2006
I do a lot of walking and always have anyone walking with me complaining at my fast walk, but I barely hit 4 mph average. Most people seem to walk at about 3 mph, so 4 is a very fast walk.

A trotting horse as typically seen when pulling a small trap is travelling at 7 to 10 mph, in competition conditions sometimes reaching 12 mph.

A good amateur 5000 metres is run at about 12 mph.

A fast international class 1500 metres is run at about 16 mph.

Michael Johnson's world record for the 400 metres was run at 20.7 mph.

Top 100 metre sprinters can just about touch 26 mph near the finish.

So at 11 to 12 mph you'd be with the good marathon runners.

The majority of the electric bikes tested by A to B magazine average about 12.5 mph on journeys, just a tiny number of the more powerful ones above that.
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Mar 1, 2007
Actually with that speed I can get to Uni (ignoring traffic etc) in 7-8min. So in reality, it will take be about 12-15 min to get there.


Mar 1, 2007
Just ordered the Quando II, but I was quite disappointed that the only color there is in stock is Silver. I was hoping to get black :(.


Oct 25, 2006
Just ordered the Quando II, but I was quite disappointed that the only color there is in stock is Silver. I was hoping to get black :(.
The silver looks good in the flesh though, and you won't have any future battery colour matching problems, with silver the most popular.

Won't need cleaning every time you ride either! :)

Let us know your reactions once you've ridden up that hill.