I think that the media have a certain amount of responsibility for fuelling the situation of the last few days. The BBC's reporting leaves me wanting to punch the TV set. They are constantly drip feeding us with subtle messages which blame spending cuts and the police for what has happened, giving airtime to masked / hooded filth and playing carefully edited scenes which promote their liberal agenda.
They played the same scene from the Manchester riots of a police officer striking a man on his left thigh with a baton, 4 times in a six minute period the other morning. I have no idea what lead up to that incident, but I can guess what will be coming and the reasons for the BBC's repeated showing of that clip.
Later, I watched an interview with that poor Asian man who's son had been murdered only hours earlier. He spoke with impressive calm and came over as a man with great dignaty and grace as he appealed for thoughtfulness and restraint. The BBC's reporter repeatedly and persistantly tried to goad him into making comments about the police response, to which he continually declined to do so.
There has been idle talk of Bill Bratton, "the man who cleaned up New York" taking over the Metropolitan Police. Whilst this will never happen and even if by some chance it did, he would fail. The problem is, the UK police aren't allowed enough, "fire power". And when the street vermin we saw a few nights ago do get their medicine, there are too many people who are totally insulated and untouched by the reality of events sticking their noses in.
That rioting over the weekend should have been instantly crushed by an overwhelmingly aggressive response from the police. If 6 officers are expected to take on 60+ sewer rats who are burning building with people inside them, robbing hard working families of their livelihood, and throwing bottles of burning petrol at officers, then they should be authorised to use baton rounds, tear gas, dogs, and even live rounds of ammunition. If little Johnny doesn't come home again or receives a life altering injury, then that's OK, it was necessary, nobody should be bothered, there are plenty more where he came from, its no loss. An awful and unwelcome situation, but that's what we have all created by allowing liberal minded fools to carry out experiments on us and our society. They have created a foul monster which needs to be destroyed and it isn't going to be pleasent.
We need a total news blackout on the rioting. No reporting at all, just let the authorities sort it out, no questions asked.
Tough talking Dave now has a golden oportunity to put the Human Rights Act where it belongs and to unleash hell on those intent on hurting law abiding hard working people. I even think he would win a general election if the Liberals caved in. But somehow, I think he will fail to grasp the nettle and the moment will pass, with the BBC prevailing.