What i really liked about Margaret Thatcher is that she talked the talk and walked the walk NO ARGUMENT. love her, or hate her she was no hypocrite.
Blair in my mind is an abomination of a human being a sad apology of a man. This was the leader of Britain's Socialist party who has nearly 4 Million pounds of mortgages on his Buy To Let empire !!!!!!! or when his political career ended goes and works for that bastion of Socialism JP Morgan Chase. Or despite starting a completely illegal war in Iraq that has the cost the lives of over 500,000 Iraq,s and many believe closer to 1 million, he accepts a job as a middle east peace envoy !!!!! At Nuremberg they hanged Nazi leaders for prosecuting aggressive war, which is war without the sanction of the then League Of Nations and now the UN. Tony one quick question, SHOW us the UN Paperwork? !!!!
And the less said about Gordon Brown the better. A COMPLETE DISASTER
In my opinion this is a major part of the problem VERY POOR LEADERSHIP, it appears to most of us that the Politicians, Bankers, Lawyers, have got there heads so deeply into the trough they can no longer see the reality, and if they can, then they no longer care unless it leads to something for them. It is the ME, ME, ME society.
And a lot of these kids are now saying " and what about ME" they are following there LEADERS EXAMPLES !!!!!!
Debt of this country increased from 480,000,000,000 pounds before this financial crisis to 1,890,000,000,000 today or 30,000 pounds for every man woman and child in the country.
That is the real disgrace.