Let me try to explain another way flecc. Because sadly on this occasion you're just not getting the gist of it.Utter nonsense and a complete non sequitur. This is not about what the store is offering for sale, of course the public cannot buy what the store does not sell them. This is about the police illegally interfering in what they can buy.
The public can buy anything they like while at the supermarket as the government acknowledged yesterday after reprimanding Northamptonshire's Chief Constable for thinking otherwise and acting inappropriately. Why do you think he had to apologise?
But let me educate you further. I can drive to the supermarket, get out of my car, not join the queue outside and not buy anything. Then get back into my car and drive home, all completely legally with no possibility of a penalty.
I doubt you know why.
Supermarkets had a whole load of trouble when all this virus stuff first broke out because shoppers were allowed to waltz in and buy up whatever they wanted and by any amount.
FYI large stores saw a 20% increase in sales during the first week or two of panic buying, and apparently have now made so much money they could shut down for the rest of the year.
The end result was trouble in the aisles and when store security can't handle it the Police are called. The authorities are called in not to peer into shoppers trolleys (although they have a right to do so) but to ensure that peace is maintained and disturbances quelled when greedy shoppers try to bend the rules that supermarkets have ever right to impose on. Supermarkets are not public or municipal buildings, they are private establishments just like our own homes. You can't do what you like in my home, nor can you in a store,
Northamptonshire's Police acted correctly but were forced to back down because...well come on now flecc I'm sure you can suck eggs far better than me!
I too can jump in my car, drive to a supermarket and drive back. I'm not because I'm not an idiot and neither are you so it's win win.