This is the most dangerous argument for throttles that I've ever seen!I have been enjoying the good weather of late and made several visits to Willen Lake in Milton Keynes.
There has been a fair on for the school kids and it has been very busy with parents and toddlers.
My throttle and brake cut out switches have come to the fore allowing me to maintain full hand control and safely negotiate around them, something you can't do with a torque sensor as there are no brake cut out switches, the only option being is to switch off the assistance.
Basically you are saying that a bicycle is dangerous in the presence of pedestrians, since all bicycle control of power is though the pedals.
That has two implications:
First that all shared use paths should be discontinued with bicycles banned from them.
Second that if the problem is unique to e-bikes due to the power, then the power allowed at present is excessive and should be reduced to meet the requirement that they remain unregulated as bicycles.