length of lockdown?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
I live in Wales and we have, of course, different rules/advice to England. I live in Ceredigion which you can't get to from England without passing through significant other chunks of Wales first. Never the less our county council, in their wisdom, has now removed the 'Visit Ceredigion Later' signs that they'd put on all county boundary signs. Instead they've put up black and yellow signs saying, 'Welsh Rules apply - Stay Save' and just in case you haven't got it, it also says it in Welsh.
Wonder how much that little effort cost?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
a lot more than 0.5% - if it's that low, lockdown wouldn't be justified.
The problem is very many people suspect they have got it and it turns out that they haven't. Only 1% of those tested got the lethal virus, 99% got something else. That gives the false impression that Covid is widely spread because of the large number of tests, it hasn't.

Out of those who have tested positive for Covid, 15% died.
That figure the case fatality rate (CFR) is wildly skewed because the people who mostly get tested are those who are sick enough to need hospital admission. There has been more testing in other countries of those with mild or no symptoms so the CFR is much lower there eg Germany or US.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Plus in SW's Vernon Coleman vid he makes the ridiculous claim (5:30) of knowing two people suffocating to death from wearing masks :rolleyes:

While there's plenty to mock politicians for the shoddy way they're implementing public health measures & communicating advice, opinionated Mr Coleman's not the armchair expert he makes himself out to be.
I was wearing a mask in hospital and still managed to score 98% on my Oxygen sats test even though my lungs are full of blood clots and are working at about 25% of normal efficiency.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2013
These have just been sent to me. make of them what you will, although it's what I suspected when I lookedcovid1.jpegcovid2.jpeg at the Worldometer site.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
That figure the case fatality rate (CFR) is wildly skewed because the people who mostly get tested are those who are sick enough to need hospital admission. There has been more testing in other countries of those with mild or no symptoms so the CFR is much lower there eg Germany or US.
true but we are here - if you are tested positive by our NHS, what do you think your chances are? 0.5% like in Germany or 15% like in the UK?
By the way, someone told me that because they swab your nose and your throat, our government counts it as two tests. I wonder why we don't have statistics on the number of people tested any more.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2013
true but we are here - if you are tested positive by our NHS, what do you think your chances are? 0.5% like in Germany or 15% like in the UK?
By the way, someone told me that because they swab your nose and your throat, our government counts it as two tests. I wonder why we don't have statistics on the number of people tested any more.
There are quite a few 'missing' statistics, like how many have recovered.
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Along with Spain, where Franco seems to have come out the woodwork. As I said before, the whole thing is a hoax, and we are being manipulated by fear to further the ends of this 'Government of Occupation'.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2013
If you can tear yourself away from the Daily Mail, go to UK Column.org website and watch some of their updates. They broadcast/stream Mon/Weds/Fri at 13.00 hrs, then put the programme on their site for reference, but you will have to actually watch them and try to absorb what they say.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2014
Colchester, Essex
There are quite a few 'missing' statistics, like how many have recovered.
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Along with Spain, where Franco seems to have come out the woodwork. As I said before, the whole thing is a hoax, and we are being manipulated by fear to further the ends of this 'Government of Occupation'.

Texas man who believed coronavirus was a hoax dies after becoming infected at a Covid-19 party
The 30-year-old told his nurse 'I think I made a mistake' just before he died


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

now lets count the face masks lol i walked through that lot 2 times and went back round in the car.

15 year old kids were getting smashed to the floor and arrested even girls.

and now they have all fooked off over to the fair imo fkn chaos and i nearly got ran over buy a fkn scooter on the pavement plod did nothing lmfao.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 20, 2020
It looks like the number of daily cases is starting to move up again. Could be because of increased testing, or it could be the start of the next wave. We will know in a few week's time.

It's not just the death rate you have to worry about with this virus, which seems to be around 1% (on average, but is much higher for older people), it's also the other post infection effects it has. It can permanently scar lungs, it can affect the brain and other organs and be debilitating for some many months after infection. It seems likely that we will not develop a long term resistance to the virus and so until a vaccine is available, it's likely that we'll catch it again and again.

I'm not happy about wearing a face mask in shops and I worry about all the plastic waste this is going to generate that will either go into landfill or the sea, but if there is the possibility that it might help, I'd don't see that we have much choice. Doesn't help that the government implements things in a seemingly inconsistent manner.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
It looks like the number of daily cases is starting to move up again. Could be because of increased testing, or it could be the start of the next wave. We will know in a few week's time.

It's not just the death rate you have to worry about with this virus, which seems to be around 1% (on average, but is much higher for older people), it's also the other post infection effects it has. It can permanently scar lungs, it can affect the brain and other organs and be debilitating for some many months after infection. It seems likely that we will not develop a long term resistance to the virus and so until a vaccine is available, it's likely that we'll catch it again and again.

I'm not happy about wearing a face mask in shops and I worry about all the plastic waste this is going to generate that will either go into landfill or the sea, but if there is the possibility that it might help, I'd don't see that we have much choice. Doesn't help that the government implements things in a seemingly inconsistent manner.
No need to panic. Everything will turn out fine. The government is doing a fine job, considering the expert advice that changes on a daily basis.

I've met three guys in the last couple of days who all have terminal cancer and only weeks or days to live. One was worried about not getting a chance to vape, the second couldn't see his family, and the third is cursing because he can't use his car.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2013
Perhaps using the word hoax is misleading. The bug definitely exists. The American nurse in the video posted earlier (who was dismissed as an 'activist') said how the lungs of infected people seemed to show up white. Yes, the bug exists, but the number of deaths does not justify what the government is doing, explained on the posters I was sent yesterday. The whole thing is being used to enable them to follow their own agenda. This is explained in detail on the UK Column site, by people far more erudite and clued-up than myself. If it was just me putting these views forward, you might be justified in calling me a looney, but there are many people who can see that things are not right, just by looking at the figures. There are 500,000 people who die EVERY year in the UK. 1,400 every day (on average). If you keep this in mind when reading the figures put out by the mainstream media, you might be able to make sense of it all.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 1, 2019
Perhaps using the word hoax is misleading. The bug definitely exists. The American nurse in the video posted earlier (who was dismissed as an 'activist') said how the lungs of infected people seemed to show up white. Yes, the bug exists, but the number of deaths does not justify what the government is doing, explained on the posters I was sent yesterday. The whole thing is being used to enable them to follow their own agenda. This is explained in detail on the UK Column site, by people far more erudite and clued-up than myself. If it was just me putting these views forward, you might be justified in calling me a looney, but there are many people who can see that things are not right, just by looking at the figures. There are 500,000 people who die EVERY year in the UK. 1,400 every day (on average). If you keep this in mind when reading the figures put out by the mainstream media, you might be able to make sense of it all.
It’s going to take a long time for people to realise. I personally feel it’s too late.
Also the £3 month membership charge is not making use of possible increased subscriptions.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 2, 2017
If you can tear yourself away from the Daily Mail, go to UK Column.org website and watch some of their updates. They broadcast/stream Mon/Weds/Fri at 13.00 hrs, then put the programme on their site for reference, but you will have to actually watch them and try to absorb what they say.
I don't read the papers, what goes on outside of my community is of no concern to me with regards to the media, if people did not subscribe the doom and gloom merchants would not be able to peddle their lies and that applies to the left and the right..
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Oct 25, 2006
Yes, the bug exists, but the number of deaths does not justify what the government is doing, explained on the posters I was sent yesterday. The whole thing is being used to enable them to follow their own agenda.
All governments use circumstances to advance their own agenda, it's the norm and has been as long as government existed. But there is no current conspiracy, Covid-19 is as inconvenient to the government as it is to us all, since it's making a real mess of their Brexit plans and ambitions.

You can ignore the news, real or fake, and the official numbers. The only thing that counts is the excess over normal deaths, and we've had 65,000 over the norm, roughly 1 in 1000 more people dying over a roughly 4 month period.

All this really amounts to is small reduction in average life span, back to where it was maybe ten years ago and mainly affecting the very elderly.

That some young people also suffer Covid death is immaterial since they also die of other conditions. For example most deaths from cancer are among the older age groups, but a proportion have always been among the young and very young, making Covid-19 no different.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
the issue is what our government does to protect the 99.9% of the population. So far, the economic cost runs over £300 billions. It can't afford to spend that much going forward until treatments and vaccines are found.
I guess we'll see local lockdowns replacing nationwide lockdown but as long as there is no proof of natural immunity or acquired immunity, it must be assumed that 100% of the population are susceptible to COVID.
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