length of lockdown?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 2, 2017
I can't read though which is a problem because every time I write something I can't read what I've just written.
That must explain the rubbish you posted earlier.
I have a 0% tolerance level for the homeless and poor because unlike me their's is a lifestyle choice.
An outrageous sweeping generalization, there are many reasons that people end up homeless and poor that are not through their own choice, ie mental illness/unemployment/divorce.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
just wait until 12 months time card board city 2 will make a come back.

and if you think your going to get a easy ride on benefits think again when the dust settles as will deploy the hit squad advisers with the sole purpose to get you off benefits any way they can get away with.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
some people are made of tougher stuff than others. Would you be where you are now if you had dyslexia, a criminal record or a disability for example?
Like many other rich, famous and talented people with Dyslexia, criminal records and a disability.
Why single them out ?

Anyway ...lets talk homeless accommodation for a minute shall we. There's a Homeless Hostel here in town and as it's name indicates it houses people that are down on their luck. What the authorities don't or won't talk about are the child molesters, serious drug offenders, violent criminals and very worrying those with serious psychiatric problems that accommodate these establishments. Ok so who am I and how come I know all this? Well all the local residents were starting to kick up a fuss, there was shouting and noise in the streets from the homeless sometimes raging all night long. Bike and bin sheds were being used for drug transactions and abuse and in one instance unbelievably prostitution !
Local homeless people were involved in at least one murder that I know of and another man attempted to burn the building down. The Police were called on multiple occasions for various problems but nothing really got done to curb it.....then I came along :mad:
Together with my partner I carried out a 6 month long investigation during which I discovered the local council were paying this apparently charitable organisation huge sums of money to basically keep people off of the streets.
Nothing wrong with that per say but it was to the detriment of neighbours living close by, most of who were not aware of the cliental housed within. It's a very long story and I'm pretty sure no one wants to hear it all, but after meetings with many officials changes to the way the place operated were agreed a threat to involve Chanel 5 in the saga helped.
Huge gates to the building were installed, cameras and lights fitted everywhere and security generally tightened up all round. Those bent on causing trouble and using the place for their illegal activities were removed and the whole area is now a much safer and cleaner place.
The Hostel still exists but now it's being run correctly and not just a cash cow which is the reason I posted this in the first place.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
problem is when you involve 3rd party's like dwp providers they are there for 1 thing only profit why it always ends the same way the person they claim to be helping is used as a profit unit and dumped when funding ends.

i took the dwp to court over 3rd party providers and the so called mandatory requirement i must attend and sign contracts with said providers or face sanctions and the dwp lost the work coach and floor manager was sacked for gross misconduct as a result.

problem is 99.9% just no longer know how to stand up for there rights and used as profit units i call sheeple


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
Providers and training schemes, tell me about it. Many years ago when I went through my own bad patch I got involved with that bunch of crooks and scam artists and saw for myself first how dodgy the whole thing was.
There was around four organisations here in town all pulling the same stunt and getting away with it.

I already had electronic and computer skills above and beyond what their training schemes could teach me but well you know how it is, you need the cash so you go along with it to keep your head above water.

So I signed up and was given a desk and a computer to work with and stacks of paper work....now get on with it!
After a couple of weeks I could see that things weren't turning out right with my equations I was working on, results were incorrect and something was very wrong somewhere. I was reluctant to ask the staff for help as I was sure they didn't really know what was going on half the time, but in the end I was forced to ask for assistance.
I almost fell off of my swivel chair when I was informed I was given course work that was already deemed to be incorrect and should never have been using it. It was then a case of here's the right stuff - carry on - bye !
At that point I decided to give a lesson of my own :)
As always with me it's a long story but basically I spent a few weeks observing how their scams worked and discovered a way of fulfilling all the requirements I was legally bound to undertake without actually needing to turn up ! My 4 month course ended up lasting 14 months every bit legal and above board.
It all worked out good for me in the end as it gave me time to sort my life out, meet my partner who was all for creating different business opportunities so we ended up doing very well.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
No I think they did or at least have done away with that 'provider' lark, unfit for purpose I reckon.

This whole Data Protection thing is a real hot potato and always has been, technology created something that it's not really able to handle.
I remember a few years back I belonged to a Vodafone forum being a user of their services at the time.
I got into a huge argument in one thread over Data Protection when I pointed out that Vodafone couldn't really protect your privacy. I was told again and again there were laws in place in the UK/EU protecting us from skulduggery so I was talking cr@p. So as usual I did my research and discovered yes our personal data is protected in Europe, but not elsewhere in the world. Vodafone has subsidiaries in other countries that share data within their organisation so it's a case of you tell me something and in turn I'll tell my mate but no one else. Now if he decides to tell anybody that's up to him it won't come directly from me, that's how it's circumvented.
You were quite right not to sign anything you could not trust as secure....well done. I'm sure a few others might join in with a different view, we'll see.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
none of the courses were ever mandatory it was all a lie to make you think it was.

now when you get a letter saying it is mandatory to attend a provider at said date and time for a induction that part of it is mandatory and you must attend of face sanction.

it ends at that buy law as you dont have to sign any 3rd party paper work/ contracts for funding.

in simple terms you just turn off there money :p


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
Indeed, and it's especially true the for the vulnerable elderly who are going to go soon anyway.

I'm 84, what does it matter if I go this year or in a few years time? I'm not going to miss much since I've had a life already. At my age I'm not going to be jet skiing in the Bahamas or scuba diving in the Carribean, I'll just be wearing out another pair of slippers.
Being dead dosn't bother me, it's the suffering I could do without.


Oct 25, 2006
With the now acceptance that this virus will not disappear in the next few months, there seems to be expert advice that a longer lockdown looks inevitable until a vaccine has been developed. This being a possible 12months more before its tested and available for inoculation, added to the actual logistics of giving the vaccine to many millions of people could extend the lockdown even more.

How long before we get released form this awful drudgery of household jobs?
Not long now, Lockdown is falling apart.

There's been an increase in car driving, Wizz Airline is going to restart some flights from Luton Airport to such as the Canaries, Greggs are experimentally opening some outlets in Newcastle, and other s are considering similar.

Schools will reopen and people sent back to work on Monday 1st of June or Monday 29th of June latest.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
it means that we just have to accept daily death toll and get on with life.
I expect the daily toll to settle at around 500 in hospitals + 300 in care homes.
I know someone who works at Southend General's ICU. They do better for their patients, more getting out now healed than dead.
I wish we had a more enlightened government, spending money on tests instead of furloughs.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 22, 2017
Indeed, and it's especially true the for the vulnerable elderly who are going to go soon anyway.

I'm 84, what does it matter if I go this year or in a few years time? I'm not going to miss much since I've had a life already. At my age I'm not going to be jet skiing in the Bahamas or scuba diving in the Carribean, I'll just be wearing out another pair of slippers.
I too am 84, and determined to wear out as many pairs of slippers as I yet can! Come on, peps, the slipper industry needs you! :)


May 15, 2019
Most of us will get it at some stage...it's inevitable (unless you are a "survivalist" like some of our dramatic american cousins!
It is estimated that 80% of brits will contract it before a vaccine is administered in around 12 months time.
Why am I sure about this....ask yourself this:
How on earth are you going to avoid CV for the next 12 months? Seriously?
Unless you commit to isolating yourself completely for the rest of 2020 (and some)...you will contract it.
The governments purpose in all this is to flatten the demand for and on behalf of the NHS, so that in the event you get it, they are there for you, should you need them.

Lockdown will stop by June....otherwise Britain as an economic powerhouse will cease to exist. It is the better of two evils: Covid or financial ruin...take your pick.

Post June we will control the CV with Test, Track and Trace, Those who have had it will work and move around relatively easily. Those who haven't had it will need to conform to more rigorous measures. You will be stop checked sporadically and either be asked for a QR code on your smart fone or a paper certificate if not tech savvy.
That's how S Korea do it and that how Taiwan do it....look at their success stories.
Post vaccine - we will be innoculated annually.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
We are still only months into covid-19 and even the simplest level of observation of its effects is very incomplete.

For those who die, obviously, the chapter has closed. For those who survive, who knows what longer term effects might be?

I offer a selection of some of the better-known effects of some viral infections on at least some people. (Yes, these are not all strictly my words – collected from various places and re-assembled to make sense.)

The film Awakenings is about what is now widely believed to be the effects of the 1915-1926 encephalitis lethargica pandemic. Post-encephalitic syndromes varied widely: sometimes they proceeded rapidly, leading to profound disability or death; sometimes very slowly; sometimes they progressed to a certain point and then stayed at this point for years or decades; and sometimes, following their initial onslaught, they remitted and disappeared. Post-encephalitic Parkinsonism is perhaps the most widely recognized of such syndromes.

Shingles is a very well-known and unpleasant viral disease which sometimes (much more often in older patients) results in Postherpetic neuralgia. Several types of pain may occur including continuous burning pain, episodes of severe shooting or electric-like pain, and a heightened sensitivity to gentle touch which would not otherwise cause pain (mechanical allodynia) or to painful stimuli (hyperalgesia).

More generally, influenza and other viruses can cause a diverse array of physical and psychological symptoms. The effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines can cause a diverse array of physical and psychological symptoms. When this happens it is referred to as sickness behaviour.

We have already seen widespread discussion of the theory that a cytokine storm is the actual cause of death in many cases. Specifically, fingers have been pointed at IL-6 and the use of IL-6 inhibitors as a treatment.

Even if the death rate falls to nothing, I’ll not be surprised if covid-19 has further fallout potentially affecting many who have survived infection, possibly even with mild symptoms.
Just to illustrate the damage of shingles. An uncle of mine in the late 1960s got it on his face, and it destroyed his optic nerve ,blinding him in one eye.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2013
Most of us will get it at some stage...it's inevitable (unless you are a "survivalist" like some of our dramatic american cousins!
It is estimated that 80% of brits will contract it before a vaccine is administered in around 12 months time.
Why am I sure about this....ask yourself this:
How on earth are you going to avoid CV for the next 12 months? Seriously?
Unless you commit to isolating yourself completely for the rest of 2020 (and some)...you will contract it.
The governments purpose in all this is to flatten the demand for and on behalf of the NHS, so that in the event you get it, they are there for you, should you need them.

Lockdown will stop by June....otherwise Britain as an economic powerhouse will cease to exist. It is the better of two evils: Covid or financial ruin...take your pick.

Post June we will control the CV with Test, Track and Trace, Those who have had it will work and move around relatively easily. Those who haven't had it will need to conform to more rigorous measures. You will be stop checked sporadically and either be asked for a QR code on your smart fone or a paper certificate if not tech savvy.
That's how S Korea do it and that how Taiwan do it....look at their success stories.
Post vaccine - we will be innoculated annually.
Sod that for a game of soldiers.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
Yup. Then, whatever the English parliement does The Welsh assembly will have to tinker with it to justify their existence make it welsh, and then we'll have a double cock up. You gotta love professional politicians haven't you? The Oxbridge experience so obviously gives them a real practical experience on everyday life and gives them the wherewithall to micro manage every aspect of our pathetic drone lives.

Sorry, feeling the cynicism this morning.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 24, 2013
Yup. Then, whatever the English parliement does The Welsh assembly will have to tinker with it to justify their existence make it welsh, and then we'll have a double cock up. You gotta love professional politicians haven't you? The Oxbridge experience so obviously gives them a real practical experience on everyday life and gives them the wherewithall to micro manage every aspect of our pathetic drone lives.

Sorry, feeling the cynicism this morning.
This article was highlighted today on UK Column:
https://off-guardian.org/2020/04/23/the-seven-step-path-from-pandemic-to-totalitarianism/ It all seems to be happening as she says, and our glorious leader confirmed in 'his' speech today which way the wind is blowing. 'We must keep you locked up - the virus is still growing'. A look at the Euromomo site shows how many countries can see the numbers falling. We are being had.
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