LCD S866 + Brainpower controller


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Pedal sensor with plate and 8 small magnets
The PAS isn't a speed sensor but simply a pedal sensor.
For a speed sensor a lot of hubs have an internal sensor, yours doesn't as the White hall wire isn't used. You need an external wheel sensor with a spoke magnet.
The White hall wire then joins to the sensor signal wire then you can join the Gnd & 5v wire to any corresponding 5v supply.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Any idea about setting P7 ??
You have to tell us which hub you are currently using as the P7 looks like it is the gear ratio x internal magnets count. If it is set wrong then PAS will not function correctly or the motor simply will not reach a desired speed.

I once swapped a Bafang hub for an Aikema hub and forgot to change the same function on another make of controller, it stumped me for a while as I wasn't able at all to go above 9.5mph. When I realised my simple error and input the correct figure my hub was back to the 32km/h+ I knew it to be capable of.
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Feb 18, 2019
You dont need a speed wire to get speed. Just adjust the wheel diameter setting (p6) or speedo % adjust (p18). This will give speed when the motor is powered up only.


Feb 18, 2019
I also use the s866. Mine keeps displaying error e07, but everything works fine. How do i get rid of the error?
e7 is hall effect sensor fail or not connected. if your motor doesn't have hall sensors, you cant get rid of this code.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Apr 28, 2019
Hello! Anyone know the solution to the e10 error?

I use the controller for two months. Only since yesterday I have this error. I changed the throttle a few days ago.


Feb 18, 2019
Hello! Anyone know the solution to the e10 error?

I use the controller for two months. Only since yesterday I have this error. I changed the throttle a few days ago.
Ive had e10 fault when a wire for the display was broken.


Just Joined
Jan 23, 2020
Yes, you are right, it's a digital signal. But what I'm saying is when I rotate the wheel in reverse I will only measure voltage between Vs and Q not between Gnd and Q. Now that I am home again I ran another test and found I can actually see the signals when the motor is engaged (I used the self learning mode to activate the motor to rotate forward). After the test I opened up the throttle and figured out the correct pinout there. Hooked it up to the controller and after running the motor upto 12 km/h it cleared the E07. I can't however activate the 6 km/h mode anymore. Maybe that's because of a setting I changed. I can also confirm that even though the PAS is connected the way it should, it still does not work on my controller. I'll order another PAS to see if that works with this controller.
Hi I am new to this forum and have been reading with interest.

@Speedee . - I am facing the same issue that you described above with a disappeared walk assist. Mine seems disappeared indefinitely despite setting P17. Did you ever regain your walk assist or have you been able to do a complete reset of the controller?

I am also struggling with the fact that my motor seems withheld somehow. It took our cargobike to 25km/h in the past but now it stops pulling at about 14km/h. I hope a reset might allow for returning to the power from the past.


P05=2 (mine allows for 9 stages)
P06= 20
P07=88 (4.4 Ration and I guessed 20 magnets)
P16= n/a

Cheers, MPHB


Feb 18, 2019
Hi I am new to this forum and have been reading with interest.

@Speedee . - I am facing the same issue that you described above with a disappeared walk assist. Mine seems disappeared indefinitely despite setting P17. Did you ever regain your walk assist or have you been able to do a complete reset of the controller?

I am also struggling with the fact that my motor seems withheld somehow. It took our cargobike to 25km/h in the past but now it stops pulling at about 14km/h. I hope a reset might allow for returning to the power from the past.


P05=2 (mine allows for 9 stages)
P06= 20
P07=88 (4.4 Ration and I guessed 20 magnets)
P16= n/a

Cheers, MPHB
I gather that you use PAS only to use the bike as you have setting p10 set to 0? If so, I suggest setting p13 from 8 to 5. This will give the controller the appearance you are pedaling faster than you actually are and should enable full speed.


Just Joined
Jan 23, 2020
Dear @Spinnanz,

Many thanks for the suggestion! I have played around with the setting, but unfortunataly it did not resolve the issue. I had already ordered a replacement controller/display (s866) and now everything works flawlessly without any error messages.

This threat has been a big help for me to get a deeper understanding of the kit. Many thanks to all contributors!


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 29, 2020
Hi everybody!
I have read more times all the 16 pages of threads and I have found a lot of interesting informations.
In any case, I have some questions, that I need to find an answer to know the controller more.
Here attached you will find a picture of my controller (model 866C-6) with the "classic" LCD display is the S866 model and the thumb throttle (36V) and so on to explicate my issues.
First of all, I have matched every available wires from the controller to the battery, the devices (hub with 3 phases and 5 Hall sensor connector w/out white "speed" wire, PAS, throttle and obviously the display).
About the controller (wiring):
- Ok motor hub wires, (3 for phases and 6 for Hall sensors, including withe) - connected;
- Ok ID identification or self learning wire - tested;
- Ok light/horn wires - not connected, for now;
- Ok LCD display connector with power lock - connected;
- Ok throttle - connected;
- Ok 1:1 PAS sensor - connected;
- No ok, low brake: to the brake side are necessary one or two on/off switches that "shorts" black and white wires to activate it ?
- No ok, what's the funciton of the SM3 white connector "hall linear EABS" ?
Is this an electric connection for a "HWBS (Hidden Wire Brake Sensor)" or for a throttle (I have a document, sendt from the supplier of the controller) that indicate "throttle type E-ABS" ?
All here above, only to present a "little" issue.
I have (may be) "solved" the E07 error (with a little bit of fortune), I think activating "walk assist" first and riding (with PAS engaged) after, but not with the throttle (as suggest in some threads)...
I don't know the correct sequence, but the error is disappared ...
The throttle is my trouble.
I have matched the wires +5V (red), gnd (black), and signal (withe) to the black SM3 connector "throttle" on the controller, following the instructions from the supplier:
Red cable : +5V of throttle (conncted)
Black cable : - negative of throttle (connected)
White cable : signal of throttle (connected)
Green cable : battery voltage indicator (not connected, for now)
Yellow cable : + positive of switch (not connected, for now)
Brown cable : - negative of switch (not connected, for now)
After, I have checked the voltage (with a digital multimeter) between:
- Red and black wires: ~ 5 V
- White and black wires, throttle not depressed: ~0,8 V;
- White and black wires, throttle fully depressed: ~4,3 V;
I think good, but ... nothing ... the motor don't spin ...
I have checked, also, with a little piece of wire to make "short circuit" from white and red cables ... nothing to do ... the hub seems "dead" (no spin, no noise), like if I hadn't given the command ...
Can you have any idea ? Bad setting parameters (P10 is 2)?
Is possible that the black connector isn't correct and the "good" is the withe one?
Thanks in advance.



Feb 18, 2019
so it works fine with pas? your screen should display PAS and THL if its set to run from throttle and pas.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 29, 2020
Hi Spinnzanz !
Thanks for your reply .
Yes, of course, in my LCD PAS and THL are presents, but I have some news for all us, owners of this kind of LCD/controller.
Yesterday, I have make some test changing only a parameter at a time .
The P05 parameter is settintg to "2", thats means 9 level of assistance (1-9).
Switching on the LCD the level of assistance is "1" for default.
I try to pull down the throttle, and in a moment of absolute silence, I hear a little, very little, noise, that I haven't heard before.
I try again, because It is the case to say, I dont' I can believe my ears.
The noise is related to the throttle: if I activate it the noise is udible.
I push the "+" button to increase the assistance level (I set 4 level), I pull down the throttle and "magically" the hub spins.
PAS and throttle operations are closely linked to level of assistance: for me isn't logical, but is this ...
For the other issues, I hope in your help.
I will make a spread sheet to test every important parameters, an I will write any change and I will sharing them with all you.
Have a nice day everybody !


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 19, 2020
I will make a spread sheet to test every important parameters, an I will write any change and I will sharing them with all you.
Hi Aussie,

Did you ever make the spread sheet?
Could you please share it?

Best Regards


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 29, 2020
Hi RikardiLandi !
Sorry for the delay in answer ...
My 1st e-bike is ready to road check ... the parameters are tested only with the rear wheel "free" (raised a few centimetres from the floor) ...
When I will make the test on the road, I will get the correct data, but I need time ...
Just to inform you, to complete my bike it took me 2 years ...
I hope in your comprehension ...


Finding my (electric) wheels
Feb 19, 2020
Hi Aussi,

No problem, my controller has not yet arrived and due to the corona-situation I do not know how long time the shipment may take.

One question: Do you have a motor with hallsensors (sensored) or without hallsensors (sensorless)?



Finding my (electric) wheels
Jan 29, 2020
Hello Rikard !
Thanks for your comprehension ...
About your question, yes ... my motor hub is equipped with hallsensors.

The harness is made up of:
- a "big" white male connector with 5 wires : black (gnd), red (+5V), blue (sensor 1), green (sensor 2) and yellow (sensor 3);
- three single wires with male bullet connectors (with a little green rubber insulation cap) for motor phases (blue, green and yellow).

Following more threads, the most recent motor hubs are equipped with a connector for hallsensor with 6 wires.

In this kind of hub, is present a withe cable (normally between red and black wire, into the connector) dedicated to send the speed to lcd panel.

In efffect, without this sensor, the speed is detected only with the hub works (normally when throttle, if is present, or PAS are activated).

Without this sensor is necessary install an external device (with voltage) to read the speed during pedaling (without assistance, of course ...).
