After the EU announced 37% anti dumping duty on Chinese-EU (incl U.K.) we stopped importing e-bikes and have slowly run our stocks down,about 200 bikes left.
We still have a good range,please look on
Our prices are still at pre duty levels.
Our Kudos Secret bike was considered one of the best of the folders,the Kudos Mistral is one of the most torquey mountain bikes,still have some tradition Dutch bikes and the Kudos Stealth and Alamo electric sport bikes.
Not many left now and unfortunately no test rides available....for purchases can still PDI and courier delivery in the lockdown.
The best time to buy a bike.
Dave Elderfield
We still have a good range,please look on
Our prices are still at pre duty levels.
Our Kudos Secret bike was considered one of the best of the folders,the Kudos Mistral is one of the most torquey mountain bikes,still have some tradition Dutch bikes and the Kudos Stealth and Alamo electric sport bikes.
Not many left now and unfortunately no test rides available....for purchases can still PDI and courier delivery in the lockdown.
The best time to buy a bike.
Dave Elderfield