Invitation to all E bikers - why not have a go 23 June


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
As an attendee at events H&S is easy to ignore and be assured that I am very fed up with completing Risk Assessments,Method Statements,Liability Insurance checks etc-as someone who organises or exhibits at 10 plus shows a year these bits of paper are tiresome.
But I also appreciate the responsibility of what Alistair is going through,there will be no end of public authorities that he will have to satisfy before this event can proceed and in the event of an accident those same authorities will have protected their a....... and Alistair will be in the firing line.
I walked the test track 4 times at the Eden Project just to ensure that the track was as safe as possible,the organisers had nn experience of organising an ebike event and no appreciation of the speeds and acceleration of even 250 watt one point was a line of stakes that would have been a 'mantrap'if someone fell on one,we protected using barriers and also tried to warn pedestrians as much as possible. Even so there were several accidents despite all our considerations and warnings to testers,so testing these bikes is not without risk.
The teenagers who tested bikes at Eden rode the bikes like teenagers do-fast cadence and furious,it wasn't my event so not my responsibility,but if one of those got hurt I am sure Mum would have turned to the organisers as to why they did not protect her little soldier!!
With regard to Bristol I think its a shame that bikes above 250 watt bikes are being allowed to enter,even as a special class-it just sends out the wrong signals to viewers who know nothing about these bikes and makes the legal bikes look dull in comparison. All this is fun to the pedelec experts but the pedelec newbie is going to find it difficult to understand the difference,I suppose this is all down to the skill of the PA announcer.
Kudos is going to use a normal production bike possibly the Ibex or Tornado or the little Secret (fast off the line) but wont be building a special to gain any advantage. The guy riding the bike will be a Kudos employee,no importing any Cavendish's-the event is supposed to be fun and that seems in the spirit of the day.
ps. I have just read through this entire thread and note that Alistair is promoting the unlimited class as a fun class with no obvious racing (whos he kidding!,who wouldn't race the guy alongside),if there are guys in fancy dress and bikes with burnouts at the start I can see that most would realise these are specials-it sort of reminds me of the Classic Ford Day at Santa Pod where they always have a jet engined monster on the track.
50 Hertz...I noticed that you added like to my posting,can I plead with you not to write into the council about these high powered bikes,the council will not understand and think they are having electric dragsters going up Park Street. They will react in a knee jerk manner and cause no end of problems for Alistair,closing public roads is not easy in the UK and Alistair has done wonders to achieve this event,please don't spoil the fun of others.
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50 Hertz

Mar 6, 2013
I think that you have summed it up very nicely and what you say reflects my thoughts on the matter. Ebikes take away a good proportion of what a lot of people consider to be the unpleasant elements of cycling, struggling uphill, battling into a head-wind, sweat and fatigue to name but a few. As I have stated previously in this thread, there are some excellent legal ebikes available, their numbers are growing and the retailers are making the choice of legal bikes and kits available to us ever wider. There is also plenty of scope within Ebike legislation to be exploited, particularly with regards to power and the way in which it is measured. Through the clever use of electrical / mechanical engineering and the intelligent interpretation of the legislation, very powerful and enjoyable, but legal Ebikes can be developed and this is happening. This is the message that needs to be put across at these events.

A big battery and a brute of a motor strapped to a bike frame isn't at all ingenious and does a disservice to just how advanced, fun and exciting the legal market has become. In fact, its rather boring.

I sincerely hope that this event goes ahead, that everyone has bundles of fun and that it attracts many more people into ebike riding.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 2, 2008
Not knowing Bristol, are there any parking arrangements made for entrants?
Do you mean you wont be cycling there? ;-)

Actually there's a serious question here on how to transport ebikes between cities. And once there, how would you maintain a charge if you needed one? Would the locals lend you their power to recharge, if you needed to? As far as i know there are no thoughts to have charger ports for ebikes. An event of this kind must surely have a practical solution for the obvious.

Deleted member 4366

Do you mean you wont be cycling there? ;-)

Actually there's a serious question here on how to transport ebikes between cities. And once there, how would you maintain a charge if you needed one? Would the locals lend you their power to recharge, if you needed to? As far as i know there are no thoughts to have charger ports for ebikes. An event of this kind must surely have a practical solution for the obvious.
I took my generator last time, but didn't find anybody that needed it. I'll probably take it again, but I don't know why I bother. I spent loads of money on cups, coffee, biscuits and tea for Pedelecs members that visited the Redbridge event, but nobody wanted to take advantage. Now I've got to eat all the biscuits myself.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 20, 2012
the Cornish Alps
I spent loads of money on cups, coffee, biscuits and tea for Pedelecs members that visited the Redbridge event, but nobody wanted to take advantage. Now I've got to eat all the biscuits myself.
Ahh - Biccies! I does like a biscuit - As I kept telling punters at Eden, "I burn between 50 & 70 calories per mile on my ebike - That's a biscuit per mile"...

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
I cannot find this listed in the events.
Anyway, come on everybody, nice day out in Bristol and bags of fun
Sign up


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Just to reiterate....this is a really great electric bike day out, loads of fun, loads of people, a chance for us to all meet up and put faces to names and try lots of different bikes.

AND for lots of you ,who havent already, to join

CycleCharge | Charge on the move

and get your smart new membership key fobs

Hopefully in the future it might even turn into a 2 day event and really take Presteignes place....oh, I miss Presteigne.....:(

There were some unique 'vehicles' there last year and a great day was had by all.....especially by an over excited Andrew from Oxygen, I bet there will be quite a few of you there hoping to take his crown away ....and his smile too lol

Just reading through this thread after being away all I can say is instead of classifying the bikes , maybe Alistair should classify the riders.....only good sports with a good sense of humour and the undiminished ability and will to occasionally still stick a finger up to the self promoted 'nanny state police'.... be allowed :cool:

(...its not as if we are rioting in the streets and its only one day after all and not that dangerous in the great scheme of things is it.....:rolleyes: )

Lynda :)

PS.....Dave.....can you make them choccie biscuits this time ??