Its horses for courses. Any body using eroad bike is going be cruising well above 25km/h level. The assist just means they don't fall below 25km/h on slight inclines and headwinds, or dread hills. If I was into road riding I can see the appeal.
After try my wife step though I can see appeal of these for all day cruising but they don't inspire confidence on long steep descents. Where I would fly down hills at 50km/h on MTB, I'd do same descent at 35km/h or less on wife's bike, riding brakes alot of way.
Touring ebikes are probably best compromise between comfort, speed and handling. Can ride in comfort above 25km/hr on flat while still flying down hills.
After try my wife step though I can see appeal of these for all day cruising but they don't inspire confidence on long steep descents. Where I would fly down hills at 50km/h on MTB, I'd do same descent at 35km/h or less on wife's bike, riding brakes alot of way.
Touring ebikes are probably best compromise between comfort, speed and handling. Can ride in comfort above 25km/hr on flat while still flying down hills.