Hi ! And is there a tour de Presteign this year?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 23, 2007
I think Im number 58 with the sunglasses on. Im not sure who is next to me but Pete Mustill is next to them followed by David Henshaw. Just behind me is Keith Palmer my colleague here at Powabyke.

I hope this years event is as sunny as it was then!!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 23, 2007
It was probably before, during and after numerous cigarette breaks!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
Found it HarryB.
They decided to post it in here were it is the most people probably wont see it !
Its about right for them !
What a bunch of...............
No not the right place but an apology nonetheless. I am waiting for an Agattu, not 50 cycles' fault or Derby's but my company - taking forever to do the paperwork for the CTW scheme! Very frustrating but at least I have a lovely Torq to ride to work for now. I know they took a while to deliver my Torq and I think I was as frustated as you (well maybe not quite as frustrated as you;) )

Andy Grayland

Apr 9, 2008
Tour de presteigne and Green wheels 08

Just to confirm to everyone that the Tour de presteigne is on and will be bigger and better than ever before. It has been combined with Green wheels who are inviting other Eco transports along to. The weather will be better this year to*. The new website is Tour de Presteigne
See the website for the latest news. If you are coming please drop a line in the guestbook or forum. Thanks Andrew
*I hope
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
Please Stay On Topic

Will those trying to hijack this thread and turn it into yet another tedious consumerist topic please read and stick to the following forum rule.

"4. Do not stray from the discussion topic."

Those of with no axe to grind find it very irritating that the same subject keeps cropping up in unrelated threads.

This thread is about a positive event, Presteign. Lets keep it that way.
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Will those trying to hijack this thread and turn it into yet another tedious consumerist topic please read and stick to the following forum rule.

"4. Do not stray from the discussion topic."

Those of with no axe to grind find it very irritating that the same subject keeps cropping up in unrelated threads.

This thread is about a positive event, Presteign. Lets keep it that way.
Well said Ian, it was worth saying twice:D


Dec 14, 2006
Dumfries, SW Scotland
Public transport?

I'd like to go to Presteigne on the Saturday, to look at trade stands. But I can't see how to get there on public transport, without adding the complication of an overnight stay.

As far as I can see, the nearest rail station is Leominster. There are 2 buses from there to Presteigne on Saturdays. The first leaves too early for me (starting from Oxford by train, I couldn't get there in time). The second arrives in Presteigne at lunchtime, turns around and is immediately the only bus back to Leominster for my return trip. So I could get there, but not stay to look round...

Seems a bit strange to have an "eco-transport" event that you need a car to get to. Or are there options which I've missed?



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 19, 2007
David Henshaw goes by public transport. I think he described his route in an old edition of A to B; I don't have it to hand so can't give details.


Jan 2, 2007
I went to Presteigne II (and got a soaking for my trouble) and it did strike me how 'out of the way' the place was (and I live in nearby Birmingham!) so resorted to going by car. Not terribly eco. So I'd be interested in how you'd get there easily by public transport. Having said that it's a beautiful part of the world and worth the trek just for that. Unfortunately I won't be able to go to Presteigne III as I'm on me hols.


Dec 14, 2006
Dumfries, SW Scotland
I looked up the A to B report; there were a group of them, getting train to Leominster then loading all the Bromptons on a country bus for 2 hours to finish the trip to Presteigne.

I worked out that it would take me about 5 hours each way from Oxford. Not practical for a one-day visit. I've given up on the idea. Presteigne is for car owners.



Feb 25, 2008
Presteign and other possible events

:) It appears that some would like to attend events like Presteign but find it difficult to get there - not totally surprising seeing as its on the borders. I know that i am relatively new to the LEV/eco scene but would it not help the whole movement if there were more events like it? It would give a lot more publicity and educate folk as to the merits of electric cycling etc. Perhaps a couple of more events up and down the midlands region where there is a reasonable public transport/cycle network infrastructure (Buxton/Matlock to the north,cheltenham/Oxford to the south - maybe somewhere like Stow-on-the Wold). I dont mean to upset anyone with this suggestion and it may not have to cause competion if organisors worked together - many other enthusiast scenes do it - why not us? Cost might be an issue but every local authority and central government like to preach for more eco minded practices - perhaps they would be interested in sponsoring some events. Having said all this - perhaps there are more of these events and i'm just not aware of them. If so please tell me.:confused:



Dec 14, 2006
Dumfries, SW Scotland
Hi Jontee,

If you look the thread "Heinzmann parts", Emotivepete gives links to cycle shows in Nottingham and York. Not specifically electric bikes, but I'm interested because I'd like to see the new Heinzmann range of "Estelle" bikes. Last year there was an electric bike event in Hampshire, which would have been reasonably accessible for me, but clashed with something else in my diary. I think there's an annual cycling show in London where, I would hope, at least some electric bikes would be on display.

The difficulty with Presteigne is that it's 15 miles from the nearest rail station, Leominster. On the plus side for demonstrating electric bikes - it's hilly! Many dealers may offer a test ride, but if the shop is in a flat locality, you don't get a chance to find out what a bike can or can't do.

So there are events around the country. You need to watch this forum and other cycling sites to find out about them. Also click on advertisers' links here, because if they are going to an event, it may be on the company website.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
:) It appears that some would like to attend events like Presteign but find it difficult to get there - not totally surprising seeing as its on the borders. I know that i am relatively new to the LEV/eco scene but would it not help the whole movement if there were more events like it? It would give a lot more publicity and educate folk as to the merits of electric cycling etc. Perhaps a couple of more events up and down the midlands region where there is a reasonable public transport/cycle network infrastructure (Buxton/Matlock to the north,cheltenham/Oxford to the south - maybe somewhere like Stow-on-the Wold). I dont mean to upset anyone with this suggestion and it may not have to cause competion if organisors worked together - many other enthusiast scenes do it - why not us? Cost might be an issue but every local authority and central government like to preach for more eco minded practices - perhaps they would be interested in sponsoring some events. Having said all this - perhaps there are more of these events and i'm just not aware of them. If so please tell me.:confused:

I agree there should be more events as I am unable to get to this event myself due to travel and I would love to :(
Bring them on! But I guess it may be costly to organise and the organisers would have to have 100% faith in this form of transport taking off with costs, participants etc etc (wrong spelling :D )
Plus complete faith, it's a shame but I do understand as there may be a loss on the day by all parties in alternative events?
So I guess that may be why it is limited but who knows in a couple of years time, we may see more Leccy bikes out there slowly but surely, well hopefully?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Hi Jontee,

If you look the thread "Heinzmann parts", Emotivepete gives links to cycle shows in Nottingham and York. Not specifically electric bikes, but I'm interested because I'd like to see the new Heinzmann range of "Estelle" bikes. Last year there was an electric bike event in Hampshire, which would have been reasonably accessible for me, but clashed with something else in my diary. I think there's an annual cycling show in London where, I would hope, at least some electric bikes would be on display.

The difficulty with Presteigne is that it's 15 miles from the nearest rail station, Leominster. On the plus side for demonstrating electric bikes - it's hilly! Many dealers may offer a test ride, but if the shop is in a flat locality, you don't get a chance to find out what a bike can or can't do.

So there are events around the country. You need to watch this forum and other cycling sites to find out about them. Also click on advertisers' links here, because if they are going to an event, it may be on the company website.

That's good Mary
I will keep a look out as would like to visit one :) I am in the Hampshire area, any going on that you know of soon?
I think there's an annual cycling show in London where, I would hope, at least some electric bikes would be on display.
The Cycle Show 2008 in on at Earls Court from 9-12th October. The Heinzmann Estelle bikes will be on display. There is a test track but it is fairly limited and it's a bit late for this year's cycling needs. The opportunities at Presteigne, Nottingham (Get Cycling) and York (CTC) are the best to see the Heinzmann bikes in the flesh, or speak with your friendly retailer.

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent


Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 May

I am delighted to be able to report that the programme for this years Tour de Presteigne is in great form. There looks like being a tremendous selection of bikes for everyone to drool over and have a go on. We have already confirmed that there will be bikes from Gazelle, Urban Mover, Wisper,Kalkhoff, Powabyke, Ezee, Heinzmann, Izip, Sun Runner the Brompton Nano plus Electric scooters, motorcycles, cars and vans at the show.

There is also a mouth watering selection of events and talks around town for you to take part in and even the entertainment we've laid on looks pretty impressive. This years Rally is aimed not just at amateur electric bike enthusiasts and those wishing to purchase an electric bike but everyone who is unhappy about being dependent on their gas guzzler and is looking for alternatives. We are particularly delighted with the line up for Question Time in the Assembly Rooms on Saturday afternoon which will feature George Marshall the author of Carbon Detox as well as co-founder of Plane Stupid and local hero Joss Garman.

The main festival site will make use of a large geodesic dome to provide plenty of covered space for exhibitors and this will be situated on a quiet cul-de-sac that has plenty of hard-standing on which the public can try out bikes. The hill climb and country ramble will set off from the festival site and last but not least the final 1 hour rally on the Sunday will return to the very popular route it used in 2006 around the centre of town. It would help us if you let us know if you are going to enter the rally on Sunday at 2.30. We will then e mail you to tell you how to pay the £10 entrance fee in advance and give you a number. This will make all the organization much simpler on the day.

Saturday 11am – 5pm


Electric Bikes

by 50 Cycles, Powabyke, Urban Mover, Cycle Point, Nano, Wisper, Emotive Control Systems, Valeswood, Green Transport Solutions & The Electric Cycle Company, Powered Bicycles. A chance to try lots of different electric bikes: Gazelle, Urban Mover, Wisper, Kalkhoff, Powabyke, Ezee, Heinzmann, Izip, Sun Runner the Brompton Nano and many more

Green Transport Show

Electric scooters, motorcycles, cars and vans; low emissions petrol and diesel cars and Hybrid electric cars plus The Battery Vehicle Society

Cool Wall

Display of ‘desirable’ energy efficient cars


Regular cycles, tandems, folding & recumbent bicycles & tricycles


Greening Presteigne

Local project suggesting easy ways to reduce our carbon footprint

Information about Sustrans, Powys County & Herefordshire Cycling Routes, Car & Lift Share Projects, Centre for Alternative Technology, Wheely Wonderful Cycling & Drover Holidays & Bike Hire

Rowan Tree Books covering a variety of eco issues

Recycled Metal windmills & cars by Bob Rowberry

Power by Wind and Sun

Sustainable energy from windmills and solar panels with power points to recharge batteries


Ramblers Walk 11.30 – 1pm

Start and finish outside the Dome, wear sensible shoes and clothes

Hill Climb 12noon Assemble 11.30am outside the Dome

A chance for bikes to pit themselves against one of Presteigne’s most unforgiving inclines

Willow Wheels 1pm – 5pm

Creative workshop with Keelin Hawker

Question Time 2pm

A discussion chaired by Ian Marchant broadcaster & author currently working on The Electric Pilgrim

An opportunity to pose tricky questions about the future of transport to the experts:

Brigit Strawbridge Big Green Ideas

Joss Garman co- founder of Plane Stupid

George Marshall author of Carbon Detox

Les Lumsdon Transport, Tourism & Cycling specialist

David Henshaw editor of A to B magazine

Assembly Rooms in Presteigne £3

Country Ride 4pm

Collect maps from the Dome for a 12 mile dawdle for all eco-transport round some of the Borders most picturesque lanes

Saturday Evening 8pm

Live Music in the Dome £6

Cajun jazz trio Blake’s 3 & comic musical duo Your Dad, plus an opportunity to exchange ideas with other enthusiasts

Sweet and savoury food, local beers, cider & wine


Display of Electric Bikes, Green Transport Show & Stalls 11am – 4pm

see Saturday for details

Willow Wheels 11am – 2pm

Creative workshop with Keelin Hawker

Bureau of Silly Ideas present The Squirt

Broad Street 2pm - 4pm

Pedal powered environmentally friendly comic amusement

Tour de Presteigne 2.30 - 3.30pm

The World’s Premier Electric Bike Endurance Rally around the closed streets of Presteigne, with commentary by Ian Marchant and classes for standard & modified bikes

Rally Entrance Fee £10

Entrants must sign in by 2pm, be over 14 years old and wear a cycle helmet

Contact Details

for accommodation information & Entrance Forms


Pete Mustill 01544 267163

Tour de Presteigne



Tour de Presteigne Event Site

Joe Deakins Road


LD8 2UF Signs from Presteigne By-pass

On Site Catering

Bacon Rolls, Venison Burgers & Salad

Clay Oven Pizzas

Tea & Cakes

Local Beers, Wine & Cider

Shepherds Ice Cream

Site Access

Please park in the town Car Parks

Disabled Parking &Toilet on site

With thanks to our sponsors

Environment Wales

Double Take

Mangar International

D & S Bamford

Presteigne & Norton Town Council

50 Cycles


The Electric Transport Company

Shepherds Ice Cream

Sheep Music

Hope to see you there, best regards David


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 19, 2007
Note that electric bikes are technically banned on rail services,
but the more discrete kind are regularly carried by rail without problems:
Very comprehensive posting - I think anyone who wants to go there won't fail for want of information! In this amount of information, there's bound to be the odd error, and this one shouts out to be corrected as it's not true - electric bikes are legally classified as bikes and are not technically or otherwise banned from trains!

Conditions do vary between operators and the best source of information on it is this page on the AtoB web site


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 14, 2007
Actually, electrically assisted bicycles are exempt only from certain provisions of the Road Traffic Acts, mainly those requiring licensing, helmets and seat belts etc. There is nothing in the legislation that I know of which says they are to be classed as non-motorised for other purposes, or that they must be treated as such by others who by contract or otherwise can impose rules. The requirement to wear helmets at Presteigne itself is a first class example of the latter.

Given the multiplicity of train operating companies and the discretion passed down to their employees (which for example permits a conductor to prohibit the carriage of something he or she considers to be dangerous) the best plan is to ensure that before entering the station the bicycle is de-electrified.

Remove the battery and put it in a bag;)
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