While I was fit enough to ride without assistance up to the age of 67, I used to revel in the hills in the North Downs. On one route I rode most days, I sometimes looped one section to tackle a particularly difficult hill twice just for the enjoyment of climbing it.
It does indeed depend on the person - you don't need to do team sports to be very sporty, flecc - marathon runners are a prime examples. You have to enjoy hard physical exercise to actually enjoy riding up steep hills.
I don't mind short bursts of effort but long very steep hills over a mile and my ride is suddenly not enjoyable - more of a horrid experience of physical discomfort and racing heart rate.
That's probably lack of fitness - but it burns too many calories to train out of it. Chicken & egg. 10 days unable to stick to 3000-calorie/day weight maintenance diet and work outs after the accident and I lost 8% of my body weight leading back to the BMI of an Eritrean. It'll take me 2-3 months to put it back on again working around other commitments and plans.
Lots of miles of cycling and lots of unassisted hills = same result. We each have our individual factors to work around. Sustaining a healthy weight and not having your ribs showing through means more to me than having a high level of cardiovascular tolerance, so unassisted hill slogging and long rides aren't going to be something that's actually net beneficial to me. It's all about balancing things and the eBikes help very much sustain that balance.
I was joking, you would need to look back over my posts about snobbery to get the joke. Anyhow, I actually admire you adapting so well without a car, buses or taxi. Do you use the Kalkhoff to do all the towing? How is it on the hills?
Ah - must confess I did skim the thread somewhat

. Been a little over 6 months since car went and I've taken one taxi, 3 trains ... and an ambulance

. A handful of trips out with family in a car but that's only when I go out into the sticks and don't have a bike there. That'll change soon hopefully too.
Kalkhoff is likely about as good as any competing legal eBike on hills, but (I suspect like all the others) only OK on hills up to a certain speed and for a limited time before being unable to give enough to sustain the assistance on very long steep climbs as you tire.
I'm not talking a steep slope in town - get annoyed with myself if I drop below 14mph on those - I'm talking those ones that look near vertical when you hit them and go on, and on, and on for miles...... The ones Lycras are seen dismounting and walking their road bikes up. To keep up any sort of pace you wind up working against little resistance but at a higher cadence in low gear and after a time that gets very tiring, your pulse starts to race, your mouth dries up and if you're out of training you feel like blacking out or being sick. Well, I do anyway - and it doesn't take more than a few days of not doing it to lapse back to having to start 'training' again. Most frustrating.
That said it's one of the best climbers over shorter distances you can buy. Steep car park ramps etc. for example and you don't even feel it. Blooming comfortable too and in more normal terrain would be pretty perfect for touring.
I don't use a trailer. Whatever I can't fit in 70L of panniers and a huge rack bag doesn't get bought and I do without or order in. Probably saved a fortune - which is just as well since my mail order expenditure had quadrupled and have ended up spending well over £5 on bikes and associated stuff in 6 months. So much for saving money on account of not having a car lol.