Forget the rest look at this!!!!!!!!!!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 8, 2009
...bidding ended on 02 Nov, 2009 at 23:45:43 GMT so you won't find it anymore. However you can still click on the direct eBay link and/or read the auction text (copy/paste) here:
Oh, and here's the nonsense written for the 48V-900W version of the kit (copy/pasted here just in case eBay removes the auction completely):

Oxford Gearboxed 900W 48v electric bike Kit cruise50mph on eBay (end time 02-Nov-09 23:45:12 GMT)

The Fastest and Safest Quality Electric Bicycle Kit in the World

Let us talk about the drive system for a little bit… The system developed by Oxford Gearbox is by far the most efficient system made to date.

It’s easy to install. It naturally aligns and runs true. It changes the ‘heart’ of the machine, and the power transfer is almost lossless. It uses the bikes gears. This means that as the rider skill improves over the 3000 cycles of the battery, the rider will learn to use the battery energy just as they do their own body. If I have energy and want to get somewhere fast I pedal hard. If I am a little tired or have a longer ride I would pedal slower. Ditto the bike.

The efficiency and power of this set-up is incredible. It has a free-wheeling front crank. It is an absolute stroke of genius. One can change gear without pedalling.

I will happily race any other electric bicycle with matching battery/motor combo. If not identical, we can convert into watt-hours and accurately compare. I will happily compete in speed, distance travelled or acceleration. The Oxford Gearbox will win. If it doesn’t, I will stop making these and sell the one that beat me. But that seems very unlikely. Because we use the gears, this kit will win. Imagine driving your car with only one gear. Hardly likely to be efficient.

It all sounds a bit silly, but come and take one of the demo bikes for a spin and we will talk after that.
Our Gearboxed motors are superior to 1500 Watt Hub motors in that

1. Our model uses the full extent of your gears to propel you forward

2.Gearbox Bicycle Kits are UK-based and are supported

3. 900watt Gearboxed models last for 10 years

Power your way past cars uphill at speed, power up steep hills and inclines by changing down the gears. The Pictur above shows my Claud Butler with the 900w kit and 4 x SLA 9AH (range: 20-30miles,Top speed:40-50mph).

This kit is the ultimate cyclist helper, it comes with pedals, contains easy step-by-step instructions, our sales are reflected in our high feedback rating and we aim to help all our customers achieve the most they can out of cycling.

Having assembled this kit together and placed it under 48 hour dura-stress-cycle testing to ensure it conforms to the ECA standard it is a quality product that offers the highest levels of safety to reduce the rising fuel costs, global warming, but most of all it pays for itself within 4 months, it is seriously great fun to use and is in it's own league and far superior to any other kit. Built from the highest pre-fabricated and lathed materials in the UK

However off-road, it is different, on private University campuses, private parks, private fields, private leisure centers, private car parks (wherever possible, it is your responsibility to determine the Law), some private bicycle paths etc..etc.. cruising speed is around 50mph without pedal assist. To make things clear, this is as fast as it gets with electric bicycles, the kit is marked 24v 250watt, however Linked to your chain-drive the power output of the motor is multiplied by a ratio of 2:2:18 equalling 3800 to 5300 watts on the smallest and biggest gears respectively, the kit is also upgradeable to any voltage up to 48volts, ideally it performs best at 48-60volts.

Battery packs are available and are £60 for 48v 10amps (please ask for more information). We advise you to wear a helmet, get insured, and not break the speed limit or any laws.

By using a standard bicycle's gearing this kit can climb steep 65% hills, accelerate faster than some cars uphill and is most probably the best quality electric bicycle Kit you've ever seen.

We also offer the bicycles ready-made at a higher price in mountain Bike (£1749) / Touring (£1320) / Beach Cruiser frames (£642) (feel free to contact us for more information at

"The Kit has replaced the Car Completely! I never thought I'd get so much out of it, I never believed in cars anyway, my wife loves it, it gets the groceries, we wonder why ever didn't we buy it in the first place?!?Kim Martin"

What it is:

900 Watt 48V Brushless Electric Bike Kit 3 Chainwheel System That Uses the Rear Gears to propel your Bicycle forward (and increases power output)

are you:

Tired of being stuck in morning traffic?

Sick of arriving late and tired to University Lectures?

TIRED of spending £30-£50 on weekly rising fuel costs?

Do you Need an alternative that will help you get fit without having to climb up steep hills?

If you want to Reduce your short travel costs, or just get fit, then this kit is the thing for you.

When we conducted our Preliminary Market research and asked around Oxford we wondered who could afford a car anyway?

The main aim of the kit was primarily to ease the setup to rival the installation of a hub motor. It suffices to state that this kit takes 1 hour to attach to any standard bicycle(18",19",20",21" frames), it is 21 x as fast as a 1500 watt ''hub motor'' in that you can use your gears on the bicycle. The Built-in freewheel means pedals do not spin when the motor is running. You can pedal only if you want to (thanks to the (patented Freewheel Chainwheel Setup) When in pedal mode there remains no drag from the motor. steep hills can be coasted at up to 50mph cruising speeds on the flats, 40mph up 45% gradients. (The kits get noticed very often and hold their own reputation in Oxford).

A warning, from experience, to Ebayers: Do not buy cheap chinese ''1500 watt'' Hub motors that you have seen on the other pages, Those Kits come unfinished, contain technical and operational issues, they maintain no customer support, they are slow, they do not function to a reasonable standard and are genuinely unsafe. They do not climb hills satisfactorily and slow to a halt. Efficiency is another factor standing at 60% when we tested them (while our Oxford Kit is 94% efficient), the Hub motors are cheap and a waste.

The Largest Hub motor on Ebay today is rated at 1,500 Watts but by using the Oxford Kit through your bicycle's gearing you are generating in excess of 5,300Watts which will probably out-accelerate most things on wheels ( hillclimber superbike). If you need any help with the kit then you can reach us any time by my email, which is where we will do our utmost to help (email us on Sundays, times of inconvenience, because we are here to help, our company policy is to help make the world greener and we will do our utmost to assist you.
(some Statistics).


4SLA 48v 10amp (12v x 4) batteries will power you at 30-40mph (depending on your weight) or 50mph for 20-40 miles depending on usage.

upon testing this bike was ridden at 30mph pedal assisted for 49miles, no pedalling for 20miles (full throttle the acceleration was and still is unmatched at 0-30mph in 5-8 seconds).

When the battery finally gave up it's charge after 34 miles the charge time took 90 minutes with a heavy duty 10amp charger (not included, we do include, at no extra cost a downscaled charger)

The bicycle's total weight is 27kilograms

you freewheel(no pedalling required but optional if you want to, this kit involves freewheeling pedals).

It's Handbuilt ( you'll get a big wide Electric Vehicle Grin when it's done!)

The kit will propel you up a steep hill at full throttle at 15mph

I commute daily I have used this setup for 600miles and nothing needed changing.

What's in the box:

900W Motor, Gearbox & 14T Freewheel Sprocket, External 24v Controller (Motor Weight 3.2kg - Controller Weight 1.1kg).
Motor Mounting Bracket With Bolts.
Chain Tensioner.
Triple Freewheel Chainwheel 44T/44T/32T Tooth.
Bottom Bracket 153mm Cartridge BB Set.
Left & Right Crank Arms - 170mm.
Twist Grip Throttle.
2 x Handlebar Grips.
Battery Connecting Harness.

Mounting bracket for motor will fit most bike frames up to a width of 52mm. Battery, charger & battery bag/case not included.

The 900 Watt motor performs best when coupled with our high performance 36V LifePo4 battery. Please see battery category for details.

Kit is intended for off road use only as it exceeds the legal power limit of 200/250 watts

Motor kit comes with 1 year limited warranty, I hold no responsibility for any damage sustained from this product to person property or any other injury that may or may not be sustained from this product, I also do not accept returns, or take responsibility for damage connected or unconnected by it, I advise that the legal limit in the UK is 15mph and that this bike is to be used at 15mph and no faster and is for OFFROAD ONLY by reading this you understand that I take no responsibility at all for your use of this product.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 13, 2009
I sent the e-bayer of the 40 miles at 40mph moutaineering bike kit a message the other day and asked him where he was from. His e-bay location was Staffordshire despite the implication within the advert that it was Oxford. Anyway he replied that he was actually in Northumberland and his name was Rob.

We know that the e-bay scammer is using eclipse bikes' ad material so I sent Eclipse-bikes an e-mail and asked them where they were located as I was interested in their products. (Their website gives no geographical location). I got an e-mail back saying they were in Newcastle. The e-mail was from a chap called Rob!

Are they one and the same?

The reason is that I am genuinely interested in this type of kit but obviously wish to deal with a bona fide supplier. I'm not sure I've yet found one.

Does anyone have any direct experience with Eclipse-Bikes? A flashy website but no listed address or real contact details doesn't give confidence.


Oct 25, 2006
Does anyone have any direct experience with Eclipse-Bikes? A flashy website but no listed address or real contact details doesn't give confidence.
I'd always treat everything to do with Cyclone with some caution. Cyclone's trading arrangements leave much to be desired and they have had a patchy product history, so it wouldn't surprise me if they were mixed up with dealers of a similar ilk.


Oct 5, 2008
I have used the Cyclone kit on one of my bike conversions.
I bought most of the stuff direct from Taiwan. But I have contacted Rob and bought items from his web site Eclipse-Bikes. He is in Newcastle, Northumberland, and he is the official rep. for Cyclone motors in the UK.
In future I think I would use the UK rep again rather than buying from Taiwan; with exchange rate, customs delays, VAT charges, postal charges can make the difference between the UK and Taiwan prices very small. I’ve had quick responses via email from both Paco in Taiwan and Rob in the UK both seem very helpful in answering any quires.

I am not sure about this other EBay item Oxford Gearbox; I think that appears to be a scam. With some stuff copied from the Eclipse-Bikes web site, and other stuff mixed in that does not appear legit. I am not sure it has any connection with Cyclone

So I can confirm that:-| bikes | electric bike kits | Pedal | Power , Robert Tointon is OK. The info is shown on the Cyclone website, Contact Us.
By the way the kits seem quite good if you don’t mind doing a bit of engineering, waterproofing connectors, etc. There is plenty of power using the bikes gears. I am using the 3 Chainwheel kit
So I have 18 speeds now with 44T 32T at the crank, and a 9 speed cassette on the rear wheel.
If you look at the Eclipse-Bikes site you will see there are” 3 Chainwheel Custom Kits”, which is what I am using.
If you want to be street legal you will probably have to fit the PAS sensor otherwise you will be able to go over 15MPH depending on your bikes gearing.
The first time I took the bike out for a test ride I set off up quite a steep hill in too lower gear and promptly did a wheelie almost falling off the back of the bike! A lot more torque than my other conversion with the 36V Alien front wheel kit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 8, 2009
A lot more torque than my other conversion with the 36V Alien front wheel kit.
Thanks for your input ! :)
What about noise compared to the Alien/Bafang hub motor ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 13, 2009
When their e-bay listing ended I sent a message asking if they would be re-advertising as I was interested - which I am.

I now have a message from someone called "Nad" (new name) who states that they pulled their listings the other day (they didn't time expire) - because they were selling out of kits! They will be re-advertising when their stock is replenished and they only ever sell on e-bay. (Funny there is no e-bike feedback on there?)

I still think this is a front for eclipse-bikes.


Oct 28, 2009
Walton On Thames
I can confirm the stuff contained in the kit is exactly the same at fist appearances to the eclipse kits.
So if these work ok then everything should be sweet.

I put my hand up and say i bought one of these kits last month and i have been interested to see your comments about the guy selling them.
The kit turned up 48 hours after he said it would arrive so at the very least at this point i can say if you order something you will get it from him. It was sent by parcel force and he supplied the tracking numbers as soon as it was sent.
He has also been very quick to answer his emails, always handy, i must have sent over 20 emails to him.

I can fill in more info later and i actually have no war to verify this info but this is what is different with this kit so i have been told:
MOSFET's have been upgraded
some sort of capacitor to boost the voltage has been upgraded/changed
the housing has been waterproofed
555's have been uprated (no idea what they are)
electrolytic capacitors have been uprated

most of this means nothing to me, but safe to say i will report back. Maybe i will start a new thread with the info on although it sounds like fitting is going to be exactly the same as a cyclone kit.
The guy has taken a cyclone kit and tweeked it to make it better, addressing some of the issues others had reported.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 30, 2007
Suva, Fiji
The pedant in me cannot resist this comment - Newcastle is in Tyne & Wear - not Northumberland.


Oct 5, 2008

Well, if we are going to be pedantic, Rob (Eclipse-Bikes) is not actually in Newcastle Tyne & Wear, but to the northeast in Ponteland, Northumberland. Putting my comment in context, I was following on from averhamdave post, where he mentions getting an email from Rob in Northumberland. As opposed to the ebay item “Oxford Gearbox” which was from someone in Staffordshire. So I posted Newcastle in case readers didn't know Ponteland!


I have a 720W motor, external controller, 36V 10AH PSI LifePo4 Battery. Range, I don't ride a regular route, so it's difficult to give a maximum, but I get about 20 miles with some input from pedaling. It's very hilly round my location at the edge of the Peak District. I didn't get this for speed, more interested in torque, for the hill climes, but speed is about 35+ MPH up slight incline. I am not a fan of speed up or down hills, and I never go above 15 MPH on the public highway with power if you know what I mean!


There is certainly more noise from the system than the hub motor. But I wouldn't say that it‘s too bad. It's very subjective without some kind of measuring equipment. If I can I will make a comparison video, alla, your YouTube comparisons of Tongxin vs Bafang hubs. The main difference is that you do get noise from the gear chain as well as the motor, but on the move it is not that noticeable. I don't turn heads with the noise, unless I use the Airzound 2 Horn!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 13, 2009
Thanks for the input VHFMAN, it explains quite a lot.

I am genuinely interested in this type of drive and that's how I found the Oxford kit.

Clearly from your experience the CYCLONE kit you purchased direct from Taiwan is fine, powerful, not too noisy and excellent for hill climbing.

The Oxford Kit may also be good, and given that you actually know his whereabouts, and if you do communicate with him, then please advise him that:

  1. He didn't ought to be using Eclipse advertising material
  2. The video he shows should be of the product he is actually selling
  3. His advertising material shouldn't make claims that a 5 year old can see as ludicrous
  4. If his grammer is not up to the job, get someone else to word/frame his advert
  5. Start a new e-bay account that lists his location correctly and is dedicated to e-bike sales
  6. Join this forum and gain some credibility

Just my thoughts. I look forward to anyone else with Cyclone/Eclipse/Oxford practical feedback and experiences.:)


Oct 28, 2009
Walton On Thames
i have pointed all this out to him, i said i will produce a better install guide and i advised him to join this forum to help show he has made good changes to the kit.

Additionally i will make him a new video on a private road which uses his kit.

as i said he has been very helpful, but as soon as i get the kit fitted i can tell you more.d