Fitting new controller wiring question


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
hI guys
i am just fitting a new speed controller and led to the wifes Cyclomatic cx2
just wanted to make sure i am connecting the wires correctly.
the first picture shows the 2 block connectors 5 wires that go to the motor i presume they are they connected colour to colour?
the other picture is of the connector to the pas crank sensor just not sure if they are correct or need swapping around i just dont want to blow anything lol
hope you can help a newbie



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
PAS is wrong. It won't work like that. You must connect red to red. probably yellow is ground and needs to go to black, but it's not guaranteed. You must use a meter to do a continuity test to any black wire to see which is ground. Nothing will blow if you get those wires wrong because they only have 5v. That key-loack one is the dangerous one. To make the controller work, you have to connect that blue to the red one, either with a switch or permanently.

Generally, you can connect the motor wires colour to colour, but it's not guaranteed to be correct. Sometimes, you have to swap a pair if the motor doesn't spin, when typically, you get a click, grind, knock or hum instead. Do not give full power if it doesn't spin correctly, otherwise you can do a lot of damage.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
wow thanks Saneagle im glad i checked here first :p
thanks for your experienced input,
i have swapped the pins over which i believe are correct now.
just not sure what i connect the blue to ? you say to the red wire but not sure which one that is. also is it the blue from the controller i connect or the one from the pas?
sorry if i seem confused but just want to make sure im doing i right
i have put some pictures on if this helps and the wiring from the controller and the handlebar unit its in chinglish. the first picture is how it was originally
thanks again for your help
the wife will kill me if i dont get it going again lol



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
The PAS connector has red, black and blue wires - 5v, ground and signal. The other side has red yellow and blue. Red is 5v, but the other two could be either way round, so you must take a meter and check whether blue or yellow is ground. The ground one connects to black and the other one goes to the signal blue on the other side.

You didn't show the control panel before, nor the wires for it. You have two connectors for it - red and blue, and green and black. The control panel works as a switch by joining the red to the blue, which powers the controller, so you don't need to do anything with that except connect it to the control panel. Without the control panel, you have to connect the blue to the red to get power to the controller. The green and black pair are the ground for the control panel and the signal wire that tells the controller which level you have selected.

Disconnect that loop on the blue cruise wires. You don't want that - trust me.

The other thing is that it has the two single green self-learning wires. When you're ready to test the system and before switching on the control panel, you connect those two green wires together, lift the wheel off the ground and switch on. After some clicking and jogging, you'll hear the motor turning. If it goes backwards, the wheel won't turn. In that case, switch off and start again. It reverses each time you do the procedure. When the wheel is turning slowly the right way, switch off and disconnect those green wires and leave them disconnected. When you have self-learning, you don't need to worry about the motor wires in the wrong sequence. It figures out what it needs to do to run the motor whichever way they're connected.
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Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
Hi saneagle
thanks for the reply ive been out all day so only just got around to doing anything until now.
So i can confirm the yellow is the ground wire on the pas connector of which ive connected the right way around with the red and black,
ive coupled the other 5 wires to the motor up. So guess the next step is to connect the blue wire is that correct?
i have posted some pictures of the control panel connectors its a 790 display.
Just not sure which blue wire i connect to where. I have a blue wire with red that goes to the panel and then the blue wire which was going to the pas which i take i don't connect to the pas now? I feel im nearly there but just want to be sure,
sorry for being such a newbie but i do appreciate your help
cheers dave



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
You're nearly there. If yellow is ground, blue goes to blue in the PAS connector. You've connected the 790 correctly. White and yellow are for lights.

Now, find the two blue/mauves and remove that loop thing shown in the diagram before, then connect the two single greens together and you're ready for the self-learning. Don't forget to lift the wheel when you switch on, otherwise you'll be chasing your bike around the garage.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
connected the 2 green wire and disconnected the loop wire
turned on and display lights up .
light works too.
but the wheel starts spinning immediately on low gear without turning the pedals. it goes into medium speed too but when i put it on max it stays at medium speed and keeps spinning even when i put it into 0 drive, unless i turn off on the display it keeps running.
i disconnected the green wires and get the display to light up as normal but it doesn't do anything then when i turn the pedals :( any idea what is the problem something ive done wrong ? Sorry for the hassle its starting to send me crazy now lol


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
just to make it clear, you connect the green wires, switch on and wait for the wheel to start turning forward by itself. as soon as it does that, you switch off and disconnect the green wires. After that, it should work when you switch it on.

If you've done that, and it doesn't go when you pedal, check that it doesn't go when you pedal backwards.

Your controller has a throttle connector with red black and white wires. With the wheel off the ground, bridge the red and white pins with a small screwdriver or similar to see if the motor goes.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
tried it backwards still no luck
bridged the pins and motor did not run, and now it doesnt turn the wheel i can just hear the motor turning but no drive when the green wires are joined :(
could it be the motor goosed i feel like throwing the thing in the bin lol


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
tried it backwards still no luck
bridged the pins and motor did not run, and now it doesnt turn the wheel i can just hear the motor turning but no drive when the green wires are joined :(
could it be the motor goosed i feel like throwing the thing in the bin lol
Remember I told you that each time you do the procedure, the motor direction reverses. You won't see the wheel turning when the motor goes backwards because the clutch disengages. No need to worry, just do the procedure.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
im learning all the time lol thanks ill try it tomorrow
once again thanks for your assistance im not going to be beat i hope
ill let you know how i get on
cheers dave


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
The looped green wires are known as learn wires , as mentioned once connected and the motot works correctly one has disconnect them once the bike is switched off.
Some controllers (often cheap ones use this set up).


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
tried this and still no luck am i doing something wrong or is something faulty? Can the PAS go faulty?
when green learn wires connected wheel spins and i can go through power modes up to medium on high it still spins the same as medium.
turn power off disconnect green wires turn power on and turn pedals with nothing.
is it me being dumb?
thanks again hope someone can help a total newbie :p :p :p


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Disconnect the pedal sensor. Get a paper clip and break or cut in half, and straighten the two halves, then insert them into the controller side connector red and blue wires. Switch the bike on, lift the wheel off the ground and short the two pieces of paper clip with frequent tapping to mimic the pulsing of the pedal sensor. If it doesn't make the wheel go round, try putting them in blue and black.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
think im getting there saneagle
did what you said and the wheels turned as you said pulsing the wires on blue and black
does it sound to like like the pas is goosed? Ive ordered one anyway hoping its that.
ill let you know how the new one works
thanks again for the excellent info :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
think im getting there saneagle
did what you said and the wheels turned as you said pulsing the wires on blue and black
does it sound to like like the pas is goosed? Ive ordered one anyway hoping its that.
ill let you know how the new one works
thanks again for the excellent info :)
Pedal sensors are pretty simple. More likely, you connected in the wrong sequence if it doesn't work backwards or forwards. Are you sure that yellow was ground? Try swapping the yellow and blue wires over so blue goes to black and yellow to blue.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
im sure your right but i ordered one anyway didnt cost that much
ill let you know how i get on
thanks again


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
sorry its me again
fitted the new pas glad i did as the old one was cracked around the magnets.
put everything back together joined the learning wires powered on, the wheel spun up in the right direction, powered off and disconnected the learning wires.
powered on and rotated the crank but motor now goes in reverse. the led display goes through the power modes ok just not in the right direction. Im getting closer but not sure what to do now . is it just a case of swapping the phase wires ? or is there more to this.
cheers guys sorry for being a pain in the butt


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
sorry its me again
fitted the new pas glad i did as the old one was cracked around the magnets.
put everything back together joined the learning wires powered on, the wheel spun up in the right direction, powered off and disconnected the learning wires.
powered on and rotated the crank but motor now goes in reverse. the led display goes through the power modes ok just not in the right direction. Im getting closer but not sure what to do now . is it just a case of swapping the phase wires ? or is there more to this.
cheers guys sorry for being a pain in the butt
Each time you do the self-learning, the motor reverses direction, so do it again. Make sure you disconnect the wires before switching back on.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 31, 2023
`cheers Saneagle
did it twice nothing seemed any different I must have done something wrong because the third time it worked as you said it should. cheers for that wouldnt have sorted this without your help.
Only thing that isn't right is when i scroll through power settings from high to no power mode the wheel still has power if i pedal it doesn't turn off.
I can live with that though now the wife is happy
thanks again mate