After a lock in at one of the local pubs last night, and the over indulgance of drink and cheese that followed, I figured that I had best get out in the pouring rain this morning for a detox!
Despite being pretty muddy in places, I still can't get enough of riding off road in the rain. The DZO tyres offer so much grip over slippery clay and wet tree roots, that the occasional let go from either end, is scarsly even noticed.
Despite being in private woodland, there was a suprising amount of dog walkers out about, and one of them posed the following question to me. "Where would you rather be. Stuck indoors doing nothing, or out here enjoying life?"
A no brainer for me, as I'll always choose being outside.
The best bit of riding in these conditions, is the lack of effort that it takes to clean the bike afterwards.

The clothing is sadly a different story though!