It must be nice to be an electric bike dealer in this country right now with all the over inflated prices and woffle keeping prices high.bring on the elctric bike revolution thats what i say.
Some of your points find agreement with me Froggy. All along, since I got into the ebike culture, I've been given to understand that there's not much of a living to be had from selling ebikes. Ok, I bought into the notion that we should be grateful to those few dealers and suppliers who do us the favour of supplying ebikes on very tight margins. Incredibly, over recent months, there has been something of a proliferation of new suppliers so either those margins are greater than I thought or lots of entrepreneurial types are taking extreme risks to give us the broad choice of bikes now available.
The 3 grand bikes are lost on me too. Most of my cars didn't cost that much! While I believe to some extent, as with most things in life, you get what you pay for, I can't quite grasp how a 3 grand bike can be 2 grand better than a £1000 Juicybike or Kudos machine, (just by way of examples.) Methinks there's a bit of the brand snobbery we witness in the car market at work here. You know...if it's German, comes in the de rigueur silver, then it must be the best and I need to have one or my neighbours and workmates will laugh. Some hype, a dose of marketing sorcery and creative accounting and there you have it....another German winner!
It's probably me though who just doesn't understand but the song lyric, "Oh, the king is in the altogether, the altogether....." keeps coming into my mind.