I was riding in this morning and the cycle lane is divided into two one for pedestrians and one for cycles. A man was walking his dog on a lead with his back to me in the pedestrian area, all well and good there. I was about to go past when the dog decided to go into the cycle lane as they tend to do and I had to brake quite sharply. He was apologetic and I said no problem mate so carried on.
Do you think I should ring my bell to inform the Dog walker of my impending arrival or would it infuriate him as he was doing nothing wrong and thinking why is that idiot ringing his bell at me.
I have noticed in Swindon the cycle lanes are designed wrong. The cycle part is by the grass where the dogs want to be and the pedestrian part has no access to grass (apart from lamp posts to do his business). So mostly dog walkers are on the cycle lane and in the way normally.
Also do dogs have to be kept on a lead on cycle track? Even though the length of the leads sometimes negates that safety aspect.
Do you think I should ring my bell to inform the Dog walker of my impending arrival or would it infuriate him as he was doing nothing wrong and thinking why is that idiot ringing his bell at me.
I have noticed in Swindon the cycle lanes are designed wrong. The cycle part is by the grass where the dogs want to be and the pedestrian part has no access to grass (apart from lamp posts to do his business). So mostly dog walkers are on the cycle lane and in the way normally.
Also do dogs have to be kept on a lead on cycle track? Even though the length of the leads sometimes negates that safety aspect.