Cyclist fights off gang of robbers trying to steal his e-bike


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Cyclist mugged in St Anne's by men with machete in terrifying attack

"A man was riding his bicycle along the riverside path behind the Co-op store on Wyatts View in St Annes, when a masked man stepped out in front of him, grabbed the handlebars and demanded the bike."



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024

Many cities in this country have already descended into a state of dystopia that would have been unimaginable thirty years ago. There is no obvious way back, because there is no adequate punishment to deter this kind of behaviour, and the moral collapse of society caused by useless and feckless parenting, has produced large numbers of such criminal morons, who will continue to ruin our lives if we live among such human detritus, for generations to come. What kind of fathers will these beasts make?

They need to be caged - for good.

If this happened in China, the culprits would be caught, and they would likely never be seen at large again. For some inexplicable reason (inexplicable to our political class anyway) this kind of crime doesn't happen in China.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024

Why was a man who had 113 offences on his record out and free so he could terrify these people?


He is a menace that should be in a cage and would be if there was any sanity in this country.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
"“In the late 1700s, over 220 crimes could attract a death sentence under the Bloody Code”"



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I guess because it's shiny and unusual looking - despite being a cheap old conversion, my bike attracts attention, which is what I want from motorists not pedestrians. Unfortunately, I can't be highly visible to drivers and invisible to everyone else. The other morning at the bottom of Gremlin chase hill, before I recorded video for my side by side 15A vs 20A comparison, a guy shouted "IS THAT A NEW BIKE?". Shortly after that as I was approaching the town center, one of a group of three dudes expressed interest, shouting from a side street as I zoomed past.

Turn up the volume. "What's that bike bro?"

Hill chase on foot by Gremlins, Gremlins in car:

Same hill 15A vs 20A:

I reckon it's best to have a plan. I'd rather launch a non-violent defence - if evasion as a first response doesn't work or isn't possibe, it'll be out with the red spray and clubbing for afters. Red spray attack buys time to quick release my long Dahon seatpost with heavy saddle on the end. Reminds me, must lubricate that quick release clasp, because release currently isn't quick.
Blimey DPD delivery was quick, I only ordered it yesterday. Arrived in a padded envelope, the canister ensconsed by a cardboard loo roll tube.


Point and shoot. "Extremely flammable".


I may simply carry the cannister in a pocket without the belt pouch. I'll do some quick draw drills, see which is faster, and rehearse "Do you feel lucky punk? Well? Dooya?"


Should I use this? Of course I will! I'm looking forward to a spray and spay cycle ride soon.

The grey clothed gremlin in the video appears to be carrying an icepick. Physical violence is like opening a can of Pringles: once you pop, you can't stop... and how it goes nobody knows... particularly when there are multiple attackers - it's best to tackle them one at a time by moving to line them up... which won't be possible if I'm defending my bike. It's important to inflict as much damage as possible as fast as possible to the first attacker, to discourage the others. I'll shout and spray first, and hope they go away.

There's also my long D lock, which despite having bought I never use (folding bike goes wherever I do) but have legitimate reason to carry - it can be swung by the long "D" to deliver a good thwack.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2023
You need 2x @guerney 1 x for practice to learn how it works, range strength, spread etc..
so you can aim and hit with confidence if/when needed rather than fumble n miss.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
You need 2x @guerney 1 x for practice to learn how it works, range strength, spread etc..
so you can aim and hit with confidence if/when needed rather than fumble n miss.
Yes you're right, I was thinking of buying another for testing and target practice. I almost set it off stuffing it into the pouch. My Clint Eastwood impression also needs work. Speaking intelligibly through gritted teeth, isn't as easy as it looks.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2023
after an evening watching u-tubes of bearspray responses to road rage - its fun watching a fool strut up all agro just to turn tail n run from a lil ol lady with a spray tin ;) i found lots of u-tube spray test vids you should find a couple for a basic heads up ;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
after an evening watching u-tubes of bearspray responses to road rage - its fun watching a fool strut up all agro just to turn tail n run from a lil ol lady with a spray tin ;) i found lots of u-tube spray test vids you should find a couple for a basic heads up ;)
Not that I want a flamethrower but... in videos, the "extremely flammable" red dye appears to be more of a gloopy gunge, which lit could make for a highly problematic sticky fire. I'll avoid spraying smoker Gremlins. Or I might not.

Even when the can is empty, it'd be easy to hold it in your fist and hammer at Gremlin heads, noses and faces using the cylinder end - saves scraping knuckles and becoming infected with whatever horrible blood diseases Gremlins have.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2023
Just get a huge supersoaker and fill it with a mix of long steeped chilli tea and brut33! with your super-bike and facemask look you could carry it off ;) me i will get a £land trigger spray bottle for the same in keeping with my fat cheap ol git aesthetic.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I don't want to end up in a physically violent situation: stoned Gremlins can learn to move very fast, so can speed head Gremlins, drunk Gremlins don't feel pain. If red spray dye works like in the video, great. If not I'll be forced to open a can of Pringles.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Just get a huge supersoaker and fill it with a mix of long steeped chilli tea and brut33! with your super-bike and facemask look you could carry it off ;) me i will get a £land trigger spray bottle for the same in keeping with my fat cheap ol git aesthetic.
Superbike? It makes groups of women burst into laughter.

I was thinking of shooting a super soaker filled with "Liquid ass" at my noisy neighbour...

...but have thus far resisted the temptation.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Yes you're right, I was thinking of buying another for testing and target practice. I almost set it off stuffing it into the pouch. My Clint Eastwood impression also needs work. Speaking intelligibly through gritted teeth, isn't as easy as it looks.
Just open your mouth and roar with your face in an enraged cave man look. Speaking intelligibly is not what is required when under attack.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Be careful when thinking about squirting anything that could be described as noxious at a person, even a robber. The firearms legislation covers stuff like that. Mace and pepper sprays are prohibited weapons as noxious substances. Check the law for yourself. This is my impression.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
It's a harmless food dye "Criminal Identifier Spray", to help you identify criminals orificer. I'd prefer grief from the law to being punctured by ice picks and my ebike and belongings stolen. The legal area appears to be grey for this spray. I think the context of use matters. I might strap it to the handlebar in case of stop and search, and for easy access. If stopped I'll chuck it away surreptitiously...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2023
Above spray flamethrower suggestions are jokes!! just to be 100% clear
Idle summer afternoon musings full stop..