Cyclist fights off gang of robbers trying to steal his e-bike


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
When I was a kid was a fan of 'The Master' TV show with Lee Van Cleef. We made shuriken stars that were dangerous as ****, 4 really heavy duty sturdy razor blades and black tape was all it took to make one with 8 very sharp points that would stick in to wood from distance.
Hmmm... I could sharpen up old 11T, 12T, 14T, 16T, 18T, 21T, 26T, 32T cogs. Trouble is, they could throw them back!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
problem: carry with intent to use as "self defense" (difficult to argue any other use case) so if harm is caused to the attacker - or worse even an innocent bypasser - then the victim also becomes liable for the damage caused.

many videos on the topic, but here's an example:

Perhaps it does what it says on the can - "Criminal Identifier Spay" could identify me as a criminal? That poor cylist doesn't seem to have been charged by five-oh, neither was the shopkeeper. I'm gambling I'll be ok if the spray can is discovered after it's been used during a mugging/attempted mugging. I'll ask orificer Dibble to read the label, if stopped and searched.

That dude would have been a mess hacked at with an ice pick. Kevlar skin gene editing can't happen soon enough IMHO. I'd rather not be Tetleyed: "2000 perforations... let flavour flood out".
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
That's what I was thinking. My first goal would be to try to get my armoured cable lock through one of their wheels, and before that, it makes a formidable defence weapon if needed. It's always carried on my handlebars for rapid deployment.
Close quarters fighting should be avoided for as long as possible, especially when there are multiple attackers. Is the chain held together by a padlock or carabiner? Seems unlikely you'd have enough time to unlock a padlock. How can you deploy the chain if you're separated from your bike ie pushed off and kicked about, hacked at & gouged with machettes and ice picks? Wear it like a sash? That'd look tough if big chain links were visible, but noisy.
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