I see a fair bit of talk about the exercise side of things, but not so much on the diet aspect...
To follow up on this, I subscribe to a number of health related podcasts and youtube channels, and to be honest, they've all singing from the same hymn sheet and telling everyone how important it is to protect yourself from Coronovirus by eating healthily, however the mainstream media has still seemed to be fairly quiet about discussing the elephant in the room.
However a couple of days ago Dr. Aseem Malhotra did speak in an article in the Telegraph, and the BBC did do a very brief interview with him
A summary of the points:
'Poor diet is responsible for more death than physical activity, smoking and alchohol COMBINED'
'Specifically, 11 million deaths per year due to bad diet'
'obesity, type 2 diabetes etc ... all routed in bad diet'
'You can reverse, send into remission or massively improve those risk factors within the space of just a few weeks'
'>50% of UK diet unhealthy food .... nutrient deficient ... highly processed ...'
'Government needs to add guideline to Eat Real Food and protect the NHS ..'
'10 fold more likely to die of Covid19 if you're obese' (and this is for under 60s)
And I guess its worth reminding that the definition of Obese is a BMI of 30 or more. Plus, its not going to be a binary thing. i.e. the '10 times more likely to die of Covid19' isn't going to suddenly disappear to nothing if you're still carrying excess fat, but are under the BMI of 30 !
I am actually quite annoyed with a lot of the mainstream news media (what a surprise) that in the with a large proportion of stories about someone who has sadly died of Covid, they usually post a picture of that person taken years previously, when they were much slimmer and looked far healthier! Anyone else noticed that?
Good to see that news piece, but if its so important (as the stats seem to indicate) then why isn't more noise being made about the whole health issue?
Anybody got any theories? Conspiracy based or otherwise

I wonder what David Icke has to say about it .....