Cycling. Health. Covid. Diet.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
It could have happened naturally, statistically speaking it's about time for a pandemic, but:

...and does it really matter anyway? The last thing we need right now is increased tension between countries, it would get in the way of dealing with the pandemic.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I've been making my own Japanese Natto to improve my general health, but also because an enzyme in Natto dissolves the Coronavirus spike protein - in the lab:


Pics of my Natto, made with chickpeas and black beans (separately), using a £20 (delivered, direct from the Vonhouse website) variable temperature and time yoghurt maker. Black bean Natto tastes rank but the chickpea Natto is nice with a bit of soya sauce:


Since the articles, they've sold out of Natto in Japan.

Natto powder is available on Amazon and ebay - you only need to buy the powder once... once you have made Natto simply freeze a bit to start the next batch.

About 70% of the immune system is in the gut. Usually the Japanese are the longest lived people on earth, some speculate it's because of all the fermented food they often eat. There's a low rate of heart disease and obesity in Japan, despite their consumption of oodles of rice (carbs); very mysterious.

Looks awful but tastes nice:


Yes it's a bandwagon, but useful for reasons other than Covid.

Dr.Nigel might have something to say about probiotics...

Some fun reading:

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Deleted member 16246

It could have happened naturally, statistically speaking it's about time for a pandemic, but:

...and does it really matter anyway? The last thing we need right now is increased tension between countries, it would get in the way of dealing with the pandemic.
I think it matters very much that (in my view, and that of many who have looked into this) the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the late autumn of 2019. We know for sure, because it is documented that Professor Shi WAS doing research on equipping corona viruses with the ability to invade human cells. This dangerous sounding, and dangerous in fact research, is called 'Gain of Function' research. The motivation of it is to supposedly assist virologists in getting ahead of natural emergence, by seeing what would be needed in terms of steps in a virus's natural evolution, to allow it to infect us. The problem is, that it only needs a mistake, a foolish shortcut, or bad luck, and the virus may escape into the world.

We know that professor Shi was doing this research in Wuhan because she was funded to do it by an American research organisation called The Eco Health Alliance of America, headed up by a fellow called Danzak who has been vociferous in condemning the idea that the Sars-Covid-2 virus escaped from a lab. He is up to his neck in this problem and is far from unbiased.

The reason the Eco Health Alliance funded the Chinese to do this research is that it was banned in America at the time. There were always concerns about security in the Wuhan Lab, and in other Chinese Labs. Sars escaped four or five times from Chinese labs in the mid 2000s.

My point about whether this is important is simple.: We should not be meddling with viruses which do not infect humans to make it possible for them to do so. Look what this virus has cost the world, and it could have been a far worse virus than it is. It could have been a human version of something as virulent as myxomatosis, whose earliest forms killed 99% of infected rabbits.

The Chinese suddenly took offline all of the WIV lab's archive and have sealed their records. They are very much NOT playing straight here. I am convinced beyond doubt that the virus emerged from that lab and we can do nothing to ensure that the whole world including China is safe from further such escapes without total openness. This is a whole humanity problem and we need to ensure there are no more such events.

Read this article by Nicholas Wade if you are interested in why people think the way I do on this subject.

Did Man or Nature Open Pandora's Box - where did the virus come from?

Deleted member 16246

Concerning ourselves with self medication and probiotics will do nothing while badly run labs in various parts of the world are experimenting with generating new versions of previously harmless viruses, newly equipped with the ability to spread easily between humans. Some might say that we might be 'fiddling as Rome burns', in occupying ourselves like that and ignoring what is certainly going on in various parts of the world.

Google search on Gain of Function Research in Virology


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Concerning ourselves with self medication and probiotics will do nothing while badly run labs in various parts of the world are experimenting with generating new versions of previously harmless viruses, newly equipped with the ability to spread easily between humans. Some might say that we might be 'fiddling as Rome burns', in occupying ourselves like that and ignoring what is certainly going on in various parts of the world.

Google search on Gain of Function Research in Virology

With such a poor set of vaccines thus far available, to deal with this troublesome virus, it's worth boosting one's immune system as well as one can through dietary choices and exercise. And if it did escape from a lab, what leverage can be brought to bear on China anyway? I mean... it's not as if the West is ever going to bring forth economic sanctions (usually the opening salvo) - nearly all of the world's electronics relies on China-sourced components, and they have a near monopoly on the rare earths to make them from. China owns a great many ports worldwide, they own a lion's share of the world's debt... a ground war is unthinkable - we'd run out of electronics parts anyway for drones, tanks, missiles etc. Circuitboards on many computing devices all over the world have backdoors built into the chips for it's use. Nukes are not going to be launched, of course... they have Russia as a strategic ally. Arguing about who left the gate open so the horse could bolt, won't get the horse back in... fingerpointing will dissuade the concerted global co-operation we need right now to stamp out the disease (if we can). Talk of conflict between nations also distracts from the more important task of ridding the world of the virus - but it's far easier to control a population angry at an enemy they can see and fight, rather than one they can't see, or indeed believe exists... it's a distraction tactic used by tough talkers which serves political agendas for short term gain for certain people in power ie war helps win elections, by exploiting this very regrettable human bias. I'm at this minute making Black Bean and Chickpea Natto: fermenting for 20 hours at 43 degrees C.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
I've been making my own Japanese Natto to improve my general health
Pics of my Natto, made with chickpeas and black beans
Good man!
I've made my own natto in the past as well. I find it a bit hit and miss. You need to leave it long enough for the bacteria to multiply, but no so long that the beans start to go a bit off!
Its an art I've obviously not mastered well enough :-(
I've made it with (the traditional) soy beans, but I have heard that chickpeas work as well - I'll have to give it a go. I like chickpeas :)

Whether or not it helps directly with Covid is perhaps a moot point. Natto is really, really good for you. Its not just the fermented/probiotic aspect, its the fact that its incredibly high in vitamin K2 MK-7 (like - super, incredibly high!!).
Does making natto with chickpeas have the same K2 content ?? I don't know on that one.

You may have inspired me to defrost a cube of natto to make a starter and I'll give the chickpea version a go later this weekend!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Does making natto with chickpeas have the same K2 content ?? I don't know on that one.
I agree that the covid spike protein dissolving mystery enzyme debate is moot - it helps the immune system. I believe that the selenium, Vitamin K1 and K2 gains are substantial in Chickpea Natto too - as yet I have no evidence of this, but it tastes very nice... quite how it compares to soya, I couldn't tell you because I avoid soya due to all of the pesky phytoestrogens it contains. At my age, I need all the undisrupted testosterone I can produce!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021

With such a poor set of vaccines thus far available, to deal with this troublesome virus, it's worth boosting one's immune system as well as one can through dietary choices and exercise. And if it did escape from a lab, what leverage can be brought to bear on China anyway? I mean... it's not as if the West is ever going to bring forth economic sanctions (usually the opening salvo) - nearly all of the world's electronics relies on China-sourced components, and they have a near monopoly on the rare earths to make them from. China owns a great many ports worldwide, they own a lion's share of the world's debt... a ground war is unthinkable - we'd run out of electronics parts anyway for drones, tanks, missiles etc. Circuitboards on many computing devices all over the world have backdoors built into the chips for it's use. Nukes are not going to be launched, of course... they have Russia as a strategic ally. Arguing about who left the gate open so the horse could bolt, won't get the horse back in... fingerpointing will dissuade the concerted global co-operation we need right now to stamp out the disease (if we can). Talk of conflict between nations also distracts from the more important task of ridding the world of the virus - but it's far easier to control a population angry at an enemy they can see and fight, rather than one they can't see, or indeed believe exists... it's a distraction tactic used by tough talkers which serves political agendas for short term gain for certain people in power ie war helps win elections, by exploiting this very regrettable human bias. I'm at this minute making Black Bean and Chickpea Natto: fermenting for 20 hours at 43 degrees C.

Right now, China and Russia are giving away or selling for very low cost their vaccines to poor countries, building alliances (to go with their decades long strategy of building infrastructure for them to get them into debt), while the West attempts to sell them their expensive versions (also using debt). Who do you suppose will win that war?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
I think it matters very much that (in my view, and that of many who have looked into this) the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology
... The problem is, that it only needs a mistake, a foolish shortcut, or bad luck, and the virus may escape into the world.
It would be foolish to also not consider the scenario that a future virus could be deliberately released. Especially when there is overwhelming evidence that governments fund research institutions such as this for the specific purpose of weapons research. And remember these days that the military machine is just as much about making money for certain parties, as it is about anything else!

We know that professor Shi was doing this research in Wuhan because she was funded to do it by an American research organisation called The Eco Health Alliance of America, headed up by a fellow called Danzak who has been vociferous in condemning the idea that the Sars-Covid-2 virus escaped from a lab. He is up to his neck in this problem and is far from unbiased.
Indeed. And who provided the funding for Peter Danzak (sp?) and Eco Health?
Dr Tony Fauci. That fact alone should raise alarm bells with any sane person because Fauci is the one who's at the very top of the chain, advising the American Government (and thus indirectly a majority of the rest of the world, including the UK), on how to deal with Covid and what medical policies to implement.

I should also point out that non MSM sources that blew the whistle on this months and months ago (last year?), were condemned, censored, and it was labeled a conspiracy theory. Only now when the evidence trail is so strong, it simply cannon be suppressed any more, now there is no choice but to accept it as being true and even the MSM are forced to change their position.
Those same sources are pointing out many other worrying inconsistencies and flaws with the information being dished out to the general public (and also pointing out the information being suppressed!)
However when people on this thread such as VFR400 and soundwave dare mention any of this, people like yourself are condemning THEM as conspiracy theorists.
That's not to say that anything anyone says should be automatically considered to be correct, but people need to open their minds to the possibility that others may already be ahead of the curve in knowing the real truth behind what's going on, and the level of censorship and information suppression going on, means that many of those truths may never gain enough traction to appear in mainstream sources (but just because they DON'T get this traction, doesn't necessarily mean they still aren't true!!)

And here is a suggestion based on simple common sense and learning from history - seek out the sources that FIRST publicized the Fauci/Eco/Wuhan lab leak information, and prioritise information coming from those sources.
And similarly, go back and look at who was strongly condemning the lab leak story as a conspiracy theory, and view anything else they say with deep, deep suspicion.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
Concerning ourselves with self medication and probiotics will do nothing while badly run labs in various parts of the world are experimenting with generating new versions of previously harmless viruses
You are conflating two separate things.

I agree, we as a people need to put a stop to things like the gain of function research.

I totally disagree that 'concerning ourselves with self medication and probiotics will do nothing'.
That's crazy talk. Just take the current problem - Covid-19.
People who are healthy and look after themselves (by doing things like concerning themselves with self medication and probiotics!) are the ones who by a huge, HUGE margin, emerge unscathed from coming down with Covid.
Those who are unhealthy with co-morbitities are the ones who suffer the most and die!
That was one of the main points of this thread getting created in the first place, for people to think about taking responsibility about their own health, and getting themselves into a condition that could best protect them from a potential health threat!

I love the irony.
Hint - look at who funds gain of function research.
Another hint - one of the guilty parties starts with G, ends with E, and there's a oogl in the middle.

And thus one last hint - in the same way that you yourself advised in your last post, that Peter Daszak was 'up to his neck in this and is far from unbiased', well ask yourself, can you therefore trust Google to be providing you with unbiased search results?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
Ah! Heather and Bret. Good choices. I mentioned them last week in this thread.

Just want to point out they were some of the people vilified for mentioning the lab leak theory very early on.
They are one of the 'good guys' as far as I'm concerned. Not sure Heather is a guy though ... something tells me she isn't ....
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
We know for sure, because it is documented that Professor Shi WAS doing research on equipping corona viruses with the ability to invade human cells.
Myself, it did seem a odd coincidence right from the very beginning.

However, I dont see that we can 'know for sure' (that Covid came from the Wuhan lab) unless them in China own up.

As the author of the article you quoted put it;

"In conclusion. If the case that SARS2 originated in a lab is so substantial, why isn’t this more widely known?"

So whilst there may be 'substantial' evidence Covid did come from the lab in Wuhan, thats not quite the same, to me, as being 'sure'.

Deleted member 16246

So whilst there may be 'substantial' evidence Covid did come from the lab in Wuhan, thats not quite the same, to me, as being 'sure'.
Given that the Chinese authorities have obstructed proper investigation of all but the natural emergence theory, and given that the previously available databases of the Wuhan Institute of Virology were taken offline by about January 2020 with no explanation, and that their records are now sealed, I am going to go with the same level of 'proof' required in criminal trials in this country: Beyond Reasonable Doubt.

One of the key parts of the evidence for me is that if this virus was a natural cross over from animals to people, we would readily find populations of animals and people who had traces and anti-bodies to intermediate versions of the virus, between the full Sars-Covid-2 which causes our Covid -19 problem, and the previously existing animal viruses from which it derives. Viruses do not suddenly burst out with full on and very efficient infectivity to people when they transfer from an animal host. You get prototype versions which are part way between the animal and the full on human virus. In the case of SARS and MERS which emerged naturally in the mid 2000s, these intermediate versions were rapidly found. Not so with Sars-Covid-2. Teams have been searching for the earlier forms and they do not exist. All we have is bat viruses and then BANG - a world wide plague which is very well adapted to attach to human cells. What is more, it did not pop up in villages near the northern bat caves a thousand miles from Wuhan were the bats live (the bats that Dr Shi visited to collect dozens of bat corona viruses to bring back to her lab to do gain of function research on behalf of Eco Health Alliance of America). No - it broke out and spread rapidly in Wuhan - just where Dr Shi was doing her meddling.

The Nicholas Wade article I referenced a few posts above here, points out that according to public records the safety precautions in the Wuhan Lab for handling corona viruses in this research were not BSL Level Four - very, very careful, they were BSL Level 2 - pretty much as he puts it, like your dentists surgery - aprons, mask and gloves and no sucking up solutions by mouth in pipettes.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
And who provided the funding for Peter Danzak (sp?) and Eco Health?
Dr Tony Fauci. That fact alone should raise alarm bells with any sane person because Fauci is the one who's at the very top of the chain, advising the American Government (and thus indirectly a majority of the rest of the world, including the UK), on how to deal with Covid and what medical policies to implement.
More evidence. This time, confirming that Russel Brand reads my posts on this forum! ;)

I post the above, then a few hours later, Russel uploads this to youtube!!

Even more 'Russel reads my posts' evidence shortly!


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
Its now widely known that the first Matrix film is highly allegorical. Its not a science fiction film per se (and no ... we're not batteries to simply power an overarching AI!) its more a commentary (wrapped up in some sci-fi!) on how the population lives in an illusion ...
I post this. Russel reads, does some research. A couple of days later, Russel then makes a video:


If you haven't watched/listened to Russel Brands podcasts etc, I really would give him a go and forget any prior notions or memories you had of him.

I remember him as being a young, arrogant dickhead who often needed a good slap. My, how he's changed!
He now appears articulate, passionate, intelligent, exceptionally well informed and insightful, while being (mostly!) humble and considerate. The change is incredible.
The messages he's trying to disseminate to the general public are often so profound, he may actually turn out to be be one of modern times' 'great thinkers and influencers' because of the combination of his intellect and popular persona. Coupled with the fact that he's still often very funny :D

Watch him.

Deleted member 16246

"In conclusion. If the case that SARS2 originated in a lab is so substantial, why isn’t this more widely known?"
1. One of the people most up to his neck in the outsourcing to China of gain of function research, is Peter Danzsak. He organised the funding of GOF research to Dr Shi at the Wuhan Lab on behalf of his research funding organisation, the Eco Health Alliance. Early in the pandemic, Dansak was the key figure behind the publishing of an open letter in The Lancet, signed by a troupe of well known researchers which called the Lab Leak theory a conspiracy.

Emails show scientists discussed masking their involvement in key journal letter on Covid origins
Posted on February 15, 2021 by Sainath Suryanarayanan
EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, the head of an organization involved in research that genetically manipulates coronaviruses, discussed hiding his role in a statement published last year in The Lancet that condemned as “conspiracy theories” concerns that the COVID-19 virus may have originated in a research lab, emails obtained by US Right to Know show.
The Lancet statement, signed by 27 prominent scientists, has been influential in tamping down suspicions by some scientists that COVID-19 could have ties to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has a research affiliation to the EcoHealth Alliance.
Daszak drafted the statement and circulated it to other scientists to sign. But the emails reveal that Daszak and two other EcoHealth-affiliated scientists thought they should not sign the statement so as to mask their involvement in it. Leaving their names off the statement would give it “some distance from us and therefore doesn’t work in a counterproductive way,” Daszak wrote.
Daszak noted that he could “send it round” to other scientists to sign. “We’ll then put it out in a way that doesn’t link it back to our collaboration so we maximize an independent voice,” he wrote.
The two scientists Daszak wrote to about the need to make the paper appear independent of EcoHealth, are coronavirus experts Ralph Baric and Linfa Wang.
In the emails, Baric agreed with Daszak’s suggestion not to sign The Lancet statement, writing “Otherwise it looks self-serving, and we lose impact.”
Daszak did ultimately sign the statement himself, but he was not identified as its lead author or coordinator of the effort.
The emails are part of a tranche of documents obtained by US Right to Know that show Daszak has been working since at least early last year to undermine the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute.
The first reported outbreak of COVID-19 was in the city of Wuhan.
U.S. Right to Know previously reported that Daszak drafted the statement for The Lancet, and orchestrated it to “not be identifiable as coming from any one organization or person” but rather to be seen as “simply a letter from leading scientists”.
EcoHealth Alliance is a New York-based nonprofit that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses, including with scientists at the Wuhan Institute.
Notably, Daszak has emerged as a central figure in official investigations of SARS-CoV-2’s origins. He is a member of the World Health Organization‘s team of experts tracing the novel coronavirus’s origins, and The Lancet COVID 19 Commission.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
1> One of the people most up to his neck in the outsourcing to China of gain of function research, is Peter Dansak. He organised the funding of GOF research to Dr Shi at the Wuhan Lab on behalf of his research funding organisation, the Eco Health Foundation. Early in the pandemic, Dansak was the key figure behind the publishing of an open letter in The Lancet, signed by a troupe of well known researchers which called the Lab Leak theory a conspiracy.

You need to get the bigger picture. This research was going on the US, then the world leaders decided to disallow it because of the risks. USA, like everybody else carried on doing it on the QT but got found out, so they had to stop. IIRC, it was stopped by Trump at the beginning of his presidency, when he did an audit of where all the money was being spent, but they still wanted to carry on, so they used an intermediary - Daszak's organisation, The Eco Health Aliance - to arrange for it to be done in China. The research was done by Shi, who published a paper on it and credited Fauci himself as one of the sponsers. In other words, in the first instance, the money could be seen going directly to dangerous virus research, but they changed it to go to NIH and NIAID as general medical research money, where it was laundered through NIAID to the Eco Health Alliance, and from there to the Wuhan lab.

Putting together the various facts, you can see that some US government department had asked Fauci to sort it out. He was worried about the implications of financing it directly from his outfit, so he did it covertly using Daszak as the intermediary to launder the money through, hoping that there would be no comeback. Fauci must have spoken directly with Shi, otherwise Shi wouldn't have listed him as a sponsor. Shi is just a scientist, who does research and probably knew nothing about governments. Fauci offered her money to do the research. She didn't care where it came from. Maybe she didn't even notice that it didn't come from Fauci's accunt directly. He said he would pay and Shi got the money. Why would Shi ask any questions?

When questions started to be asked about the role of the Wuhan lab in the virus and Trump announced that they had information that it had indeed come from that lab, Fauci called a video conference meeeting (found from an FOI request) that involved WHO, the big tech social media leaders, key media players and others, where they hatched a plot to cover up the story, which is why nobody was allowed to mention it on social media and why the BBC et al poo pooed any story about it coming from Wuhan, but eventually the evidence was overwhealming, so they had to backtrack on that nearly a year later. I suspect that part of it is all about power, who has what on who.

Incidentally, remember the Trump Russian Collusion story for which he was impeached. The Lawyer, who Hillary Clinton paid to organise the whole fake story has just been indicted by the FBI on several charges in relation to it. it's looking like after all these years, they are going to hold the perpetrators to account. This includes a very high up social media executive. More to follow.

It's only when you follow all these stories that you see how the media manipulate the facts and can't be trusted.

What should you do? Ride your bike and keep yourself healthy. Get lots of sunlight. Avoid mixing with people unnecessarily. Enjoy your life. hope that the vaccines will improve, but IMHO, that's unlikely. Hope/pray that the virus starts mutating into a less harmful variant. Don't listen to any of the mainstream media. Every time you see the words "conspiracy theory", exchange them for "probable truth".
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
If it was a lab leak - we're still statistically due a natural pandemic, which could occur concurrently within the 20 or so year timeframe that this one may take to die off. What a cheery thought.

My latest batch of Chickpea Natto is ready. Almond Natto? Might be worth trying, I've got 4kg of almonds...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
You need to leave it long enough for the bacteria to multiply, but no so long that the beans start to go a bit off!
That happens if the beans are too dry - the bacteria can't develop biofilms if they don't have enough water and/or enough air (not enough water added with Natto powder before fermentation). I think I've made that mistake with my latest batch, but it's still edible I think... if I get the runs, maybe not.

He now appears articulate, passionate, intelligent, exceptionally well informed and insightful, while being (mostly!) humble and considerate. The change is incredible.
The messages he's trying to disseminate to the general public are often so profound, he may actually turn out to be be one of modern times' 'great thinkers and influencers' because of the combination of his intellect and popular persona.
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