Cycling. Health. Covid. Diet.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
There is an excellent discussion of Ivermectin in the BBC Radio Four programme 'More or Less' "Is Ivermectin a Covid ‘wonder drug’?" The conclusion is that there is no good evidence that Ivermectin is effective in prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
Yes very good, interesting that two recent systematic reviews of 'all' the available evidence came to opposite views as to the effectiveness of Ivermectin.

Maybe well will have to wait for the results of the Oxford trial that the UK Government are funding.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
I heard that Boris has decided not to introduce vaccine passports in the near future. Call me cynical, but I was wondering if it had anything to do with the fact that the Israeli Ministry of Health was caught on a hot mic saying to the Minister of Interior, "there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate". The two things happened on the same day.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
For Christ's sake, did you not look at who's funding those trials? We already know that the BBC is corrupt as hell and just a propaganda and misinformation machine. When the biggest investors and shareholders in the vaccine fund a trial, what do you think the conclusion is going to be?
For Christ’s sake are you barking mad? Where do you get all these lunatic conspiracy theories? No, normal folk who aren’t deluded don’t think that BBC is “corrupt” or a “propaganda and misinformation machine”.

What’s this crap about investors & shareholders funding the trial?

Both PRINCIPLE & RECOVERY trials are funded by UK Research and Innovation and the National Institute for Health Research ie UK government funded.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
Yes very good, interesting that two recent systematic reviews of 'all' the available evidence came to opposite views as to the effectiveness of Ivermectin.

Maybe well will have to wait for the results of the Oxford trial that the UK Government are funding.
That’s because the underlying trials that on which they performed the systematic reviews are rather poor. We need proper double blind trial like the PRINCIPLE trial to answer the question.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
Just live on the BBC, Sajid Javid has confirmed there are no plans at present to introduce vaccine passports at this time, but to keep the option in reserve is the right thing to do.

So not abbandoned completly, but given this was the 'corrupt' BBC website should I assume I have just been watching a deep fake video ?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
For Christ’s sake are you barking mad? Where do you get all these lunatic conspiracy theories? No, normal folk who aren’t deluded don’t think that BBC is “corrupt” or a “propaganda and misinformation machine”.
I have first hand evidence of it.
Also, do a hunt for Panodrama. John Sweeney lost his job over that one!

Deleted member 16246

I'm not a GP & while I hadn't read that paper before it doesn't contradict what I said. This paper is from 2004 & mainly discusses AIDS, Malaria, schistosomiasis etc in developing countries. It also discusses health risks in pregnancy.

The death rate in males from COVID-19 is about 50% higher than females & I know of no other infectious disease that demonstrates this gender disparity.
It doesn't matter Nigel - he's a cherry picker. Oooh that's a nice red one, That'll do.

You are arguing with a fellow who picks what he likes and waves it about. No matter that he finds a 2004 paper about other diseases, if it fits his predisposed stand point, out it comes. My feeling is that it is a waste of time to engage people who take that approach to knowledge.

Right now we have in the UK, 120 covid-19 deaths a day, and 99% of those deaths are of people who are unvaccinated. Given the very high rates of vaccination in this country now, those who are unvaccinated are at vastly higher risk of harm than those who are vaccinated.

But - they still whinge and whine about the risks (which they clearly don't understand) and post basic errors in biology when writing about how vaccines work, and propose a conspiracy to keep people away from Ivermectin, a drug which tests have consistently found to be ineffective. Amazingly, one of them is also very keen to denounce errors about e-bike engineering, and to tell people about his credentials as an engineer (clearly implying that people ought to take regard of proven expertise - except when they are emergency medicine consultants apparently). In that case, the views of a man who repairs e-bikes are far more weighty on matters of health, immunity and vaccination. Self awareness is not a big feature of these posts.
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Oct 25, 2006
No, normal folk who aren’t deluded don’t think that BBC is “corrupt” or a “propaganda and misinformation machine”.
Agreed, I don't think the BBC is routinely either of those, but I wouldn't be fool enough to believe they won't do the government's dirty work by broadcasting fake news when the government pushes them hard enough.

They have a record of it and have openly admitted they did it long ago to help overthrow the legitimate democratic government of Iran in favour of the Shah's dictatorship returning. I listened to their original Document program in full, and this is alluded to in the following BBC link where they admit they broadcast on behalf of our government the code word that started the internal revolution in Iran:

For the fuller story read this link:



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
Also, do a hunt for Panodrama.
I'd not heard of that, so I looked it up on IMDB.
Firstly, because the IMDB rating gave it a 3.5 out of 10. Not good. And the single, main 'review' they post was a pretty scathing one. Yet when you do some digging and read ALL the reviews, the vast majority give it a 10/10. Funny that. Ho hum, so we now know the IMDB is being 'manipulated' as well for those who don't look past the obvious (I've actually noticed the exact same tactic some months ago when looking for info on a documentary about natural Cancer therapy treatments. What a surprise)

Here is an interesting quote from one of the reviews.

"I have watched the BBC all of my life and always believed that they were a true genuinely independent honest organisation... then I realised I've been lied to my entire life. it really made me question absolutely everything I believe, it's really been a long journey trying to reassess my views on everything in life after realising how I've been lied to for so many years. This is an absolute must watch for anyone who watches the BBC or pay a TV licence. .. Please just watch the entire thing with an open mind and you should be absolutely gobsmacked."

The documentary is on Odysee. I might watch it on the weekend. I have a feeling it might be a little 'lowbrow', but I suspect it will have some harrowing truths in it.

And then on that same theme - purely coincidentally, I was pointed earlier today to a GBnews video, where Neil Oliver (the BBC - 'coast' presenter) tells it like it is!
Here is the link.

But at the 4.20 mark, let me paraphrase what he says:
"I struggle to believe that for 54 years, I trusted all manner of figures ... politicians ... who I believed had my best interests at heart ... I don't think that any more, not at all ... I trusted doctors .. I now don't trust all doctors any more.
I feel betrayed by the media, which is ironic because I work in the media, but sometimes you need to be in the tent to know what's really going on in there ... I struggle to find news I can trust ... government propaganda though, that's everywhere ..."

Wow. I mean wow. Mainstream figures realising what's going on and being prepared to broadcast it.
Maybe there is hope.

Note - my default reaction is to say 'hope that people will wake up..." but in fairness, its not the general public's fault. We have been very carefully manipulated and conditioned how to think and what to believe in very specific ways from birth. The genius of it all is that we THINK we have freedom. We THINK we live in a democracy. We THINK the people in control are there to mostly do good and look after us and we can trust them (and some of them in control genuinely themselves do THINK they are doing this!). But its all a carefully contrived facade to elicit control and accumulate wealth and power.
Once you realise this, you view the world with very different eyes. But it often takes some specific events or evidence to 'wake up' - so strong is the psychological conditioning. And often, this causes severe cognitive dissonance - so much so, many people are unwilling to accept it, even in the light of overwhelming evidence.

Its now widely known that the first Matrix film is highly allegorical. Its not a science fiction film per se (and no ... we're not batteries to simply power an overarching AI!) its more a commentary (wrapped up in some sci-fi!) on how the population lives in an illusion - and how painful it is to wake up. "welcome to the REAL world". And in the film, the producers make it clear that most of the population simply don't want to be woken up from this comfortable, yet false reality. They have to be ready, and if they aren't ready, they will push back. They are part of the 'system'. Many simply can't accept the truth or don't want to. They'd rather live in a lie as its more comfortable.

Finishing this rather long post with another Matrix related item. If by the slim chance anyone is actually reading this and is interested in dipping their toe into finding out about all of this stuff, but more importantly, how to deal with it, in a practical, down to earth and non conspiracy theory fashion, I can highly recommend the (fairly new) book "The red pill revolution".

Its the book I'll probably end up buying this Xmas for the one or two people in my life who might just be ready to be woken up from our own real life matrix but need a fairly gentle, reasoned explanation of how the world really works. I wish I'd been given a book like this 30 years ago!


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 8, 2020
The BBC even appointed a manager to be in charge of their diinformation - Mariana Spring. Here you can see on her own Linkedin page how she describes her job title as "Specialist Disinformation and Social Media Reporter at BBC".

Snippet from LinkedIn:
> I cover disinformation shared online globally

You are really not doing yourself favours.
That's not 'their' disinformation, it's other people's disinformation, obvs.

Having said that, what on earth are you doing trusting LinkedIn as a source of hard facts anyway?
If there was ever a source of self-aggrandising bullsh*t, that is it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to consider COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), therefore the need to have a national, coordinated response remains and this is being met by the government’s COVID-19 response.

Cases of COVID-19 are no longer managed by HCID treatment centres only. All healthcare workers managing possible and confirmed cases should follow the updated national infection and prevention (IPC) guidance for COVID-19, which supersedes all previous IPC guidance for COVID-19. This guidance includes instructions about different personal protective equipment (PPE) ensembles that are appropriate for different clinical scenarios.

the matrix dont work if you dont comply ;)

my work coach and line manager got the sack for that one lmfao but 99.9% of people cant stand up to them and there conditionality games like do this or else ring a bell lol.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

why not give everyone one of those ? they gave out 4 million in ww2 yet none was used but these days you can go in to full lock down and ram the supermarkets every day. :rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.
A High Consequence Infectious Disease is something like Ebola (death rate 50%) or SARS (death rate 10-14%) or MERS (death rate 35%) or Marburg virus (death rate 24%-88%).

It's quite right that COVID-19 is not classified as an HCID because it has a much lower death rate that is closely related to age eg for those in their 70s it's about 10% but for this in their 20s it's about 0.0005%.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021

Published 9 hours ago

Ros Atkins on... why people are using a horse drug

In the US, a drug called Ivermectin is being touted as a way of treating or preventing Covid-19, with celebrities such as podcast host Joe Rogan praising its use.
Ivermectin is primarily used to treat parasitic infections, and is often used for animals in larger doses.
Official advice says it's not approved for treating coronavirus.
Ros Atkins explores why people continue to use the controversial drug.
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Deleted member 16246

I'd not heard of that, so I looked it up on IMDB.
Firstly, because the IMDB rating gave it a 3.5 out of 10. Not good. And the single, main 'review' they post was a pretty scathing one. Yet when you do some digging and read ALL the reviews, the vast majority give it a 10/10. Funny that. Ho hum, so we now know the IMDB is being 'manipulated' as well for those who don't look past the obvious (I've actually noticed the exact same tactic some months ago when looking for info on a documentary about natural Cancer therapy treatments. What a surprise)

Here is an interesting quote from one of the reviews.

"I have watched the BBC all of my life and always believed that they were a true genuinely independent honest organisation... then I realised I've been lied to my entire life. it really made me question absolutely everything I believe, it's really been a long journey trying to reassess my views on everything in life after realising how I've been lied to for so many years. This is an absolute must watch for anyone who watches the BBC or pay a TV licence. .. Please just watch the entire thing with an open mind and you should be absolutely gobsmacked."

The documentary is on Odysee. I might watch it on the weekend. I have a feeling it might be a little 'lowbrow', but I suspect it will have some harrowing truths in it.

And then on that same theme - purely coincidentally, I was pointed earlier today to a GBnews video, where Neil Oliver (the BBC - 'coast' presenter) tells it like it is!
Here is the link.
I think that Neil Oliver is doing the bidding of GB News here - an organisation set up explicitly to confront what some people call the MSM. Its viewers are universally of the opinion that they are being lied to by the likes of the BBC and by politicians, so his heartfelt rant is exactly in line with the station's ethos and the expectations of its audience.

Oliver waves around the seemingly frightening 'fact' that some children have shown symptoms of heart inflammation after vaccination, but says neither that they are rare, or that these were all trivial and were better in a day or two. He does not say either, more importantly, that myocarditis and endocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle or inflammation of the lining of the heart, are absolutely common - very much more common, in cases of infection with Sars-Covid-2. There have been tens of thousands of such cases along side massive lung inflammation, people drowning in their own secretions, blood clots and the rest all caused by the actual disease.

He waves the skeleton of trivial cases of heart inflammation in a few young people, which killed or harmed no one while glibly accepting that 300 young people, under eighteen, already died of Covid-19. None died of vaccination.

Heart inflammation is very common in a variety of viral infections - even the cold and influenza.

This piece to camera by Neil Oliver - a historian, distorts the risks involved in vaccinating 12- 18 year olds, is selective in its treatment of different risks and ignores the wider impact on children of having to close down schools when cases of covid-19 occur. Parents, politicians and educators were at one, only recently about the importance of re-opening schools and ending educational disruption. The final recommendation to offer vaccination to this group was taken in acknowledgement of the wider impact of the disease on children themselves and on the community at large. Schools have been a reservoir of continuing outbreaks. That is a matter of fact.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Conspiracy theory believers are victims of the search giants' success - the more extreme the views, the easier they are to amplify through the delivery of extreme clickbait, and the more the believers click and discuss bullshit, the more money the search giants make. Some here have said something similar to "Follow the money" - the search giants are where your conspiracy theories should start and end... and if you "Follow the money", many search giants' misinformation campaigns are funded and operated using gigantic botnets controlling anti-social media and anti-social "News" by countries hostile to the West, who would like nothing better than watch it all burn or become progressively more instable from within, because it gives their economies a competitive advantage in the long term. It's seductive to think that there's a nugget of hidden secrets about how the world actually functions, that only you and a handful of fellow gloomy people know what's really going on, that's it's you against "Them". Makes you feel powerful and special, knowing what you "Know", and your mission with the others chosen to save the world begins... But that's precisely how cults start - isolate then discombobulate till you're all singing happy clappy (or in this case moaning in fearful misery) from the same hymn sheet. I can't wait for the gout medication suppression conspiracies to begin... I think it'll take a few months... at least Probenecid isn't as easy to overdose and kill yourself with, as Ivermectin. I should start a conspiracy theory that Probenecid is being suppressed to prevent the Illuminati from getting any.
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