If he cancels on 5 April and they still take another 2 months to arrive, I suspect he will feel relieved, surely? By that time it would be JUNE....spring already passed,lovely cycling days (one hopes) lost... just to wait for a bike that people say is the best but which nobody has seen, or ridden. Also, as Flecc has repeatedly pointed out, the Panasonic motor system is not necessarily everyone's preference, so there's no guarantee that Simon will agree that it's "the best bike" after he gets it. Now, that would be a pain, wouldn't it?
I certainly don't regret cancelling my order. I bought the Wisper 905SE instead and have already covered 350 great miles..... something I certainly wouldn't have done on the non-appearing Agattu. It really is subjective as to what bike is 'best' too. If you want a throttle, even for occasional use only, then the Agattu is not the 'best'. Same goes for more absorbent front suspension. Or, one could argue, appearance. Not everyone will appreciate being forced to pedal in order to have the Panasonic motor assist to whatever level one sets. So, 'best' really is subjective and can't really be used as a reason to wait for months for a bike, I'd say.
Incidentally, I e-mailed Derby Cycles again after looking at their video on 50Cycles site... the one that says how good they are. I e-mailed them in German and in English, to ask for an update re the Agattu and the Pro-Connect. No response whatsoever... same as last time.