Crackers....the ebike industry is a very strange is very small in terms of sellers,new ones appear every month to disappear just as quickly.....there are a hard core few who seem to hang in there.
It is a very cyclic business,for 4 months of the year you hardly sell a bike so you need alternative income to carry over that period or live very lean.
Some are importers/sellers but some are just agents for the bigger manufacturers,they don't own their stock in fact they never see their stock.
I sell rally parts,compressors,welders,tooling but don't get involved in forums of every aspect of my business,the e-bike business is only 5% of our revenue but it is very personal because the design/spec of these bikes has been personally chosen.
I think this is why we are often emotive about these bikes,there are probably only 30 people who are actively selling these bikes,away from the forum we all know each other.
There is something about this industry that attracts individuals who are still at the pioneering stage and we each have our own interpretation of what makes the best e-bike,all at different price levels and type.
The reason why many of us are concentrated on this forum is that there are very few marketing mediums available and this forum is an inexpensive method of presenting the product to a committed audience in a very small overal market. If the market were much bigger I suspect there would be dedicated e-bike magazines that would review/discuss/advertise the bikes,but such magazines have not yet matured so this forum is pretty unique.
We are not trading out of garden sheds,certainly not living from hand to do need to be well financed to cope with the yearly cycle,it can be 9 months from order to sale,which is why some appear,realise it is difficult cash flow and disappear.
Kudos,parent company established 43 years,holds over 700 bikes at the peak time with £50k of supporting spares,down to about 400 now and soon to be over 900 bikes....that is hardly hand to mouth and not imminently in danger of going belly up. I bet spares for the Smart bike after the demise of Grace are very difficult to source.
The firms that you mention do not understand the market....Mercedes got it wrong,I suspect lost a fortune....BMW were badge engineering,not really serious about the product....KTM is a separate business to the motorbikes.
It is possible to take a German e-bike product and sell it in the UK,like say Kalkhoff but most UK customers don't want to pay more than £ achieve that price level you cannot have the overheads of the bigger bike suppliers so you are the customer of the likes of Woosh,Kudos,Batribike,Freego etc.