Clacking noise - Kalkhoff Impulse 2 motor

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Feb 13, 2016
Will Tinkler you are in the minority. Most of us are having fun. No need to be insulting just because you have a chip on your shoulder. You will be welcome to join. Message me for tips on enjoying your Kalkhoff.

Will Tinker

Apr 14, 2015
Will Tinkler you are in the minority. Most of us are having fun. No need to be insulting just because you have a chip on your shoulder. You will be welcome to join. Message me for tips on enjoying your Kalkhoff.
Ooh, you have tips? Yes, please - but can you post them here?

I might even chip in!


Feb 13, 2016
Yes Mr tinklers You get on your Kalkhoff and ride it without complaining like a miserable old pensioner. Any clacking noises may be a couple of mating pigeons sitting on a nearby fence. When you have collected your pension they may still be clacking when you are on your way home. I am only too pleased to be of assistance. My posts are insult free. Do you wish to join my new Kalkhoff club?

Will Tinker

Apr 14, 2015
Yes Mr tinklers You get on your Kalkhoff and ride it without complaining like a miserable old pensioner. Any clacking noises may be a couple of mating pigeons sitting on a nearby fence. When you have collected your pension they may still be clacking when you are on your way home. I am only too pleased to be of assistance. My posts are insult free. Do you wish to join my new Kalkhoff club?
My god, this sounds like an excellent club. Ok, count me in. I'll message Nigel02. Suggest you contact Nigel03 and Nigel04 and together we'll meet up, ride our bikes and laugh at pensioners.

I have another few hints to add:

1) Keep your expectations low but your wallet OPEN
2) Try not to pedal too much
3) Mating pigeons make for an excellent distraction to your broken-down motor.

Roger R

Jul 6, 2015
I have put a number of posts up about my experiences of motor failure. I also posted videos on YouTube taken with my phone recording the noise issue. 50Cycles ultimately replaced the motor free of charge. I now only ride in Eco mode as I'm convinced there is an issue with this motor. Can I suggest others experiencing similar problems do the same. A picture (or video in this case) paints a thousand words.

Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk


Oct 6, 2014
So let me get this straight - you're posting on a thread for Kalkhoff owners whose motors have broken after an unusually short time, looking for recruits to your 'Kalkhoff Appreciation Club'.

Ladies And Gentlemen, we have a new Mensa recruit!

May I suggest forum members Nigel02, Nigel03 and Nigel04 - you'll get on swimmingly together.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 19, 2014
Will Tinkler you are in the minority. Most of us are having fun. No need to be insulting just because you have a chip on your shoulder. You will be welcome to join. Message me for tips on enjoying your Kalkhoff.
You call Will Tinkler insulting but your behaviour is one of a troll and a flamer.....hmmm I smell double standards somewhere.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 3, 2015
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Nigel 01, I don't have a KALKHOFF but I'd like to join the club as an associate member. Do I get a badge and a membership card? And is there a minimum age limit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 28, 2015
Tomato can join as well. All is forgiven.
Thank you so much.

I am looking forward to it. It will be like when Nigel Farage joined the EU parliament... Oh wait, maybe you are already that Nigel!

I don't know if you are related to 50 Cycles or not: if you are, you are not representing them very well. Surely, they could do better than this.

If you are not, you should stop trying to represent them, as you are not doing them any favours...

I am assuming you are just a troll, and trying to pollute the content of this thread by your meaningful posts, for whatever reasons you have...
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Jan 23, 2015
I occasionally get a crack/clack sound accompanied by a complete loss of resistance in the pedals for about a third of a turn - as if the chain had slipped (which it hadn't) - has anyone had a similar issue?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
My god, this sounds like an excellent club. Ok, count me in. I'll message Nigel02. Suggest you contact Nigel03 and Nigel04
Scott01, Scott02, Scott03 might be a better choice of membership names. Don't know why I thought of that.
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
You guys needs to get together and write to Derby Cycles about this and seek some assurances that the ongoing motor issue will be covered after the warranty expires.

From what I read on this thread and hear from a friend, this fault has existed from day one of purchase, laying dormant at first, but then materialising after a relatively short period of time. The motor is then replaced and so the cycle (excuse the pun) begins again, eventually leading to a second or third motor replacement. Not only is this inconvenient, but you are also ticking down to the warranty expiry and a £600+ repair bill for the next motor.

It appears that the frequency of motor failures is directly related to the amount of use. The more you use the bike, the sooner the motor will fail.

On a bike costing £2000 to £3500+ this situation is not acceptable. In the first instance, those who have had 1 or more motor failures under warranty, should seek, in writing, exactly what 50 Cycles intentions are if it fails again within 4 years of the warranty expiry. Regardless of the manufacturers warranty, the SOG act gives you up to 6 years if the product purports to be of superior quality and has a price tag to match.

If 50 Cycles start acting like clowns, which they are very likely to do under these circumstances, you need to approach Derby Cycles directly. Ask for the same warranty assurances (6 years). Given that this problem usually appears early on in the bike's life and continues through the first two years, you should succeed with this. Write everything down dates, time, who you spoke to, what was said & what happened. Also demand a £0 invoice for warranty repairs to the motor.

Citizens Advice will give you information regarding likely cost of SOG action if required. I think it's relatively easy and low cost. Probably a County Court job. Personally I think Derby Cycles is a good bet, I had a positive response from them over another issue.

The main outcome you need is that assurance that this ongoing motor problem will be addressed beyond a two year period.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 28, 2015
Just to clarify a few points:

  • SOGA no longer applies since October 2015
  • It's been replaced by the Consumer Rights Act 2015
  • Such act is stating that the customer needs to give one opportunity to the retailer to fix an issue properly, and then can reject the goods after that (there was no such provision under SOGA)
  • There is still an obligation for the retailer to provide goods "fit for purpose" and of "appropriate quality". However, how to actually enforce this is a different matter (e.g. having to take legal action)
  • 50 Cycles won't commit in writing to extend the warranty on the motor to a reasonable mileage and/or longer time than the original 2 years of warranty. I did ask them to do so, and they declined, so I rejected the bike, as I had no assurance of what would happen after the initial warranty period, not that the bike was of "appropriate" quality
  • However, I don't think they will now charge people for replacement of motors, outside of the warranty period, if the bike is well maintained and has low mileage, given the exposure on the motor issue. It won't be contractual, and there are no SLAs for such replacement, or whether it will be a reconditioned motor or new one
  • Derby cycle won't answer buyers' request or emails
  • I believe the responsibility is with the retailer in the UK anyway (50 Cycles)
Regarding the fault itself:
  • I believe that high usage is indeed increasing the likelihood of a fault
  • Also putting the motor under high strain, such as going up a climb on high assistance, and providing a lot of input too (meaning maximum torque is delivered by the motor). People who are only doing a few miles per week, on the flat, with moderate inputs, may be fine
  • People who have had their bike for more than 6 months, and who haven't visited 50 Cycles since, should bring the bike back for a software update. Once the fault develops, it's too late, so best to try to avoid it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 28, 2015
I occasionally get a crack/clack sound accompanied by a complete loss of resistance in the pedals for about a third of a turn - as if the chain had slipped (which it hadn't) - has anyone had a similar issue?
I had some cracking noise several times, and I believe this was an early indication of mechanical failure (e.g. "the clutch").
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 28, 2015
Are you going to get another pedelec. If so please keep us posted on what you choose.
I haven't decided yet. While I did like the well integrated, seamless assistance of the mid-drive motor with torque sensor, I think I am going to stay away from proprietary solutions for now.

It's possible to get a very decent push bike (albeit heavy) for £500, and then do the conversion with standard components, meaning the motor can be upgraded if necessary (faulty or better version released), the battery is standard, computer is standard etc. All for much cheaper than the price of a German electric bike.

I do like the freedom to buy components from various sources.

I believe the Chinese aftermarket parts are going to become better and cheaper quickly, as they will sell in much larger volumes than integrated bikes. This also applies to batteries and computers.
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