Was it connected to the controller when you did the previous test? They won't switch without a pull-up resistor.Carefully fitted new Hall Sensor and prior to reassembling whole hub and wheel thought I'd best do a test. So reassembled as photo below, but on slowly turning the outer casing I got a constant 5v from all three hall sensors with no fluctuating off. (Two were correctly fluctuating before so changed the faulty constant 5v sensor). Any suggestions?
Yes. Connected to controller then as now.Was it connected to the controller when you did the previous test? They won't switch without a pull-up resistor.
Fluctuating 5v appearing now on all three sensors. Applying slight throttle I was hoping for some rotation (motor as above photo not in hub/wheel). However, nothing. With power off all three phase wires read linked closed circuit when continuity tested. My bike is very basic with only throttle, display and motor. I was getting wheel twitching before motor removal. Controller link below includes connection diagram as unsure if Cruise, EABS and Speed limit wires should be looped? Thanks.Found/fixed bad soldered connection. Continuing to test.
i think we told you that you need an LCD to set it up. Post#24.Thanks. Will leave loop connections open. Controller is matched with my existing simple KT 880 display when sold as a kit. (Display correctly illuminates). Does it matter that all three phase wires will continuity buzz when any one source colour is tested?
We love happy endings!Success. Bike back to working order. Routine for many; but first time in depth repair for me. Many thanks to forum and especially vfr400 for patiently steering me. Chris