Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It may be bad for the banks now, but I don't think it will spread. Expect bank interest to be lowered a little in the next few months.
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Oct 25, 2006
Someone has told Jeremy Hunt that a qubit can be either an 0 or a 1, or even equal both at the same time.

So in his budget he's investing in the development of quantum computers and AI.

Could pay off. A quantum computer programmed by what we like to think is AI could make our national debt our national surplus for banking purposes, which would be ideal in the current banking situation.

While for rejoining the EU our economy could, with quantum computing, both meet the criteria for membership but also qualify for large EU subsidies.

Starmer's got to go some to beat that. :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
must be this computer :D



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

id not invest in that it don't work pmsl

its like the nhs costs billions and worse than useless same as the job centre and a waste of electric :p

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

looks like auto pilot did not save the day lol


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
:pthe toilet is a incinerator
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
So in his budget he's investing in the development of quantum computers and AI.
In comparison to superconductors and hydrogen fusion, quantum computing is pie in the sky.
The best QC can come up with is factorisation of prime numbers. On that, the only proof is QCs can do up to 3 * 7 (both are primes) = 21 faster than you can program your PC for the algorithm. Programmers have no idea how to go beyond 3*7 with QCs because of the number of qubits they can have is so limited. If they have more qubits then automatic error correction become insoluble. There is a long way before QC can be used in practice, may be several centuries.

Hunt's announcement of support for AI and QC is vapourware to hide the fact that his budget is a goodbye present to the top 1% earners who can afford to stuff their pension funds and hand over the pot to the next generation escaping death duty if they die before 75.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
It may be bad for the banks now, but I don't think it will spread. Expect bank interest to be lowered a little in the next few months.
Thought (and frankly hoped) you were right (I mean, can there possibly be any financial problem on this planet a 54 billion dollar bailout by the Swiss govt doesn't solve?).
But, hey ho, CS shares are plunging, again


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

turns out it was the most toxic crap in history and was also useless like i said years ago :p


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
There is an alternative. Since Northern Ireland is effectively still in the EU with an open border to the EU, despite the new agreement, send all the illegal arrivals there since N.I. is so seriously underpopulated.

The rest of Great Britain has a population density of 785 per square mile, Northern Ireland 384 per square mile.

That means N.I. has the capacity to absorb 2.38 millions more to equal the rest of the UK. Not only that, their very fertile large land can feed them too.

The DUP won't like it, but they could either be very welcoming and gain an overwhelming electoral vote, or oppose the introduction and lose it to other parties.

The EU won't like it since it gives the illegals free access back into the EU across the open border, but serve them right for letting them come to us in the first instance.

The parallel thinking solution. :cool:
It really matters to the DUP whether are they Protestant Muslims or Catholic Muslims .
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Potentially a licence to abuse for the unscrupulous if not watched very carefully. An additional occupation for the current people smugglers, getting paid for return journeys instead of just singles.
God, apropos of nothing, wouldn't it be great if we could withdraw leaky ******* Sue's passport and leave her in Rwanda, cancel her return journey?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
A very accurate documentary, cs was indeed stark naked as the tide went out. But some uk banks have been convicted of similar malpractice, and it seems the momentary quantititave easing both sides of the pond hasn't been enough to hide much.
Money goes round and round.
Customers move their money from endangered banks to bigger banks which lend money to the Treasury which lend money back to endangered banks to pay their customers. Meanwhile, hedge funds bet on their next victim.
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Oct 25, 2006
A very accurate documentary, cs was indeed stark naked as the tide went out. But some uk banks have been convicted of similar malpractice, and it seems the momentary quantititave easing both sides of the pond hasn't been enough to hide much.
But does it matter, nobody is going to be surprised? The only people affected are the customers and shareholders, the wealthy and their victims, so nothing new. The human world is predominately a corrupt place where the wealthy minority mostly become that by swindling the majority.

Of course we should use politics through the law to try to prevent that, but what hope is there of that happening when politics is so much more corrupt than the world of finance that the politicians even corrupt the law?

I'm referring to the International Court of Justice and the silly, easily defended charge against Putin. The most important charge they could have brought under their constitution is the one of Aggression, which neither Putin nor Russia could have defended since they are so clearly guilty.

So why wasn't that used? The anwer is obvious, the most guilty of that charge by far during the Court's existence are George W Bush and Tony Blair for the unjustified Second Gulf War attack on Iraq. Especially since US officials are now admitting that the real reason for that was not WMD but regime change, which is strictly illegal under international law.

Add on the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan for expressly regime change purposes and the guilt of the USA and all the NATO nations participating is beyond any reasonable doubt. Even without mentioning the regime change forced upon Libya by NATO countries and the recent attempt at the same in Syria.

But we won't see any of them charged of course, since the charge against Putin is so obviously an expedient illegal misuse of a court for propaganda purposes, a court which itself has no worldwide legitimacy or support.

A court which has now proven it's own corruption by complicity with the political misuse.
