Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The Danes have encountered problems with the extended dose intervals on the pfizer vaccine that we decided to go for broke and gamble with

But then again in this country reading the small print is not in fashion is it?
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Jesus H Christ

Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 31, 2020
The Danes have encountered problems with the extended dose intervals on the pfizer vaccine that we decided to go for broke and gamble with

But then again in this country reading the small print is not in fashion is it?
How many times does it need to be reiterated before it penetrates the bone in your skull?

The strategy is to prevent hospitalisation, not prevent infection. You will need to wait a few days longer to get the protection from infection.

You have posted nothing new. We know this and we have discussed it. Calm down, stop posting boll ocks and wait for your second shot.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
How many times does it need to be reiterated before it penetrates the bone in your skull?

The strategy is to prevent hospitalisation, not prevent infection. You will need to wait a few days longer to get the protection from infection.

You have posted nothing new. We know this and we have discussed it. Calm down, stop posting boll ocks and wait for your second shot.
That may be your goal, but the simple facts are there and you are avoiding reading them once again
Effectively not sticking to the original dosage interval increases the risk of infection, and even if it keeps you out of hospital, it doesn't stop you infecting others does it?
Your aversion to the truth is most unfortunate.
Incidentally I do not require facts to have to penetrate my thick skull even though you suggest it is the normal process, and indeed offer your opinions as proof .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
The Danes have encountered problems with the extended dose intervals on the pfizer vaccine that we decided to go for broke and gamble with

But then again in this country reading the small print is not in fashion is it?
Perhaps they should suspend roll out for a week to relook at figures. That seems to do trick.

The salient issue is not infection... Its death.
4 weeks after Pfizer jab my daughter, her husband and both kids picked infection up. They obviously counted as covid infections but speaking (zoom) throughout you would hardly have known any were ill. Now you could say that would have happened any way but I suspect they simply knew how to fight infection because of jab. It worked, but they still counted as infections.
We, ve been here before OG.

Jesus H Christ

Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 31, 2020
My wife had her vaccination yesterday. She came out of the vaccination centre holding a pad on her arm and a streak of dried watery blood stretching from just below her shoulder to her wrist.

She said that her arm felt wet as the vaccine was administered and that a watery liquid, tinged with blood dripped off her wrist. She has had absolutely no side effects. She questioned the man who performed the procedure if that was normal and he said, “yeah, it’s a good sign.”

Now are both wondering if he’s ****** up the injection and she has no protection. If he has botched it, this could leave her very vulnerable.

First, is this even possible? Can the vaccine leak out? Did it go in? How the hell I resolve this I don’t know. I can only think getting her an anti-body test an a couple of weeks might tell us something. What a fuckup!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
That may be your goal, but the simple facts are there and you are avoiding reading them once again
Effectively not sticking to the original dosage interval increases the risk of infection, and even if it keeps you out of hospital, it doesn't stop you infecting others does it?
Your aversion to the truth is most unfortunate.
Incidentally I do not require facts to have to penetrate my thick skull even though you suggest it is the normal process, and indeed offer your opinions as proof .
It isn't known 2 jabs prevent infection. I don't think it will. They suspect even folk who test negative will be able to carry and pass on infection. Its why they fear a wave come this winter.
To be honest, now I, ve had jab, I, m not concerned about contracting illness. For me, the jab has already worked,but I, m still social distancing. Don't think 2nd jab will alter how I feel.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
My wife had her vaccination yesterday. She came out of the vaccination centre holding a pad on her arm and a streak of dried watery blood stretching from just below her shoulder to her wrist.

She said that her arm felt wet as the vaccine was administered and that a watery liquid, tinged with blood dripped off her wrist. She has had absolutely no side effects. She questioned the man who performed the procedure if that was normal and he said, “yeah, it’s a good sign.”

Now are both wondering if he’s ****** up the injection and she has no protection. If he has botched it, this could leave her very vulnerable.

First, is this even possible? Can the vaccine leak out? Did it go in? How the hell I resolve this I don’t know. I can only think getting her an anti-body test an a couple of weeks might tell us something. What a fuckup!
Ask for another. I don't think you can OD on it. Doesn't sound very professional. Email your doctor. I would, definitely.
And an antibody test in 2 weeks.???

Jesus H Christ

Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 31, 2020
That may be your goal, but the simple facts are there and you are avoiding reading them once again
Effectively not sticking to the original dosage interval increases the risk of infection, and even if it keeps you out of hospital, it doesn't stop you infecting others does it?
Your aversion to the truth is most unfortunate.
Incidentally I do not require facts to have to penetrate my thick skull even though you suggest it is the normal process, and indeed offer your opinions as proof .
It comes down to the simple question. For every 1000 people, do you want to give 500 full protection and leave 500 vulnerable to death? Or do you want to protect all 1000 from death but not infection? You can’t have both because it takes a period of time to deliver 100000000 doses of vaccine.

Why are you such a Bell-end when it comes to this subject? Surely even you can see why it’s being done?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
It comes down to the simple question. For every 1000 people, do you want to give 500 full protection and leave 500 vulnerable to death? Or do you want to protect all 1000 from death but not infection? You can’t have both because it takes a period of time to deliver 100000000 doses of vaccine.

Why are you such a Bell-end when it comes to this subject? Surely even you can see why it’s being done?
There are those of us who can follow that math. However , you consistently ignore the real concern that injecting people with the Pfizer, and then leaving them, with a gradually waning level of protection, will encourage the development of yet more new variants or mutants.
It is recognised that the AZ will not have that concern,as the MEASUREMENTS show an increase in titre up to the 12 weeks .
You might argue that the totally unvaccinated,are more at risk , but they can do what we have done for a year,and remain "cocooned" or in their bubble, and so be uninfected. Moreover the environmental pressure on the virus to mutate is less when it encounters normal hosts. Human behaviour being what it is, those with partial protection ARE engaging in more risky behaviour,and getting infected.
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Jesus H Christ

Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 31, 2020
There are those of us who can follow that math. However , you consistently ignore the real concern that injecting people with the Pfizer, and then leaving them, with a gradually waning level of protection, will encourage the development of yet more new variants or mutants.
It is recognised that the AZ will not have that concern,as the MEASUREMENTS show an increase in titre up to the 12 weeks .
You might argue that the totally unvaccinated,are more at risk , but they can do what we have done for a year,and remain "cocooned" or in their bubble, and so be uninfected. Moreover the environmental pressure on the virus to mutate is less when it encounters normal hosts. Human behaviour being what it is, those with partial protection ARE engaging in more risky behaviour,and getting infected.
The evidence suggests otherwise.

It’s Maths not Math.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
My wife had her vaccination yesterday. She came out of the vaccination centre holding a pad on her arm and a streak of dried watery blood stretching from just below her shoulder to her wrist.

She said that her arm felt wet as the vaccine was administered and that a watery liquid, tinged with blood dripped off her wrist. She has had absolutely no side effects. She questioned the man who performed the procedure if that was normal and he said, “yeah, it’s a good sign.”

Now are both wondering if he’s ****** up the injection and she has no protection. If he has botched it, this could leave her very vulnerable.

First, is this even possible? Can the vaccine leak out? Did it go in? How the hell I resolve this I don’t know. I can only think getting her an anti-body test an a couple of weeks might tell us something. What a fuckup!
Sounds good to me (asking for antibody test and taking it from there - the nhs is an inscrutable bureaucracy that doesnt generally acknowledge **** ups unless it has to). Could there be, I wonder, a lesson in there somewhere about blind faith and things not necessarily going to plan even if our beloved leaders insist they will?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
There are those of us who can follow that math. However , you consistently ignore the real concern that injecting people with the Pfizer, and then leaving them, with a gradually waning level of protection, will encourage the development of yet more new variants or mutants.
It is recognised that the AZ will not have that concern,as the MEASUREMENTS show an increase in titre up to the 12 weeks .
You might argue that the totally unvaccinated,are more at risk , but they can do what we have done for a year,and remain "cocooned" or in their bubble, and so be uninfected. Moreover the environmental pressure on the virus to mutate is less when it encounters normal hosts. Human behaviour being what it is, those with partial protection ARE engaging in more risky behaviour,and getting infected.
You have made that argument numerous times along with OG. Yes, it perhaps has validity but exactly what insight do yourself and others have that JCVI do not.
Its a very presuming position to take, ie you know more about risk and rewards than who ever is making the decisions.
Last week you were arguing to ignore EMA, JCVI and WHO, this week over one aspect you are agreeing with their decision on one matter but disagreeing on another.
Who and JCVI have both endorsed extended delay for Pfizer and AZ.
Like I keep saying. I see those organisations has having expertise and experience to make these difficult decisions. You, me, OG, Flecc, Woosh or JHC do not.
I listen to what they say. Perhaps we all should. They are not lackeys at the disposal of governments.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
My wife had her vaccination yesterday. She came out of the vaccination centre holding a pad on her arm and a streak of dried watery blood stretching from just below her shoulder to her wrist.

She said that her arm felt wet as the vaccine was administered and that a watery liquid, tinged with blood dripped off her wrist. She has had absolutely no side effects. She questioned the man who performed the procedure if that was normal and he said, “yeah, it’s a good sign.”

Now are both wondering if he’s ****** up the injection and she has no protection. If he has botched it, this could leave her very vulnerable.

First, is this even possible? Can the vaccine leak out? Did it go in? How the hell I resolve this I don’t know. I can only think getting her an anti-body test an a couple of weeks might tell us something. What a fuckup!
People who cannot absorb vitamin B12 (as in Pernicious Anaemia) often have very frequent injections - up to every day. Often self-administered.

From time to time, I have read of reports where they have unexpectedly felt as if some of the injected liquid has squirted back out. The usual explanation is they have hit a blood vessel and blood from that is what is coming out. (B12 is red and can look like blood. Hence some confusion.)

But that is a much larger volume.

I believe a competent injector would have cleaned her arm up on the basis of biohazard alone. You do not want drips of blood on the chair, floor, etc.

I absolutely DO NOT believe that "it is a good sign". If just from hitting a blood vessel, possibly of no impact. But I too would want to know more.

Previously have mentioned that I am keeping an eye on a long thread of vaccine experiences. At least a couple of hundred posts now. And not one single person has reported this experience. Does that mean all of them were not as good because they didn't have this sign?

I didn't even need the tiniest pad of cotton wool. It just went in and stayed in. :)


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
A) where has your extra data arrived from.
BBC Breakfast but you can google it if you like. We have 5 cases of CSVT of whom, one person died. 13 cases in the EU.
In view that we use more doses of AZ than the EU, these cases may be under reported in the UK.
B) exactly which in depth medical study can be done in 5 days?
EMA people reviewed the cases and in their judgement, there is not enough evidence linking AZ with CVST. They say there may be, but currently not enough. So their position is to continue with the AZ and keep an eye out for those incidents.
A note for you if you are interested, they are watching women under 55 taking the AZ.


  • the benefits of the vaccine in combating the still widespread threat of COVID-19 (which itself results in clotting problems and may be fatal) continue to outweigh the risk of side effects;
  • the vaccine is not associated with an increase in the overall risk of blood clots (thromboembolic events) in those who receive it;
  • there is no evidence of a problem related to specific batches of the vaccine or to particular manufacturing sites;
  • however, the vaccine may be associated with very rare cases of blood clots associated with thrombocytopenia, i.e. low levels of blood platelets (elements in the blood that help it to clot) with or without bleeding, including rare cases of clots in the vessels draining blood from the brain (CVST).


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The salient issue is not infection... Its death.
What a very strange thing to say! that is a short term view if you don't prevent people getting infected they are likely to pass this on and a new variant that's resistant to the vaccine appear.
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