Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
You had yours yet Danidl?
Nope.. but my son is scheduled for Wednesday as he has CF he is a priority, and my daughter is listed as well..she works in the National Virus Reference labs. As I continue to say, while I would prefer this all to be over, I am prepared to maintain this cocooning ,provided more relevant people get properly vaccinated. Now a slight word of caution , to the newly vaccinated. We had an incident, where the inmates of a nursing home got vaccinated, but there was an outbreak of CV19, 10 days later, and 5 of those innoculated died. It takes a good three weeks for the antibodies in the Pfizer to build up, and it is even quicker than the you need to be wary for a month.


Oct 25, 2006
Has anyone else looked at the U.K. infection rate? I see the signs of the infection rate levelling off at still quite a high figure, possibly even early signs of a slight rise! Is this due to schools reopening?

I think schools should have remained closed until after Easter. I certainly don’t think Party Boy should be opening anything else up until we see what happens to the infection rate. Italy are tightening their COVID restrictions. Like most of the EU, their vaccination record is appalling, but rising infection it is worrying.
Far too soon after the March 8th part opening for the schools to have had any effect, some only went back in the last two days. It's more likely the variants are doing the damage.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Labour‘s problems begin with the fact that a significant number are very wealthy and view themselves as saviours, put onto Earth for the purpose of telling the people that they are poor and that they will save them. When the electorate find this condescending and tell their saviours to **** off, the party blames the electorate.



Oct 25, 2006
Unfortunately Labour has not yet established its own identity yet.
Labour has been torn apart for years now. Hasn't even started healing yet.
Exactly the same as the Tories and their many groupings who tear each other apart as the Brexit votes showed:

Far Right in everything, Moderate anti-EU Conservative, Moderate pro-EU Conservative, Liberal Conservative, plus several special interest groups.

The only reason the voting in GEs usually goes the way it does is that the majority English are naturally both small "c" conservatives and anti-European. They actually don't like any of the parties and haven't done for many decades.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
My friend in France hasn’t. Appalling.

Stupidly, they’ve sown the seeds of mistrust in the AZ vaccine because they think it gives credit to the British. My friend says a lot of his French associates are reluctant to take the AZ vaccine and want PB. That suits me, more AZ for other people.

The EU is leaving vast swathes of its population totally unprotected so that it can add a very small additional level of additional protection to those already protected. It’s totally nuts and you can see the effects of their mistakes in rising infection rates, particularly in Italy and Germany.

As I say, every shot of AZ the EU talk their citizens out of is another shot for someone else in another country. Use it or lose it should be the policy.
You cannot use what you don't have!!!. Supplies of AZ in Europe are miniscule...despite what you may be reading. Now you are mixing two strategies together. The idea of giving the double jab of Pfizer at 3 weeks is more than prudent, and is not the " very small additional level of additional protection" is much more serious than that. There is no evidence in existence that mixing AZ and Pfizer is a good or indeed a bad idea ..that is why there are trials,to get evidence. There is plenty of evidence that the AZ improves up to 12 weeks .
And again and again it is not the EU. The EMA, which is the EU agency have cleared the AZ for all age groups, it is national regulatory compliance authorities eg Denmark who have called a halt, in this case until blood clots are investigated.

Notice the constant refrain ... EVIDENCE.

A fact I have been searching for illustrates the relative importance of the major vaccines. According to the Independent newspaper, there have been 5 million AZ vaccines in the EU and 11 million in the UK. Now none of the UK people will have as yet their double jab of AZ. There are 25 million people in the UK who have received either 1 or 2 jabs, so at least 14 million of the UK population have Pfizer .
So even if all the AZ vaccine in EU is used it makes a single dose treatment to 1% of the population
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
An hour and a half to the minute since you posted; I hope you stay well after the jab.

My wife was one of the many who were quite ill for 48 hours starting the day after (Astra), but as with most others thought it was worth it. I had no effects from Pfizer.
Even the standard flu jab can make one out of sorts about 3 days later.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
This is good to hear, I'm getting my Oxford jab in about an hour and a half and have to admit I am a little apprehensive about the side effects.
Mine was on Friday 5th March.

The injection was almost impossible to detect - despite me trying to watch it.

No pain, lump, or anything in my arm at any stage.

Between then and around Tuesday, I went through some very mild odd feelings. Even when sat still, I felt as if I was going down in a fast lift - just a very slight falling effect.

I had already decided not to have any alcohol for a few days before and a week after. Glad I did so. If I hadn't, I might have put this down to alcohol - not being drunk, just a bit relaxed. Or not properly noticed it.

Also, had decided that it made sense to give the vaccine its best chance of working well.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Mine was on Friday 5th March.

The injection was almost impossible to detect - despite me trying to watch it.

No pain, lump, or anything in my arm at any stage.

Between then and around Tuesday, I went through some very mild odd feelings. Even when sat still, I felt as if I was going down in a fast lift - just a very slight falling effect.

I had already decided not to have any alcohol for a few days before and a week after. Glad I did so. If I hadn't, I might have put this down to alcohol - not being drunk, just a bit relaxed. Or not properly noticed it.

Also, had decided that it made sense to give the vaccine its best chance of working well.
With respect..even the action and relief of getting it done will have induced the relaxation!. Even when one ignores mundane worries, once they are gone, one feels lighter and does not realise how draining they were.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Sorry Flecc (not going back to find post) but unfortunately it's your very thinking that's keeping Labour out of contention. Your whole concept is that Tories are as bad, electorate are wrong, mis led by Tory press, and it's not the fault of Labour and their divisions.(suspect there is more media bias towards left than right now) Let's face it Flecc Tories have hardly pulled any trees up, quite the reverse, but they are way ahead in every respect, and that's after an 80 seat majority.
If Labour don't take a good look at themselves, stop the factions and make themselves relevant to voters and not the idealist Liberal PC brigade they will never get in no 10. We have more chance of Starmer getting some semblance of power with abolition of party politics before current Labour offer viable alternative.
Voters don't want Len McCluskey, Unite or Momentum running country. Sorry Flecc, they just don't, no matter what policies they come up with.
And, you are right, Tories have adopted many policies Corbyn suggested. That's to Johnson credit not fault. Think we, ve got most left wing, high tax, big government Tory cabinet in history.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
See, there it is, right there. What you are looking at is a failure of self reflection. It’s not us, it’s the electorate’s fault for not liking us. :D

We are going to have years & years of Conservative government.
Not my fault! blame the less intelligent in the population for that.
If even over 100,000 mass deaths won't convince them not to vote Tory, because of lying by the media and a campaign of character assassination against the opposition, plus Brexit being the blunder of all time, and now they are trying the same stunt with Sturgeon in an attempt to defuse the independence referendum the Scots want, then it is flattering them to call Tory voters stupid
When in fact they are accomplices to crime.
Perhaps you are the one that needs to try "Self reflection" and not with a fun house distorting mirror as you have so far. :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Sorry Flecc (not going back to find post) but unfortunately it's your very thinking that's keeping Labour out of contention. Your whole concept is that Tories are as bad, electorate are wrong and it's not the fault of Labour and their divisions. Let's face it Flecc Tories have hardly pulled any trees up, quite the reverse, but they are way ahead in every respect, and that's after an 80 seat majority.
If Labour don't take a good look at themselves, stop the factions and make themselves relevant to voters and not the idealist Liberal PC brigade they will never get in no 10. We have more chance of Starmer getting some semblance of power with abolition of party politics before current Labour offer viable alternative.
I wonder just what you actually want Labour to do?.
Let me help

Get rid of the notion that anyone can make Brexit work

Ban donations to the party from foreign agencies like "Friends of Israel" of for that matter business interests

Stand on a platform for rejoining the EU and getting rid of First Past the post in favour of proportional representation.

Stop trying to be Conservatives

As to the future? sooner or later this lot's corruption and incompetence will turn the public against them


Oct 25, 2006
With respect..even the action and relief of getting it done will have induced the relaxation!
Normally agreed, but certainly didn't work for me since with no parking possibility in or around the health centre I couldn't use my car on that cold and wet February day, taking a cab there instead.

When I walked out after the jab it was bucketing with rain. Phoned for a cab but both local services said no cab for at least an hour, so it meant a long walk to the tram stop. As it came into sight I saw a tram just leaving so it was over 15 minutes wait in the cold and wet. When the next one came it only took me to the tram-buses interchange for the bus to my home, where having located the right number bus stop I started another wet wait. When a bus finally turned up it was going in the wrong direction and consulting the small print on the bus stop revealed it was only for that direction. So a quick explore in that big interchange and around the bend I located the other stop for that number bus, just as a bus was pulling away before I could get to it. Long wait number three in the cold and wet. When the bus finally turned up the driver parked before the bus stop, got out and locked the bus to go for his morning break in the canteen, leaving us at the stop in the rain for a bonus 15 minutes.

On getting home I couldn't have been further from relaxed.

Honestly if I'd known all this in advance I'd have skipped that apppointment for the Covid jab with an extra of likely pneumonia.
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Jesus H Christ

Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 31, 2020
Not my fault! blame the less intelligent in the population for that.
If even over 100,000 mass deaths won't convince them not to vote Tory, because of lying by the media and a campaign of character assassination against the opposition, plus Brexit being the blunder of all time, and now they are trying the same stunt with Sturgeon in an attempt to defuse the independence referendum the Scots want, then it is flattering them to call Tory voters stupid
When in fact they are accomplices to crime.
Perhaps you are the one that needs to try "Self reflection" and not with a fun house distorting mirror as you have so far. :D
That’s right. Carry on, it’s definitely the correct approach for defeating the Conservatives :D

People just need telling they are stupid. It’s guaranteed to work.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Even reading this thread can make one feel out of sorts.
Here you are flecc, an appropriate ditty for you

"Sometimes I think that this thread's too long
I should never have let it begin, begin
I should never have let it begin!

Apologies to Tom Lehrer
(But I know you don't regret it, and neither do I):cool:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Normally agreed, but certainly didn't work for me since with no parking possibility in or around the health centre I couldn't use my car on that cold and wet February day, taking a cab there instead.

When I walked out after the jab it was bucketing with rain. Phoned for a cab but both local services said no cab for at least an hour, so it meant a long walk to the tram stop. As it came into sight I saw a tram just leaving so it was over 15 minutes wait in the cold and wet. When the next one came it only took me to the tram-buses interchange for the bus to my home, where having located the right number bus stop I started another wet wait. When a bus finally turned up it was going in the wrong direction and consulting the small print on the bus stop revealed it was only for that direction. So a quick explore in that big interchange and around the bend I located the other stop for that number bus, just as a bus was pulling away before I could get to it. Long wait number three in the cold and wet. When the bus turned finally turned up the driver parked before the bus stop, got out and locked the bus to go for his morning break in the canteen, leaving us at the stop in the rain for a bonus 15 minutes.

On getting home I couldn't have been further from relaxed.

Honestly if I'd known all this in advance I'd have skipped that apppointment for the Covid jab with an extra of likely pneumonia.
As you closed the door behind you did you catch that deep mellow voice in the sky complaining

"Drat! missed the old b****r again!":D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That’s right. Carry on, it’s definitely the correct approach for defeating the Conservatives :D

People just need telling they are stupid. It’s guaranteed to work.
It most certainly did!
That is a good description of what method was used by the Leave campaign normal people would have seen though the obvious lies and false promises but too many didn't. And that's why they were so successful
Well spotted :D
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Oct 25, 2006
Sorry Flecc (not going back to find post) but unfortunately it's your very thinking that's keeping Labour out of contention.
Not so, I repeat:

The only reason the voting in GEs usually goes the way it does is that the majority English are naturally both small "c" conservatives and anti-European. They actually don't like any of the parties and haven't done for many decades.

When will it sink in with you that no form of Labour party can win now that the SNP have Scotland. Even Blair would never have got in without Scotland's majority Labour seats, he was a Scot himself, and so was his chancellor and much of the rest of his cabinet.

No reformed Labour government will get in again until either the SNP lose Scotland to them, or Labour become at least as Tory as the Tories.

Think we, ve got most left wing, high tax, big government Tory cabinet in history.
Proving how capable Corbyn was in his policies they copied.
