Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
that article was based on selected circumstances:
The Cochrane review12 searched through six established databases (Appendix 1) looking for randomised control trials and quasi-randomised control trials investigating surgical outcomes comparing the use of disposable surgical masks with the use of no masks. The authors limited the scope of their analysis only to patients undergoing clean procedures (whereby the operating procedure does not enter a body cavity or viscus normally colonised by bacteria). The review chose not to investigate the role of mask in clean-contaminated, contaminated or dirty wounds as one would expect that masks would contribute less towards the prevention of surgical site infections under such circumstances. Primary outcomes of postoperative surgical wound infection and secondary outcomes of costs, length of hospital stay and mortality rates were ascertained.
Where wearing a mask makes a difference is when you walk into a busy supermarket where statistically covid virus is bound to be present in the air. You stay for 10-15 minutes, long enough to catch the virus and short enough not to keep wiping your glasses.
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Oct 25, 2006
Where wearing a mask makes a difference is when you walk into a busy supermarket where statistically covid virus is bound to be present in the air.
In Aldi and Lidl maybe. In Waitrose or M & S the virus wouldn't dare.

You stay for 10-15 minutes, long enough to catch the virus and short enough not to keep wiping your glasses.
I don't wear glasses. :)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Look vfr it's like this (an example) way back their was much talk of an exit from Europe, eventually a vote and leavers won the day. Everyone discused about what should then happen and some guy sitting in an office decided to call the whole damn silly nonsense Brexit as in Britain Exiting Europe, he was on tv talking about it but you didn't see it because you don't watch tv and good on you for that...very wise.

The Great Reset is exactly the same thing, some daft sod thought the term up now it's caught on. If you think about it when life does get back to normal many people will have to reset themselves, I wont because I'm already Mr Normal so never need re-setting.
The "daft sod" was Claus Schwab. chairman of the world Economic Forum! You're right, it does seem to have caught on. Nearly every world leader of the Western World is now calling for it, and it's all over the BBC, in every newspaper and in Time magazine - a bit like Qanon, eh!


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Nearly every world leader of the Western World is now calling for it
that's because it is generally accepted as good goals.
Wouldn't you want to live in a world where the environment is better protected?
I'd like a basic universal income for all for example.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
As part of my degree half a century ago we had to do units on Thermodynamics, Quantum Physics and Theory of Relativity.
Only thing I learned from it all was if this is all true absolutely anything from ghosts to aliens could be.
Explaining time dilation to disinterested students years later only added to the mystery.
(I should add trying to explain, it's inexplicable)
So that's where Hancock learned his trade
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
How can you guys say it's a hoax or conspiracy, when it's published on the WEF website and in Time magazine? Are you in denial or something? It's even on the BBC. I like the way they're trying to blame Covid. Schwab was making speeches about it in 2016, and it was on the WEF website long before they even released the virus:
Oh good grief, not again


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Sort of typifies our dilemna.
"Politics is a field where the choice lies constantly between two blunders"
Amazingly against overwhelming odds that occasionally we should get lucky we never do.
For example assuming we "missed a bullet" with Corbyn
Why did we have to stop a round from a German 88 with Johnson?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 1, 2018
North Wales
Boris is usually fairly poor at PMQs but I thought he was worse than usual today. He looked very tired to me, I wonder if he is suffering from long Covid. The Speaker had to tell him off at least twice.

Credit where credit is due though, we do seem (at the moment at least) to be doing better than most if not all of the 27 EU countries when it comes to vaccine roll out. Not sure if that will last but it has been a good start lets hope they keep drastically increasing the amount of people injected every week.

There was a good piece on Newsnight last night about the mess the EU seems to have got themselves into in regards to vaccine purchase. It looks like the Germans may be getting fed up with the mass EU purchasing plan and are looking to go it alone and buy some themselves.

I have a slight worry that the EU might put pressure on the big pharma companies to fill their orders rather than smaller orders (such as ours). If I remember correctly I think a similar thing happened during the start of the pandemic when it comes to PPE manufacture. Wales and Scotland tried to go it alone and purchase a big order of materials and were initially promised this, but supplies where diverted to much larger purchasers.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
The "daft sod" was Claus Schwab. chairman of the world Economic Forum! You're right, it does seem to have caught on. Nearly every world leader of the Western World is now calling for it, and it's all over the BBC, in every newspaper and in Time magazine - a bit like Qanon, eh!
I've never heard of Claus Slob and I'll wager he's never heard of me either so evens on that. The world doesn't need a forum to decide how to run It's economies it can sort itself out... or not.

Answer this one for me if you can, how will we reset? what do we need to do to ensure our wealth health & security in the years ahead. If we need to reset we'll go back to what we have always had, a bit like turning your phone off & on when it plays up a bit...all back to normal. But now we are told the future is a ' New Normal' so what's being reset and what changes do you and I or any of us come to that will need to adjust to.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
Tesco now operating a one person per household policy, mandatory hand sanitiser, strict queue into shop.

Not exactly complaining but a big contrast to just a few days ago.
Interesting, I'll be over Tesco's in a few hours time so I'll report back. I'll be going alone so no problem there, I always wear gloves so sanitizer not needed. Queuing is unlikely as my local store is bigger than a footie pitch although they do count you in & out to keep to a set number of shoppers.
I never queue anyway, I just tell them at the door I'm from Special Branch and they think that means head office so in I'll stroll. I'll also get a 15% discount too because I'm a crafty old fox that knows every trick in the book ;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Amazingly against overwhelming odds that occasionally we should get lucky we never do.
For example assuming we "missed a bullet" with Corbyn
Why did we have to stop a round from a German 88 with Johnson?
The bullet we dodged wasn't Corbyn, it was May with a weak government. We, d still be arguing about first lockdown.
Redeeming feature of this lot is that at least they can make decisions. Be patient, they will make a good one eventually.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015

The @Foodanddrinkfed's Ian Wright tells the Brexit committee: one well-prepared, major company said that a UK to EU export which before January 1 took 3 hrs, took *5 days*

Which prompted the "Porkie of the Day"
And when confronted with this on
, Con MP for Mansfield Ben ‘crack den and brothels’ Bradley said no Tory ever claimed Brexit would be easy....

Looks like Gove is going the way of Trump!
Well you can wish........... :cool:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The bullet we dodged wasn't Corbyn, it was May with a weak government. We, d still be arguing about first lockdown.
Redeeming feature of this lot is that at least they can make decisions. Be patient, they will make a good one eventually.
Unfortunately, like everyone else, I am only mortal:oops:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
History is written (or erased) by the victors
the £435,000 'donation' the DUP received from the CRC which contributed to the delivery of Brexit which screwed everyone in the UK as did their £1bn 'Confidence & Supply Agreement' that enabled the Tories to cling to power in 2017.
Quote Tweet
Regarding the "Bung" given to the DUP
Electoral Transparency -
asks the Electoral Commission, "Have you been told or given an explanation as to where the money came from?"

Electoral Commission, "Afraid that I don't wish to discuss it any further"
The new rules would see the Electoral Commission publish details of donations to Stormont parties over £7,500.

The British government wants the rules to date from July 1 this year but opposition parties believe they should back-dated to 2014, in accordance with previously agreed legislation.
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