They it can be done, we have over 100 lamp post charge points in London now, but they are slow charging at about 10 amps maximum which only slowly tops up. Even then only some lamp post circuits are suitable over small areas. To fully charge today's latest e-cars reliably overnight needs at least a 30 amp feed at each point, preferably more.
Take my side street. It typically has some forty cars parked overnight, with four lamp posts which theoretically could cover 10% e-cars, assuming they could get to park alongside them. To ensure full charging each night each would need a 30 amp feed, so 120 amps in all, which would need a huge thickness cable at 220 volts.
But of course that's fed from the long cul de sac at the bottom which has over 50 lamp posts along its length and has some 14 side roads like mine off it . So we are speaking of well over 100 lamp posts and well over 3000 amps at 220 volts to supply just 10% of cars in my one little patch with about a 1000 homes.
There are no cables for that, they'd be solid copper bars! It can be done in positions very close to sub stations, but not on the common lighting networks.