Brexit, for once some facts.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Chris Grayling said that no public money was wasted on the aborted ferry contract out of Ramsgate....that is excepting the £800k spent on consultants,who advised that the deal had ‘significant risks’
Who paid for the dredging operation?
What is obvious is that Brexit viewed the government through a glass wall....the government were clearly incompetent before Brexit but Brexit has shown how poor this government already was.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Yeah. I was never convinced you were going to like that. Oh well. Human progress is hard to believe. But the facts speak for themselves. Facts you're not interested in though. Shame.
Rubbish! you grorified abuse of men women and children on a hugely increased scale for profit that took years of struggle to correct, and resulted in many thousands of miserable lives that ended in premature and painful death.
Your facts resulted in the fact of that suffering, but you refuse to accept that as it makes poor propaganda

Right wingers have no shame when it comes to distorting the realities of history. to suit their evil purposes.
Your version of the future is a return to the same to benefit the rich.

The shame is yours, but you are incapable of feeling it
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Rubbish! you grorified abuse of men women and children on a hugely increased scale for profit that took years of struggle to correct, and resulted in many thousands of miserable lives that ended in premature and painful death.
Your facts resulted in the fact of that suffering, but you refuse to accept that as it makes poor propaganda

Right wingers have no shame when it comes to distorting the realities of history. to suit their evil purposes.
Your version of the future is a return to the same to benefit the rich.

The shame is yours, but you are incapable of feeling it
Jesus OG give it a rest. You really are losing it. Calm down for gods sake.
You are sounding like a temperance minister from 20's. Whats next, fire and brimstone and wrath of god..
Workhouses will not be reopening in April, the world and UK are already an unfair place and our social saviour wants out anyway. So get off your soapbox.
Your wrath should be directed elsewhere. Wasted and misdirected on here.

This is what the extreme left wing lunatics have caused.
If we had fewer people ranting and raving utter nonsense and more supporting a decent normal labour movement capable of actually running country, representing actual people rather than spouting left wing clap trap we just might have had a labour government by now.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
And just what is this change going to be? let's hear how your selling out to America is going to "Bring this country round and make it succesful"
Just who, and how are we to suddenly have in place an administration that has the nous to run the country successfully?

Right now
What is your great plan for this? come on, we have had "We could!" as the plan for the last two years.
Brexit is almost here , are you proposing we go on with "We could" as a plan?
Or are you proposing we sell out the running of this Union of Nations to Foreigners?

Who is going to do these things?
"Once we are outside the EU, many of the assumptions about public policy will be up for grabs."
Who will be doing the Grabbing?
No plan there is there?

"For me, leaving the European Union has always been about change and being able to find new opportunities for our country."
Who is going to do this? liam Fox?
Once again No plan is there

You wasted your time with that post it amounted to absolutely nothing positive about our future
The truth is you are behaving exactly as Boris did before the referendum
Where's your Red Bus? OJ? What is the Big plan?
You haven't got one you say?

Project "We could" is just another Fairy Tale, isn't it?

The real plan you have is to sell the country to the highest bidder which is likely to be the USA
The key phrase in your post is, "There is no plan." That is undeniably true, there is no plan and we found that out the day after the referendum result was announced. Some strongly suspected that there was no plan, and those suspicions were confirmed on 24/06/2016. Since that date, the promises, the aspirations and the vision has been falling apart, bit by bit each day, until we are now left with something that bears no resemblance to what was voted on.

We have to face the facts that this country has no leaders capable of successfully taking us out of the EU. We must accept that a significant number of the British public are technically bust, in debt over their heads and can not afford Brexit however much they would like it. We have not invested sufficiently in manufacturing, and product development, treating our engineers as second class citizens and favouring vulture lawyers, banking gamblers and party planners instead. We have no base on which to move forward into the wider world, we have sat back and watched it all ebb away.

On a brighter note, I suppose Chris Grayling is a beacon of hope for all the children in the Dunces class at school. He is living proof that no matter how talentless, how retarded or how useless you may be, it is still possible to rise to one of the top jobs in this country. I think that's a good thing?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Tommie, and perhaps others, there is an opinion piece in todays Guardian by a John Harris regarding NI attitudes towards Brexit. Other than I feel no anger ,just profound disappointment,I can relate to everything in the Article.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Jesus OG give it a rest. You really are losing it. Calm down for gods sake.
You are sounding like a temperance minister from 20's. Whats next, fire and brimstone and wrath of god..
Workhouses will not be reopening in April, the world and UK are already an unfair place and our social saviour wants out anyway. So get off your soapbox.
Your wrath should be directed elsewhere. Wasted and misdirected on here.

This is what the extreme left wing lunatics have caused.
If we had fewer people ranting and raving utter nonsense and more supporting a decent normal labour movement capable of actually running country, representing actual people rather than spouting left wing clap trap we just might have had a labour government by now.
Other than the UK in the guise if NI had that type of Temperance Minister 50 to 70 years later than the 1920s..not much wrong with your post.
OG may gave gone a little OTT, but the sentiments would have been strongly felt. ..and within our lifetimes. My fathers first appointment was as a medical director to what was essentially a hygienic feeding centre in Dublin in 1947. The mortality rate for infants, due to dysentry etc had risen to the 70% region ,because of poor public sewers outdoor toilets ,which had been neglected since 1840. .. Look at early episodes of "Call the midwife " , for a sanitised version. . Properties which had been allowed decay since the Act of Union 1802
It was rampant capitalism and a refusal to invest in social infrastructure which led to this. Mind you the doctinare economic war by the then free state government with the British from 1925 to 1935 ,did not help. I do recall seeing these properties and the deprivation linked with them when I did a little social work in the late 1960s
One of my concerns ,relating to England and the Brexit fiasco is that it is reminiscent of the ill fated Irish Free state economic war with the British


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Jesus OG give it a rest. You really are losing it. Calm down for gods sake.
You are sounding like a temperance minister from 20's. Whats next, fire and brimstone and wrath of god..
Workhouses will not be reopening in April, the world and UK are already an unfair place and our social saviour wants out anyway. So get off your soapbox.
Your wrath should be directed elsewhere. Wasted and misdirected on here.

This is what the extreme left wing lunatics have caused.
If we had fewer people ranting and raving utter nonsense and more supporting a decent normal labour movement capable of actually running country, representing actual people rather than spouting left wing clap trap we just might have had a labour government by now.
Still here? still pretending to be a socialist? and right now is the very worst time that a Labour government should be in power after the way people voted for a disaster, or have you changed your mind again?

And as usual you wrongly quoted a speech from 2010 where Corbyn attacked all and sundry including the IMF and the bankers.
He was bang on the money too.
This is good advice
Your wrath should be directed elsewhere. Wasted and misdirected on here.
Take it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Other than the UK in the guise if NI had that type of Temperance Minister 50 to 70 years later than the 1920s..not much wrong with your post.
OG may gave gone a little OTT, but the sentiments would have been strongly felt. ..and within our lifetimes. My fathers first appointment was as a medical director to what was essentially a hygienic feeding centre in Dublin in 1947. The mortality rate for infants, due to dysentry etc had risen to the 70% region ,because of poor public sewers outdoor toilets ,which had been neglected since 1840. .. Look at early episodes of "Call the midwife " , for a sanitised version. . Properties which had been allowed decay since the Act of Union 1802
It was rampant capitalism and a refusal to invest in social infrastructure which led to this. Mind you the doctinare economic war by the then free state government with the British from 1925 to 1935 ,did not help. I do recall seeing these properties and the deprivation linked with them when I did a little social work in the late 1960s
One of my concerns ,relating to England and the Brexit fiasco is that it is reminiscent of the ill fated Irish Free state economic war with the British
Not much wrong with yours either Danidl. I, ve had more than my fair share of seeing and trying to deal with social injustice. Brexit might or might not be significant in curing it or making it worse. Nobody really knows and we seem to be in an impossible position deciding when both extremes of our political spectrum appear to champion cause of leaving.
To my mind EU comisioners are as far removed from social injustice and poverty as our tory ministers and about as likely to really do something about either. But thats me getting on my soap box.
The entire episode has shown the fallacy within our governence. The lies, the self serving and the fact many have shown themselves totally inappropriate to hold office, especially so on the left side of parliament,are perhaps beneficial aspects.
We have never had a party in power with such an unelectable oppositiin.
There is need for change in our system and probably an entirely new party. The old divisions of left and right, Tory and Labour, seem somehow wrong.
We need strong, sensible econonic policies with caring, social care. They seem mutually exclusive with whats on offer at moment.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
On a brighter note, I suppose Chris Grayling is a beacon of hope for all the children in the Dunces class at school. He is living proof that no matter how talentless, how retarded or how useless you may be, it is still possible to rise to one of the top jobs in this country. I think that's a good thing?
it's not only Grayling who is inept for the job. We have had BJ, DD, Raab and TM.
These people have been promoted because they are supposed to be standard bearers for brexit, however, none of them knows where the exit door is.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Still here? still pretending to be a socialist? and right now is the very worst time that a Labour government should be in power after the way people voted for a disaster, or have you changed your mind again?

And as usual you wrongly quoted a speech from 2010 where Corbyn attacked all and sundry including the IMF and the bankers.
He was bang on the money too.
This is good advice
Your wrath should be directed elsewhere. Wasted and misdirected on here.
Take it.
Well at least it proves you listened, read the link.
However, the prescient aspect was not his criticism of IMF or banks (yes, probably right as you said but so what) it was his attack on EU. He hates it more than you hate leavers. Where does that leave your concept of Brexit is for exploitation. In tatters, thats where.
Or perhaps Corbyn has secretly invested in workhouses and child labour agencies.
OG, you could benefit from a no deal.
Hull will be a great big van park come April. Charge couple of quid an hour for your drive way. Put your pinny on, sereve Tea and bacon sarnies to all the truck drivers. You, ve cracked it. Self employed...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Well at least it proves you listened, read the link.
However, the prescient aspect was not his criticism of IMF or banks (yes, probably right as you said but so what) it was his attack on EU. He hates it more than you hate leavers. Where does that leave your concept of Brexit is for exploitation. In tatters, thats where.
Or perhaps Corbyn has secretly invested in workhouses and child labour agencies.
OG, you could benefit from a no deal.
Hull will be a great big van park come April. Charge couple of quid an hour for your drive way. Put your pinny on, sereve Tea and bacon sarnies to all the truck drivers. You, ve cracked it. Self employed...
First let's cover that line
"it was his attack on EU. He hates it more than you hate leavers."
There was no special

mention given to the EU over the other recipients of his ire.

That is entirely a figment of your imagination, though to be honest, I don't rate Corbyn as a man who can make Brexit work anyway
Like everyone else he can't work miracles.

And for your information, I don't hate "leavers" that too is another sign your need to put a leash on your imagination.
I'm actually sorry for them, on the basis that even of they aren't sorry for the mistake they have made, someone has to be.
And for your imagination, though there are a couple small ferries, entrance and exit from the docks they use precludes increasing the amount of traffic and there is the bankside mooring for one large enough ferry to matter.
There is only room for one ship at the roll on roll off ferry so Hull already is a lorry park as the ship sails only once a day, and the dredged channel is only wide enough for one ship, which takes all day to load!
Immingham is where any big changes will take place.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Tommie, two interesting snippets from my visit to Belfast today..
I noticed two of your city buses with different routes on them. Both were travelling to City centre ,one via Falls Rd abd other vis Shankhil Rd. . One also displayed a sign" Lar an cearthar" as well. Why not thr other one?.
Of greater import however was a conversation I had in Sorucefield, with an avid horseman. The conversation got around to Brexit it does, and he outlined a very serious problems from his viewpoint. In thr crash out model, an equine passport is required for travel .OK, but it must be accompanied by an indate vet report which lasts 3 months. These reports dont come cheap at,he said 300 a pop.
That would put a major dint in an activity well liked in both countries. jumping etc . The British racing industry got a setback this week and would have lost millions
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
Tommie, two interesting snippets from my visit to Belfast today..
I noticed two of your city buses with different routes on them. Both were travelling to City centre ,one via Falls Rd abd other vis Shankhil Rd. . One also displayed a sign" Lar an cearthar" as well. Why not thr other one?.
Of greater import however was a conversation I had in Sorucefield, with an avid horseman. The conversation got around to Brexit it does, and he outlined a very serious problems from his viewpoint. In thr crash out model, an equine passport is required for travel .OK, but it must be accompanied by an indate vet report which lasts 3 months. These reports dont come cheap at,he said 300 a pop.
That would put a major dint in an activity well liked in both countries. jumping etc . The British racing industry got a setback this week and would have lost millions

The bigger worry for your racing industry is Cheltenham.

Tick tock.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
Tommie, two interesting snippets from my visit to Belfast today..
I noticed two of your city buses with different routes on them. Both were travelling to City centre ,one via Falls Rd abd other vis Shankhil Rd. . One also displayed a sign" Lar an cearthar" as well. Why not thr other one?.
Of greater import however was a conversation I had in Sorucefield, with an avid horseman. The conversation got around to Brexit it does, and he outlined a very serious problems from his viewpoint. In thr crash out model, an equine passport is required for travel .OK, but it must be accompanied by an indate vet report which lasts 3 months. These reports dont come cheap at,he said 300 a pop.
That would put a major dint in an activity well liked in both countries. jumping etc . The British racing industry got a setback this week and would have lost millions

believe me the local hoo-ray henrys around here could well afford their 300 certificate if that was the case, it would pale into insignificance if you were to see the typical vets eyewatering charges.

I may know the answer to your first query if you could translate please?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
believe me the local hoo-ray henrys around here could well afford their 300 certificate if that was the case, it would pale into insignificance if you were to see the typical vets eyewatering charges.

I may know the answer to your first query if you could translate please?
.. are you playing wuth me?. I full well know that An Lar refers to the city centre.... the amusing point is that it was only on the bus going via the Falls . Would those on the Shankhill not be demanding their version in Ulster Scot?.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
The comment slipped out after a long, geeky conversation about Brexit’s potential impact on Ireland’s trade, employment, banking and consumer confidence. “You know, we’d almost forgotten how good it felt to stick it to the Brits.” The speaker shrugged and grinned. “Old habits.
This was not a grizzled Sinn Féin party activist in west Belfast, but a young business professional in a cafe near the Dublin headquarters of Facebook and Google – the heart of new, globalised Ireland. Yet here was an admission – a declaration – of schadenfreude echoing down from a centuries-old resentment at the colonial master who came and stayed for 800 years.
I hear it from officials, shopkeepers, academics, truckers, artists and students: the Irish government is right to insist on the backstop, and if that gives Britain’s ruling class an aneurysm, well, grab some popcorn and enjoy the spectacle.
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Oct 25, 2006
.. are you playing wuth me?. I full well know that An Lar refers to the city centre.... the amusing point is that it was only on the bus going via the Falls . Would those on the Shankhill not be demanding their version in Ulster Scot?.
Both Scottish and Irish translators came out with the same meaning for me:

Lar the right.

Maybe wrong as they were online translators
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