No, I dont think anyone said anything of kind. Fact is we are living with smallest percentage of world population in poverty than any other time in modern history.
And helped in no small measure by China raising its living standards to a point where bordering on a billion people have been taken out of poverty by essentially capitalism, and not communism.
Glad you didnt defend your random babble. Well done.
For those disagreeing, answer this.
Given a free choice as to when and where but after that a random choice, when and where would you choose to be born again.
I, d choose born 1960,Western Europe. Chances are you, d be well fed, have decent health care, have a job, get an education, learn to read and write, not go to war, draw a pension and die in peace. We really never had it so good. But then again I escaped from Hull.
I wasborn in the ruins of a devastated city lucky to een be here as Mother had been bombed out twice while carrying me and was brought up with actual knowledge of hardship, so I really don't require a lecture from you.
So I too would choose to be born 1960, but I wasn't.
I certainly would not willingly give up what we had, and yet you voted without even thinking about the likely consequences to take the risk of endangering all of those things by leaving the EU and placing your fate fully in the hands of the Worst Government and indeed opposition for a lifetime?
What leap of faith in a failed system (which you are demanding needs changing ) was that?
No one is riding to the rescue, it's more a case of vultures circling,and as I recall in your own words you saw this as an "opportunity to do some smart deals" as one of the reasons you voted leave.
That was of course after the original claim you made "I didn't vote" and the second version "I didn't mention I voted leave as I didn't want to be controversial"
These three statements are there on record.
"what smart deals" did you have in mind? Chumming up to America, which will cost us the NHS and much more, or do you prefer holding your nose and chumming up to China (ignoring the inconvenient Communist bit?)
And if you ever did come to Hull, exactly what did you do and have to escape from? we do of course have a rather large Prison.
Be truthful, you have a lot of hangups about the EU and you voted on a whim, in the Referendum not even believing the leave vote would win, it was just another Chancer bet, just a wager to you,with no inkling or care for the consequences.
And you still haven't, and don't care as you have the means and can skip the country when the going gets tough.
Exactly like the other champions of leave will, and are, already in the process of doing.